Everytime anyone starts a religious discussion 'round here it quickly escalates into a clusterfuck of shitposts. Why are there some many sassy Christian boys here in Veeky Forums?
Everytime anyone starts a religious discussion 'round here it quickly escalates into a clusterfuck of shitposts...
Combination of actual Christcucks (most brainwashed by their relatives) and contrariantards (many also /pol/tards) who support anything and everything that they think pisses off liberals (in either sense of "liberal").
Mishkan's 1.2m (4ft) below Heel Stone
Verily G-D told Bibi £24T cost (and not a Shekel less)
That's $31.58T
What do you mean by this. If the bank with my savings owns a treasury bond they are evil?
Crazy people insecure when you question their lunacy.
Historians say Jesus wasted 18 years moving His Mishkan
to ancient Stonehenge because the State of Israel will never
pay G-D's asking price of £24T ($31.58T) clearing UK's and
US' national debts. Which means G-D's stuck with His Ark.
this one didn't
Combination of cringy fedoratards and larping Deus Vulters.
/pol/tards are not christians
We're disciples. Haha
people larping as religious fundamentalists and normal religious people and fedoras who don't really know what they're talking about drowning out the 1% of people who actually do know anything about religions
That's because the Hebrew Grammar Nazi always shows up to shill his shit.
Pretty much this.
A lot of LARPing, both the high church Protestant and Traditionalist Catholic.
Makes me wonder how many other actual Catholics are here.
Constant Catholic butthurt over the fact that their church is a bunch of pedophiles, drug addicts, and bankers, combined with them probably having been molested themselves. Also the Orthodox, they're just fucking weird, what's their deal
Cucktianity Explained
There is no soul until God simply respawns you in heaven.
Hell does not exist it is a myth madeup to force conversion.
Angels are not humans with wings they are "somethings".
Yahweh is not your friend she doesnt give a shit about you.
Heaven is a myth because Yahweh is in another dimension.
Angels are not goody two shoes they are more like robots.
Revelation is bullshit only Yahweh knows the end game.
Let Us Pray
Christcucks are seldom functional adults so they tend to have a lot of spare time to shitpost.
And you? LOL
Enjoy hell.
Nobody will give a flying fuck that there was no evidence when you protest amidst the flames of the inferno.
The idea of heaven and hell was added into the religion(s) by spiteful people during a time of suffering and was quickly accepted by the many others who were suffering.
It is pointless to assume that person will suffer eternally for hurting your feelings.
It's not about hurt feelings, simply put, if you do not escape the demiurge you will end up in hell, because you must find your divine spark to be saved.
You will never find if if you don't bother searching for it, that's a given.
And then you will be in hell saying thinks like: this is ridiculous, just by not believing I am trapped here forever, I want the manager, there was no evidence!
Presuming the unjustifiable belief that hell even exists, (& the demidurge for that matter since your going from a gnostic angle here) What makes you think that 'hell' is the kind of volatile destructive place you've been told? Have you experienced it firsthand?
Where oh where dost this "unknowable truth" of yours come from?
>Have you experienced it firsthand?
Dream vision of heaven and hell after reaching gnosis during meditation and this same day experiencing union with God, which was a pretty impressive experience, full gnosis in one day, if you want the normal explanation.
Yes, I'm gonna go with: what I dreamed was a vision of heaven and there was a hell below.
Being anti-religious used to be fashionably non-conformist.
But when those sentiments took over Veeky Forums things came full circle, and now all the contrarian spergs derive enjoyment from trolling the nones who make up the majority of Veeky Forums posters these days by going full retard with the christfaggotry.
I’m not even an atheist or agnostic, but I’m not fooled by their idiocy
So a dream then? For what reason should others believe your dream any more valid than the possibilities they have in mind regarding any "afterlife"?
How did you reach gnosis?
what ensures you that it is truth?
What should ensure others that it is?
I'm not saying that you are 'right' or 'wrong' just that any burden of proof causes enormous strain on religious clams if people think about it.
All I do is claim that a man named Jesus of nazerith actually existed and you apes throw a fit. Why is it such a touchy subject for you guys.
nice pic, close
Jesus at his desktop.
So funny. Who knew.
>waah why can't I have a fedora circlejerk off like on /r/atheism?!
Jesus was a black man, not a blond European with long hair, damnit!!! The original Israelites were certainly not white!
Jesus typing away...
Kids love Revelation Children Story's introduction to Particle Physics.
Rev. 4
1 god is 1 rock.
4 beasts are 4 charges.
father charge .333... e (spin)
son charge .666... e (spin)
ghost charge .999... e (spin)
spirit charge .000...1 e (spin)
24 elders are 24 fermions.
father charge .333... e quarks
(1st gen) down quark - down antiquark (spin 1/2)
(2nd gen) strange quark - strange antiquark (spin 1/2)
(3rd gen) bottom quark - bottom antiquark (spin 1/2)
son charge .666... e quarks
(1st gen) up quark - up antiquark (spin 1/2)
(2nd gen) charm quark - charm antiquark (spin 1/2)
(3rd gen) top quark - top antiquark (spin 1/2)
ghost charge .999... e leptons
(1st gen) electron - positron (spin 1/2)
(2nd gen) muon - positive muon (spin 1/2)
(3rd gen) tau - positive tau (spin 1/2)
spirit charge .000...1 e leptons
(1st gen) electron-neutrino - electron-antineutrino (spin 1/2)
(2nd gen) muon-neutrino - muon-antineutrino (spin 1/2)
(3rd gen) tau-neutrino - tau-antineutrino (spin 1/2)
Rev. 6-8
4 horses are 4 forces.
white charge .999... e higgs force
red charge .999... e strong force
black charge .999... e electro .000...1 e weak force
pale charge .999... e gravitation force
144,000 seals are 144,000 particles.
7 spirits are 7 bosons.
white charge .000...1 e higgs (spin 0/1)
red charge .000...1 e gluon (spin 1/1)
black charge .000...1 e photon .999... e WWZ bosons (spin 1/1)
pale charge .000...1 e graviton (spin 2/1)
Rev. 21
1 great city is 1 standard model.
12 gates are 12 particles
12 foundations are 12 antiparticles
Rev. 22
1 rock is 1.
They like the rock too.
Go figure?
Jesus typing away...
Rev. 12 dragon
Gravitation's "G", the Letter of God, the mark.
Gravitation's "JESUS", the Word of God, the name.
Gravitation's "G'S US", the Sentence of God, the image.
Gravitation's ".666 x 10^-7 length^3/mass-time^2", the Wisdom of God, the number.
[seven heads (.0000000), three sixes (.666), ten horns (x 10), seven crowns (^-7), and beastly tail (length^3/mass-time^2)]
Rev. 13 beast
Gravitation's "G", the Letter of God, the mark.
Gravitation's "JESUS", the Word of God, the name.
Gravitation's "G'S US", the Sentence of God, the image.
Gravitation's "666. x 10^-10 length^3/mass-time^2", the Wisdom of God, the number.
[seven heads (.0000000), three sixes (666.), ten horns (x 10), ten crowns (^-10), and beastly tail (length^3/mass-time^2)]
Bedtime, nighty-night.
You forgot
Seven stars (7 stars*)
1) dark temperature: [(hbar*c^5/G)^1/2]/k = 4.2903353(04) x 10^31 K
2) electric current: e/[(hbar*G/c^5)^1/2] = 9.8137286(29) x 10^24 A
3) dark matter: (hbar*c/G)^1/2 = 6.5907305(98) x 10^-9 kg
4) amount of substance: [(hbar*c/G)^1/2]/M = 1.6605387(82) x 10^-24 mol
5) dark length: (hbar*G/c^3)^1/2 = 4.8943724(18) x 10^-36 m
6) luminous intensity: [(hbar*G/c^5)^1/2]/alpha = 2.2372317(89) x 10^-42 cd
7) dark time: (hbar*G/c^5)^1/2 = 1.6325869(07) x 10^-44 s
Later dude
What the fuck is going on
The best is that schizophrenic guy that spams his youtube channel and weird infographs
What about that one guy that's always in all caps?
Needs Tweeking
did you see what that fake da vinci painting went for?
you might just get that £24T asking price from bibi!
>after reaching gnosis
Why do the heathen rage?
That’s a f***ing bearded lady, not the Son of God!!!
>Why are there some many sassy Christian boys here in Veeky Forums?
There aren't. No one who has actually studied any Christian theology, ecclesiology, or history can tolerate the utter inanity and rank ignorance of the discussions here. They're all LARPers, edgelords, or "cultural Christians" who are in it for the political capital they think they get.
That's a lot of pound sterling.
Fuck yeah mate it sure is.
Brexit makes sense now.
I agree. But many of them support Christianity, despite not believing in it whatsoever, either because they think that widespread belief in it is good for society whether the belief is genuine or not, or because they just want to piss off "liberals".
AMDG showed the Chans that espousing Christianity is a great way to trigger fedoras, Leftists, and degenerates.
>How did you reach gnosis?
>what ensures you that is truth?
The fact that I actually felt God there and it was incredible
>what should ensure others
Others should do their work and find for themselves.
Off to the looney bin with you. You clearly have problems. You trust a book probably made by some random sheepherder as an ultimate fact.
Fletch Lives
Demons... Out!
Probably jew shills and the fact that many Christ shills take a permanent apologist stance instead of being critical.
Gene Hackman kick your ass.
"some", or "many", ??
meant "so" i believe
>You clearly have problems
Lt-Col William Hawley found Scroll Trench in his "Excavations at Stonehenge during the season of 1923";
"I did not follow the course of it up to the Helestone, as I should like to have done, for I avoided going nearer to it than 10 ft., fearing to disturb its stability (the depth being unknown)" - "A satisfactory examination would not be possible without permission and assistance from the Office of Works." (page 25)
Scroll Trench, eastward from Heelstone Ditch to the Heel Stone, remains unexcavated to this day.
there are no real scientists in great britain only
social studies archaeologists so your auger cored 'prospect' will never get dug there.
>there are no real scientists in great britain only
>social studies archaeologists so your auger
>cored 'prospect' will never get dug there.
Prolly so. Drunks.
How do you know this? By what evidence did you come to this conclusion?
So none of them debate to work towards greater truth then?
Pretty much this.
Ark of the Testimony Bibliography
Denke, G.W. 1973. Stonehenge Phase I: An Openpit Coalfield Model; The First
Geologic Mining School. (Indiana University of Pennsylvania) GDG, 73: 1-56.
Denke, G.W. 1975. Invertibrate Paleontology of the High Tor Limestone (Lower
Carboniferous) and the Upper Senonian Chalk (Late Cretaceous) of Stonehenge.
(Arizona State University) GDG, 75: 1-7.
Denke, G.W. 1977. Possible Source Areas of the High Tor Limestone (Early
Mississippian) Fill of the Aubrey Holes and Heel Stone Ditch in Europe. (Arizona
State University) GDG, 77: 1-24.
Beus, S.S. 1984. Fossil Associations in the High Tor Limestone (Lower
(Carboniferous) of South Wales. (Northern Arizona University) Journal of
Paleontology, 58: 3; 651-667.
Denke, G.W. 1984. Mid-Dinantian (Waulsortian Facies) High Tor Limestone: The
First Stones Transported to Stonehenge from the South Wales Coast. (Arizona
State University) GDG, 84: 1-4.
Denke, G. 1984. Magnetic and Electromagnetic Surveys at Heelstone, Stonehenge,
United Kingdom. (Indiana University of Pennsylvania) GDG, 84: 5-42.
Lees, A. and Miller, J. 1985. Facies variatian in Waulsortian buildups, Part 2; Mid-
Dinantian buildups from Europe and North America. (Revised) Geological Journal,
20: 159-180.
Geologist, Denke, G. 1986. The Paleontology of Stonehenge, England. (Arizona
State University) GDG, 86: 1-3. (State of Texas) County of Stonewall, Book 393;
Credible Source Material
It's just Cathocuck. Us based Orhtodox brothers don't do shit like this.
Hell and paradise are zoroastrian ideas that were absorbed by judaism then transplanted into christianity and islam. In the case of east asia it came with buddhism who took it from the 6 lokas cosmology of hinduism, also present in jainism (no idea if this one is due to zoroastrian influence as well)
Ancient semites and protoindoeuropeans, and a lot other peoples did not have a concept of retribution postmortem. People just continued their lives after death in the other world
Zoroastrism itself is a revolt against protoindoeuropean paganism (in this case indoaryan) and does pretty childish things like turning IE gods into demons or angels as only Ahura Mazda (Varuna) is god (and due to political stuff, for example as Indra, main vedic deity is turned into a demon). Hell and paradise themselves have no real sustent other than in Zoroaster's mind
Therefore, hell (in the abrahamic religions) itself is just a meme created by somebody to revolt against the norms, then copypasted into neighbouring religions until it reached christianity
You should read the Bardo Thodol and about Vajrayana buddhism. Those visions are just projections of your mind that will come after you die until your consciousness is scattered like the atoms. And they are not universal, their shape respond to concepts that are ingrained into your subconsciouss.
Those are not real places nor are they eternal
Cross-Sections Bearings
A—A' (1979) C91 quadrant bearing; N 73 E
B—B' (1953) C36 quadrant bearing; S 67 E
C—C' (1923) C6 quadrant bearing; S 57 E
D—D' (1923) C6 quadrant bearing; South
E—E' (1923) C6 quadrant bearing; S 50 E
F—F' (1923) C6 quadrant bearings; S 2 W - S 22 E
G—G' (1923) C6 quadrant bearing; S 50 E
H—H' (1956) C51 quadrant bearing; S 63 E
I—I' (1979) C91 quadrant bearings; S 71 E - S 34 E - S 71 E / S 71 E
For Above Map
All christcucks are retarded no matter their denomination
Historical Timeline of Concrete
6500 BC
A form of concrete dating to 6500 B.C. was discovered by archaeologists in Syria. The Image is "One of the dead towns in northern Syria."
5600 BC
The earliest concrete yet discovered in Europe was developed along the Danube River in Yugoslavia. Stone age hunters or fishermen mixed red lime, sand, gravel and water.
4400 BC
Stonehenge builders mixed Welsh pulverized Bluestone volcanic ash and tuff (Pozzolan) together with crushed in situ Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) lime.
3000 BC
Chinese used cementitious materials to hold bamboo together in their boats and in the Great Wall. The Chinese used concrete in Gansu Province in northwest China.
2500 BC
Egyptians mixed mud mixed with straw to bind dried bricks. Also furthered the discovery of lime and gypsum mortar as a binding agent for building the Pyramids.
800 BC
Babylonians and Assyrians used a bitumen to bind stone and bricks. This allowed them to combine both large and small stone objects together.
Page 1 of 2
600 BC
Greeks discovered a natural Pozzolan on Santorini Island that developed hydraulic properties when mixed with lime. This made it possible to produce concrete that would harden under water, as well as in the air."
586 BC
Altar of Burnt Offering containing 7 gold artifacts filled with a Slurry of pulverized Bluestone (volcanic ash and tuff) aggregate and lime 4 ft (1.2m) below Heelstone, Stonehenge.
400 BC
Petra (Greek, "city of rock"), also known as Sila, ancient city of Arabia (now southwestern Jordan). The stronghold and treasure city of the Nabataeans, an Arab people.
300 BC
Romans used slaked lime and volcanic ash (Pozzolan), found near Pozzouli, Italy by the bay of Naples. Pliny the Elder reported a mortar mixture of 1 part lime to 4 parts sand. Vitruvius reported 2 parts of Pozzolan to 1 part lime.
193 BC
Porticus Aemilia made of bound stones to form concrete.
75 BC
Romans use a pozzolanic, hydraulic cement to build the theater at Pompeii and the Roman baths. The cement was a ground mix of lime and a volcanic ash containing silica and alumina.
44 BC
Palatine Hill (Latin: Palatium), the centermost of the 7 hills of Rome, one of the most ancient parts of the city of Rome, Italy. It is some 70 meters high.
25 BC
Ancient harbor at Caesarea, Israel built by Herod the Great.
Concrete Backfilled Mishkan
Page 2 of 2
Fuck off Christcucks
Blessings. A pagan, Wiccan.
Chick's hot :-D
This is what abr*hamics actually believe
I am a for real Catholic. I teach CCD at my parish, but I threw out the provided textbook to teach the kids the Suma Theologiae.
Why'd you do that?
>Hell does not exist it is a myth madeup to force conversion.
Sepertation from God does exist, heresy.
>Angels are not humans with wings they are "somethings"
They are a supernatural force in favor of God and designed to carry out his will.
>Yahweh doesn't give a shit about you
You are literally created as a lesser reflection of God, you could not comprehend how much he loves love, and hates hate because of his nature.
This post just shows you never once read the bible and use Gnostic "mystery" shit as your frame of reference for the biblical text instead of the fucking bible.
i dont know what you are talking about i've seen some great discussion on religion on here
Psalms 82:6
"I have said, Ye are Gods; and all of you are children of the most High."
Isaiah 41:23
"Shew the things that are to come hereafter, that we may know that Ye are Gods: yea, do good, or do evil, that we may be dismayed, and behold it together."
John 10:34
"Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are Gods?
Ye Are Gods?
Stay mad Vargtard.
>poising the well in regards to Christianity
>wonder why Christians do nothing but shitpost
Almond status: [activated]
Hell if the Bible says I am God
then by gawd, I am God.
God of History :)
its not as much fun as it sounds
No shit. My life sucks.
it gets worse
This. The christians invaded from reddit over 2 years ago.
So who killed Jesus?
Was it the romans or the jews?
it was the nails and the cross
We all did user, we all did.
Neither mate, Jesus is the author
of the Gospels, and Revelation.
Best author in all of history.