>The entire atheist religion was destroyed by a fedora meme
The entire atheist religion was destroyed by a fedora meme
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No i'm still an atheist.
post hurrr there must be something that created this because muh fibonacci sequence and other bullshit
god does not exist.
>god does not exist
It's funny how not a single atheist who's ever claimed this can provide any evidence for it. It's almost like their belief requires....faith
>there are people who are arrogant enough to claim certainty on how something as celestially gigantic and ancient as the universe was created
>as a part of a literal-who species on a literal-where planet amongst trillions of other planets
Nah, all of you guys, atheists and theists, can fuck off with your hubris.
>the burden of proof lies on atheist
nice meme, is it all the dick you were fed in church during childhood that prevents you from actually thinking
I have coherent beliefs, I just don't make proclamations of celestial proportions based on fucking NOTHING.
most atheist would gladly accept god with a proof, but that seems to be the tricky part. That and basic logic/rethoric knowledge
>muh prove non-existence
bitch, you can't even prove presence, and I should disprove every single possible explanation of God.
Go ahead, prove to me hobbits and unicorn don't exist.
>Atheist claims God does not exist
>asked to provide evidence for that claim
Every. Single. Time
But their are atheists who claim God does not exist, and every time they're asked to give evidence to prove that, they can't.
proclaiming the non existence of god is of celestial proportions
And I never did, so...? I'm saying the existence of God or not is such a cosmological question that I, an uneducated low-lifeform should not dare even ask the question, because I have no way of knowing.
Arrogance is being human and pretending to know the universe.
fencesitters are atheist by default
there is no middleground
either god exists or he doesnt if you dont live like he exists that means you dont believe in him
Not the guy you responded to, but isn't it impossible to be neutral on something as big as whether the universe has a creator? It's something you either do or don't believe
>either god exists or he doesnt if you dont live like he exists that means you dont believe in him
If god exists then those people were created not to believe and are doing gods work.
>If god exists then those people were created not to believe and are doing gods work.
>tips yarmulke
an atheist, by definition, makes the claim that there definitively is NOT a God. I'm saying there COULD be a God, but I'll wait for objective evidence before deciding. I'm undecided on the existence of God and likely will be for the rest of my life because I'm not an arrogant asshole who believes myself to be knowledgeable of all existence.
Leprechauns don't exist.
luke 11:23
Your point being...?
Okay George W. Bush. Sorry to offend your God, but Christianity isn't the only religion so I don't really care.
at least you admit youre an atheist now
I still don't know what you're getting at
No, Christianity just doesn't have the monopoly on the interpretation of God.
So saying "oh btw Jesus doesn't like you," doesn't mean much to me because for all I know, the true Gods are fucking Babylonian, or Roman. IDK, do you? Doesn't affect my day, so I don't really care.
It's amazing how much you people can get obsessed over an answer you're guaranteed to have anyway when you die, and until then has literally no effect on your life.
>im not an atheist i just get really rustled for no reason when someone mentions god
Yeah, I'm not an atheist. I don't believe in the big bang, and I don't believe for certainty that God exists.
Sorry your atheist boogeyman doesn't apply to everyone. I just doubt that the Abrahamic God is the real God. If there is a God, I imagine it's some form of advanced intelligence beyond human imagining, not the Abrahamic God (or any other human-conceived God, for that matter).
>I don't believe for certainty that God exists
which makes you an atheist senpai
> I just doubt that the Abrahamic God is the real God
i forgot to mention
> it's some form of advanced intelligence beyond human imagining, not the Abrahamic God
this is literally what christianity teaches
that god is beyond our comprehension
You cant directly prove a negative and there is no burden to do so in formal rhetoric
So if I say "elephants don't exist" I have no burden of proof because it's a negative statement?
>There is no way to prove a negative
Oh fuck, you're right, mathematical logic was just a meme that went too far, everyone go home
I still can't get over the fact that atheism, now the fastest shrinking religion in the world, was brought to its knees by a few pictures of a fat guy wearing a hat.
Atheists literally brought the fedora meme upon themselves. Google "faces of Atheism". This was a literal thing
No, but if someone shows proof elephants exist, it raises a few doubts over the legitimacy of your argument
Dont forget how the "wulaluba dub dub pickle rick" meme took all the edge from those guys that want to be taken serious with their "intellectual nihilism"
Well it's good that you can admit your point is fallacious
did you just ASSUME my religion?
do you expect an amoeba to have ways to prove there are bigger and more complex things than those it can interact with inside his soup? No
How then do you expect people to prove the existence of something that by definition should exist above and outside of our own terrenal plane?
Well, the truth is that if you believe the bible anyone who doesn't believe it is like a God when compared to you. I'm not even atheist.
>The entire (((Christian))) religion was destroyed by a kike on a stick meme
>the entire catholic religion was destroyed by pedo priests
so why are there people speaking authoritatively about things "man was not meant to know" and then hiding behind "how do you expect me to prove anything" when questioned
I am late to this, but a battle has broken out from a war raging since the dawn of internet discussion forums. It surprised me how religious the population of Veeky Forums is.
Occam's razor states that it's your turn to provide evidence.
>God is beyond our comprehension
Explicitly sells the image of a big ass white bearded dude.
Mishkan's 1.2m (4ft) below Heel Stone
Verily G-D told Bibi £24T cost (and not a Shekel less)
That's $31.58T
The holy book of Christianity claims a whole lot of factually wrong things and there is no evidence of a god interfering with our lives. Not to mention that there is good evidence that religions have developed over time, affected by local cultures, syncretism, etc. throughout the socio-historical context, making it rather apparent that they are a man-made concept rather than eternal truth.
So what kind of "god" are you referring to and how is its existence any more likely than that of unicorns, santa claus or other types of mythology which you don't grant this sort of special status of defending them on the internet?
Dem trips
Veeky Forums is generally a little smarter and a lot more contrarian than most of the Internet, so not surprising there are a lot of religious people.
God is the most satisfactory answer to the hard problems of epistemology, ethics and ontology. Makes life a lot more pleasant when you believe. Kierkegaard knew this
And they will never recover
What is this meme?
>atheists are pathetic basement loser virgins
but also
>atheists rule the world and are oppressing us innocent Christians
I always find it hilarious when someone mocks their opponent for being inadequate and pathetic but then also implies that opponent is some powerful oppressive entity and they are oppressed by them. It also make themselves look weak. I mean they are implying the great Christian civilization was brought to its knees by a few pathetic nerds.
And many groups do this shit, leftists, rightists, the religious
>KKKNazis are coming for us all omg look at this dumb redneck larper with his flag
>durr leftists rule America look at this fat guy with a Che Guevara shirt
They're called smuggies
This is pretty good bait.
God isn't *buuurrrppp* real, Pope! wubba wubba
Historians say Jesus wasted 18 years moving His Mishkan
to ancient Stonehenge because the State of Israel will never
pay G-D's asking price of £24T ($31.58T) clearing UK's and
US' national debts. Which means G-D's stuck with His Ark.
>implying the broad hat is still used
Wish we had another mini ice age so we could wear those cloaks again tho
I have faith that he doesn't exist :^)
There, now it's on par with your argument.
Wrong. Faith in God has far more intellectual and philosophical depth behind it than atheism. Read aquinas you pleb
The large majority of academic philosophers in the West are atheists.
See here for more info: philpapers.org
The PhilPapers Surveys is the most authoritative analysis of current philosophical beliefs among academic philosophers, with 70% of philosophy faculty and PhD's describing themselves as atheists, and 16.5% as theist (the rest gave an answer of 'other' or did not answer).
>an atheist, by definition, makes the claim that there definitively is NOT a God
this isn't true, only a very small minority of atheists say there definitely isn't a god. If you look up the definition of the word it is simply a person who doesn't believe in Gods.
Gnostic atheism is what you are talking about, or hard atheism, most atheists are agnostic atheists who claim they can't believe because there is no evidence, but a god is possible.
On a side note people who say they are agnostic are typically agnostic atheists.
*breaks up church in reformation*
>The entire atheist religion was destroyed by a fedora meme
Because that meme was far more powerful than all of children molested by all of the priests in the religion which it was used against.
You can still beleive in a god and not be christian.
You also believe that pop is the best genre?
I think New Atheism died more as a result of the Bush administration going out of power. He was extremely public about his evangelical beliefs and made frequent efforts to push them using his office, pushed the limits of church/state separation, did a lot of pandering to fundamentalist Christians with things like instituting a national Day of Prayer, used a lot of religious rhetoric in regards to Iraq, etc.
When the more publicly secular Obama won the Oval Office and GWB was a pariah, most atheists figured that building a movement was redundant and quit caring. It didn't feel like evangelical groups were in office and actively trying to use the government as a pulpit any more. The ones that remained dedicated to a New Atheist movement degenerated more into a cult of scientism and outright antitheism, which attracted more and more edgelords until something as simple as "Elevatorgate" made the entire thing explode and come crashing down.
Most philosophers of the west 700 years ago were Christians, what's your point?
>B-but where is the proofs for God???
Read it and weep, fedorafags
Are you, perhaps, a bit mentally retarded?
If pop were considered the best by music theorists, critics, and experts then that might make sense.
A more analagous argument would be citing that most film critics consider movies like the Godfather, Citizen Kane, 2001, among the best of all time and that they're right.
It's my impression that most of the movement shifted focus into opposing Islam, since Christianity has basically been neutered in the West.
>anime reaction image
>calls other people mentally retarded
>posts anime
Imagine being so mad you made this meme
That's because you do have the burden of proof you fucking cretin
You need to prove God to me, not the pther way around, dipshit.
So even when an atheist flat out makes the claim that God does not exist, the religious person has the burden of proof? How does that work?
In still an atheist however a cultural Christian. Since I can recognize that Christianity was an overall force for good, I don't actually believe in a sky daddy however
"Quite the opponent."
Because youre making the positive claim. You are claiming that something exists and for that to be a valid claim you have to prove that it does.
Since this evidence never presents itself, we say "God does not exist". Technically, any statement of fact should, in theory, be prefaced with "As far as we know", because it is always possible we will find information that contradicts what we think to be true.
But I'm talking about when an atheist claims God does not exist. They made a claim, and should provide evidence for it. But whenever I say that I'm repeatedly bombarded with "no you have the burden of proof" even if I didn't directly claim anything
>believing in good and evil
may as well be a theist at this point. moralist sheep
As far as any information we have indicates, God does not exist. People just leave the first part of that sentence out because repeating it for any and all statements of fact would be laborious.
No one demands you preface "Mermaids dont exist" with "as far as we know", the only reason youre demanding it for God is because the idea of God means a lot to people emotionally and thus they dont want to accept that its false.
>As far as any information we have indicates, God does not exist
And what is this information that indicates God does not exist?
>the only reason youre demanding it for God is because the idea of God means a lot to people emotionally and thus they dont want to accept that its false.
No, I'm demanding it for God because firstly, anyone who claims that God does not exist should provide evidence for it. And secondly the existence of God is a far bigger issue than mermaids, if mermaids were real that wouldn't reveal anything new about the universe, but if God is real, it certainly does
Buddhism is still alive and well, as far as I know.
>theist: god exists
>atheist: god doesnt exist
>agnostic: what is god?
>theist: god is beyond our comprehension
>atheist: how do you know god exists?
>theist: *quotes religious text*
>atheist: people wrote those so how did they know of god?
>theist: god spoke to them
>atheist: how did god speak to them if god is beyond human comprehension?
>theist: god communicates through special people
>atheist: how do you tell between what people said and what god said?
>theist: what god said is inspired by god
>agnostic: what is god?
>atheist religion
i think it is
cult-like dedication to the idea that god does not exist when there's no evidence for his non-existence
>American Atheists literally brought the fedora meme upon themselves.
Americans ruin everything.
>atheist religion
>set of beliefs about the universe and the afterlife
>not a religion