Can we have a thread where we shit on Crash Course? Haven't seen one in a while (pic related)

Can we have a thread where we shit on Crash Course? Haven't seen one in a while (pic related)

Other urls found in this thread:,_Greece

>Athens in Peloponnesos.

Holy shit...

What video was this?

this can't be real

The one on the Greeks and Persians (ep.5) where he says that the Greeks losing to the Persians would have a positive effect on history and that democracy would've just developed later if it wasn't for Athens, claims that are just as adequate as the map in OP

holy shit

Oh but it is at 5:13

That's unforgivable.

Also, Tripoli

I mean, he's not *wrong* but it's entirely missing the point

>he's not *wrong*
John Greene pls go

Also this

how would the persians conquering greece benefit history in anyway?

Because Greece is West and the West is automatically evil. The Easterners are noble, enlightened foreigners who do everything right and have been mistreated.

Crash Course always takes an interesting topic, picks the least interesting aspect of the topic, then dilutes it by analyzing said aspect with an abject and unashamed liberal bias.

It proudly owns up to it's liberal message and is consistent about it, I guess, but god is the research for the graphics so badly done and the writing is very passive aggressive.

>athens wus soupth of sparda !!!!1

*castrated progressive
dont associate liberals with this crap

didn't he say military historians are worthless

I don't need to shit on Crash Course all I have to do is remember how John Green got his wife and I'm a lot happier about myself.

Oh yeah the Civil War video absolutely shit on any and all military history. Pretty depressing but also laughable

its funny to me that since european power is more recent it gets more precedent in their heads


how is that, champ?

I don't think he makes the animations.

>Cologne cathedral took 1000 years to complete.
>standard mosque took no less than 30 years
>That means medieval Western Europeans where knuckle dragging subhumans that should've just converted to Islam if they wanted to be smart and civilized lol

>Become an architect for a building you know you'll never see the completion of
That's some feels

I've got a better version for you, user.

>Let's talk about everything but the battles, because there's no way I could live up to a Ken Burns documentary in both its delivery and accuracy.

I know! Instead, I'll make a passive agressive jab at anyone who even remotely shows interest in the Civil War by not only not integrating the battles into the context of the world around them, but by taking it a step further and ridiculing anyone who wanted to know about them in the first place! Look how progressive and smart I am! Fuck white people! White men in particular!

Where in the hell did I put my shotgun? Jesus Christ, this fucking guy.

You know he is Christian himself, right?

He's a protestant, probably doesn't know why he's a Christian just a thing he was born into, and probably hates anything Catholic related and has scorn for Medieval Europe. it really bugs me that he and his ghost writer, his history teacher 'Raul something' made that point completely ignoring Chartes, Norte Dame de Paris and all the other great cathedrals built LONG before Cologne cathedral

Don't get triggered over a YouTube video

Slavery was forbidden in the Persian empire
Sparta had one citizen for 9-10 slaves

what the fuck?

>positive effect on history
what a fucking retard

>the persians should've won because they were le progressive and muh whig philosophy
God I hate him, I saw his book in a store today and I almost barfed.

>he says that the Greeks losing to the Persians would have a positive effect on history
I refuse to believe this guy is serious

>Don't get triggered over a YouTube video

holy fuck

this can't be true i refuse to believe this

stop getting triggered by such trivial shit and geez
>muh 1000 year cathedral
Well they should, muslims had faster building skills afterall

>Chartres Cathedral. Partly built starting in 1145, and then reconstructed over a 26-year period after the fire of 1194, Chartres Cathedral marks the high point of French Gothic art.

Please hang yourself along with John Green and the rest of his cancerous fanbase

>muh single 1000 year cathedral represents ALL of Europe

This is the problem and you and him can't see it

imagine being such a contrarian that you unironically believe that it would be better if the persians had won

Repostin this [Open]
> makes a video about the dark ages
>euro centrism am i right guys?
>talks about everyone but europeans while taking every chance he can to shit on europe
If your gonna make a video on the middle ages, do more than brush over the surface of europe

But that’s a valid idea in history
Same with Carthage winning the punic wars, it would lead to decentralised empires like the Dutch republic rather than the centralised rule of the Spanish empire

>Slavery was forbidden in the Persian empire
That isn't entirely correct, they had penal slavery and POWs were subject to that law

The problem isn't that, the problem is that such a massive change so far back gets to the level gets to "Who the fuck can even know?".

I mean, on the one hand, there were the colonies in Southern Italy, on the other hand, the gravy train would've stopped... y'see how it's basically impossible to say "it would have had a positive/negative effect on Western Civilization."

>This video is unavailable

>everyone commenting on Athens' placement
>not a word about Tripoli, which a city in fucking Africa

Man did I overestimate you guys' intelligence.,_Greece

I bet you feel really silly now

look at this fuckin retard