Is there a worse feel than your parents having money but refusing to buy anything for you besides allowing you to live in their house and food?
I'm only 21 I dont understand why they force me to pay for my own car insurance, cellphone bill etc.
Is there a worse feel than your parents having money but refusing to buy anything for you besides allowing you to live in their house and food?
I'm only 21 I dont understand why they force me to pay for my own car insurance, cellphone bill etc.
no you poor little snowflake there is not a worse feeling in the whole world
You are pathetic. Any dime I've received from my parents post 18 I've felt humiliated in taking. Be a fucking man.
Yea yea cool it normie
>be adult for for three years
>receive free rent and food
Sounds pretty comfy. You don't want to end up being a neet living on tendies forever do you?
I want my parents to help me
And your parents want you to be a man
You can't afford your own car insurance and cell phone bill? Then drop your car and drop your cell phone, if you want something work for it don't expect it to fall into your mouth like a squeaking baby bird, grow up
He's right you know.
terrible bait
Fuck off normie bootlickers
>You are pathetic. Any dime I've received from my parents post 18 I've felt humiliated in taking. Be a fucking man.
I bet you felt like a real man becoming a rentcuck at 18
They are helping you faggot
Are you fucking stupid? I'd kill to not have to pay rent and food costs. Get a job faggot.
you're pretty lucky to have free house and food, i had to pay rent, im about the same age as you
fuck off retard
Your parents don't owe you anything. No one owes you anything.
Until you can fully accept that, you're a child.
>Fuck off normie bootlickers
This. I love how these bluepilled cucks act like taking a fall in standard of living is hip and cool.
This x1000. I was a depressed piece of shit until i moved out on my own. I felt so much better about myself in an empty apartment eating ramen noodles knowing that i was man enough to survive on my own.
I moved out at 18, i cant even comprehend how much depression you guys living at home at 21 must feel.
Your ruining your lives as well as your families. Have you ever heard of a girl that was interested in a stay at home son? Grow up kids.
No amount of crypto money will be able to buy your manhood. You need to earn it.
>I felt so much better about myself in an empty apartment eating ramen noodles knowing that i was man enough to survive on my own.
Glad you swallow normie bluepills
>I moved out at 18, i cant even comprehend how much depression you guys living at home at 21 must feel.
Pretty comfy desu. I get to live an upper middle class lifestyle still while all those kids who move out at 18 get to have rando druggie roommates in their 500 sq ft apartment.
>Your ruining your lives as well as your families.
My parents are glad I moved back in after dorming for a year
>Have you ever heard of a girl that was interested in a stay at home son?
In every society with some semblance of traditionalism, the girl stays at home until marriage. Enjoy your wife that has been gangbanged by a bunch of niggers and will divorce you in 10 years.
And here we have the very definition of a man child. Upper middle class, stayed in dorms, parents want their baby boy home because they know hes not fit to care for himself.
Enjoy trying to fill all those holes in your life where pride and self respect should be.
Ive been dirt poor, ive seen the absolute lowest points in society, i can handle anything in life knowing ive already seen the worst life has to offer.
The second the comfiness of your life is disrupted even slightly, youll know true fear and have none of the tools to deal with it, so your parents will have to deal with it.
Also, enjoy all of the boring missionary sex that comes with a "traditional" girl. I guess if i was an insecure virgin that would be interesting to me.
My parents owe me
Fuck u boomer
Fuck off cuck normie.
>look at me im such a man I dont leech off my parents
What do your parents owe you?
You sound like an entitled fuck
What are you going to do when your parents die and you've spent the most valuable years of your life cursing "normies"?
>parents pay rent, food, tuition, and all my amazon purchases
LMAOing at the wagies in here
It's nice to see some decent quality bait on here. All the shilling gets old fast.
lol. i agree desu, my parents beat and abused me to the point where i'm a totally broken adult, i deserve their money now for destroying me
Not a big fan of wagecucking but it's better than leeching off your fucking parents. They work for their money, you're not a child anymore, why continue to tax them? Let them use their money for their own happiness instead of wasting it on your lazy fucking ass.
Seriously how would you feel if you made some crazy crypto gains and then some relative walks up with their hand out and starts telling you to pay their cellphone, food, rent, insurance, clothing, as if you owe it to them?
>No amount of crypto money will be able to buy your manhood. You need to earn it.
you might be retarded
They must pay for everything I want indefinitely.
I'll inherit half the house and sell it
8/10 this is great, I know there are people really this lame out there but I dont know anyone stupid enough to actually complain on a korean anime porn and crypto board
Wow truly pathetic. You're stunted.
Parents probably kicked them out because they hated them and this is how they cope
>And here we have the very definition of a man child. Upper middle class, stayed in dorms, parents want their baby boy home because they know hes not fit to care for himself.
Hahahahah. Like I said, enjoy your nigger neighbors and druggie roomates, rentcuck
>Enjoy trying to fill all those holes in your life where pride and self respect should be.
I am very proud of myself. You work your ass off to pay someone's mortgage, serf
>Ive been dirt poor, ive seen the absolute lowest points in society, i can handle anything in life knowing ive already seen the worst life has to offer.
And I refuse to. You act like choosing to be poor so you can feel like a grown up is impressive.
>The second the comfiness of your life is disrupted even slightly, youll know true fear and have none of the tools to deal with it, so your parents will have to deal with it.
lol. I am avoiding poverty and you act like it is a shameful act. I am also allowed to live at home rent free after I graduate, as long as I work. I will move out when I can buy a house/condo with cash. Shouldn't be longer than a few years though because I am not rentcucking.
>Also, enjoy all of the boring missionary sex that comes with a "traditional" girl. I guess if i was an insecure virgin that would be interesting to me.
Like I said, you enjoy your wife who is going to "get bored" one year into the marriage and have Tyrone fuck her on your bed.
My gf comes over all the time and we have sex in my moms house
Sorry tl break your delusions.
>Wow truly pathetic. You're stunted.
No, I have enough sense to see there is no purpose in moving out to be a tenant.
Let me guess, you don't have a gf
The funny thing is that he looks like a privileged pampered baby living like a king in America even when he's poor by our standards compared to someone growing up in the slums of Jamaica. To them he's a manchild who's never seen shit.
op is a leech/pos
>h hey user you look cute, want to go back to your place?
>sure, I live with my parents.
>sorry I only sleep with men user
No girl has ever even talked to me so I dont care if I live with my parents
>Is there a worse feel
Living with your parents at 33 and they buy your food
True. Except like, you know, learning how the world works on your own and growing up to be a self sufficient and productive member of the world. Experiencing things of your own volition, discovering the satisfaction in being independent, and learning to not only take care of yourself but eventually others too. No point really... I'd just continue to suck your parent's teat until they die, you're right.
Oh what a surprise!
hint: you not seeing the problem with living with your parents and girls not talking to you are related
Yeah I'm sure that's why FUCKING normal.
I dont look like a Chad.
Anyone who actually fell for this is fucking retarded.
>True. Except like, you know, learning how the world works on your own and growing up to be a self sufficient and productive member of the world.
Yes, being an underclass, modern day serf is becoming a productive member of society. You enjoy paying your mortgage until you turn 60.
>Experiencing things of your own volition, discovering the satisfaction in being independent, and learning to not only take care of yourself but eventually others too.
Yes, living in niggertown in a 500 square foot apartment is really rewarding.
>No point really... I'd just continue to suck your parent's teat until they die, you're right.
No, more like my parents taught me enough about finances to avoid stupid expenses, like rentcucking. I would rather live at home until 25-26 to move into a paid off house than be funding someone else's lifestyle
>implying you need to look like a chad to attract girls
>implying girls aren't interested in personality
Your issue is that you have a huge lack of self-confidence, which cannot be overcome by staying with your parents. You aren't fundamentally worth less than any other human being, just go out there and start living, rather than slowly dying where you are now.
whether or not he's trolling doesn't change the sentiments in here. There's a huge number of millennial faggots who actually think OPs view on the world is completely normal.
I'm 29, moved out of parents house at 19 and haven't lived there since. I know lots of people in the 21-25 range who still live with their parents exactly the way OP described his situation. It's fucking sad, makes me want to beat the shit out of them for leeching off their hardworking parents. Literal parasites. Should be purged.
I think hes that Canadian neet but I'm not sure
Calling people normies doesn't change the fact that you are a pathetic neetcuck
And what? Become a rent cuck? I refuse. I refuse to work. My parents can kick me out and I rather starve than work.
Yeah me too but my parents gave me about 200k in support in my early-mid 20s which allowed me to become very successful in my career. I'm now 29 and a multi-millionaire... so sometimes taking money from your parents can be smart.
Pride only hurts, it never helps.
Absolute delusion. I enjoyed living in my parents $1 Million house, but i absolutely love living in my own old house on my own property with my own girlfriend. I wish the best for you sire
Blame their misguides parents for enabling the behaviour. Its pretty embarrassing really. These are the same ones complaining they can't get their foot in the door of the housing market.
>Absolute delusion. I enjoyed living in my parents $1 Million house, but i absolutely love living in my own old house on my own property with my own girlfriend. I wish the best for you sire
kek. I am sure your parents are proud of you doing worse than they did.
Dude, unless your disfigured horribly, you too can get a gf. Find someone who shares similar interests, you might be surprised at the results.
23 and still at home, I honestly hate it buts its been difficult to find a decent paying job and I refuse to get cucked by student loans or waste anymore time at college. I've settled into freelance writing and trading but that's mixed success.
If I'm still here at 25 I'll just risk being homeless, fuck it.
I have no job do I cant relate with anyone. I never went to university.
I spend all day posting on Veeky Forums. There is no way for me to lose my virginity.
I almost caught myself saying this is like arguing with children. Then i realized this is exactly what im doing.
Youll see things my way when you grow up. Or youll still be explaining to your friends (assuming you have any), how being 30 years old eating pizza rolls in your poor parents basement was a smart decision.
>I almost caught myself saying this is like arguing with children. Then i realized this is exactly what im doing.
>Youll see things my way when you grow up. Or youll still be explaining to your friends (assuming you have any), how being 30 years old eating pizza rolls in your poor parents basement was a smart decision.
I love how the only arguments rentcucks can make is "I am a big boy now."
Don't work for someone else. Work for yourself. Build a life for yourself. Learn how to build things. To get what you want, you either need to go and get it yourself, or find someone who has want you want and give him something in exchange. Most people want money in exchange, so the easy way is to get money. Find ways to make money. There are a bunch of ways thanks to the internet today, so many opportunities that didn't exist 10 years ago, take advantage of this great tool you have at your disposal. If you have $0, work a shitty job for a month to get $1,500 or something and start from there. The freedom it offers you will be worth it.
Regarding girls, I used to think I was ugly, I used to think no girl would ever love me. Back when I was 19 I was madly in love with a cute girl, she wasn't interested in me. I had zero confidence in myself, I didn't feel good about myself. Fast-forward 8 years, I am now with that girl. We love each other. Today we went for a drive and fucked in the woods. It was amazing. 8 years ago I would have never thought this could be possible, me the shy boy other kids were making fun of, yet here I am. We went on a vacation in a tropical island this summer. We're making a bunch of plans. Believe in yourself and work for it and you will get what you deserve. The sooner you start doing it the sooner you will enjoy life.
Whats stopping you from getting a job OP? and yea id never fuck someone living with mommy :^)
Oh look. Another completely original use of the word "cuck". You all need to get off Veeky Forums every once in awhile. Your becoming living memes.
Dont forget to wash your fedora. Woman hate dirty fedoras.
Newfags all falling for stale copypasta.
>waaaa someone called me a cuck
As much as you think you are a man, you don't even have thick enough skin for the culture of this board. You are a cuck, you pay someone else to live on your property. You are choosing modern day serfdom.
>Dont forget to wash your fedora. Woman hate dirty fedoras.
Projecting much? Women don't like poor serfs who have to pick up extra shifts to pay the bills.
I think you all are placing way too much importance on what some woman wants instead of personal development, holy shit.
Even crackheads can and do get women, that's not some big deal.
*their property
>feeling humilated taking free stuff
never going to make it user
I still get allowance and I'm 24. Feels good bros.
OP is a new fag on top of a faggot
This NEET mentality of expecting others to provide for them is just limited to their parents and other family members. They expect everyone close to them provide for them, including their friends. They feel completely guiltless about freeloading from other people.
>their friends
Fuck you normie that was a low blow
>This NEET mentality of expecting others to provide for them is just limited to their parents and other family members. They expect everyone close to them provide for them, including their friends. They feel completely guiltless about freeloading from other people.
Do you realize how asinine this mindset is?
>Hey man, let me buy you lunch so we can catch up
Not all parents regret having kids and kick them out as soon as they legally can. Unless you come from an UHNW family, allowing a kid to stay at home until they save up is giving their kids an enormous financial head start in life.
So are you working and saving to buy a place? As in, you don't want to rent as you believe renting is unwise and are just looking to buy and need some time to save? If so, that makes sense.
You're still an entitled, coddled, weak little bitch, though. Every year you spend past 21 living with your parents will continuously damage your growth. There's literally nothing less attractive than the 25 y/o+ momma's boy who can't even book a doctor's appointment without calling mom. Can't figure out how to pay a parking ticket without calling dad. Be careful with your holier-than-thou attitude here, because you aren't outsmarting anyone.
>So are you working and saving to buy a place? As in, you don't want to rent as you believe renting is unwise and are just looking to buy and need some time to save? If so, that makes sense.
I am still in college and see no benefit whatsoever in renting. I will most likely live a few more years after graduation and buy a condo/house in cash.
>You're still an entitled, coddled, weak little bitch,
I guess every society up until Western countries ~40-50 years ago fit that definition because they did not move out until marriage.
>Every year you spend past 21 living with your parents will continuously damage your growth
Got a source on that?
>There's literally nothing less attractive than the 25 y/o+ momma's boy who can't even book a doctor's appointment without calling mom
Maybe to some slut who gets fucked by a different tinder rando every other day
>Can't figure out how to pay a parking ticket without calling dad.
>Muh emotional argument
you might not like it, but they owe you nothing.
That made no sense to me either,
Nobody is talking about that tho. Non-retarded NEETs can pay for their shit by the time they're 21, making 6 figures in crypto is easy when you've got all day to study.
>Nobody is talking about that tho. Non-retarded NEETs can pay for their shit by the time they're 21, making 6 figures in crypto is easy when you've got all day to study.
Yes they are. People itt claim that if you live with your parents past 18, you are a leech.
>boring missionary sex
Been banging my 10/10 formerly virgin gf for 2 years, and to this day just shoving my cock in her is enough to send waves of pleasure through me. Not that we stick to missionary, but we really could and it would change nothing for me, the variation is mostly for her.
You burger normalfags are a strange breed. The Jew has deprived you of the most sensitive area of your manhood, and your answer is to wholeheartedly accept their society AND to chide your fellow Americans who see through the bullshit and choose neetdom. Circumcision being mostly irreversible, some level of coping is understandable; but letting the cope ruin your entire life to the point you insist miserable conditions make you happy as you yell at strangers on the internet is going too far with it.
Being cut doesn't make you any less of a man. Accept you've been wronged and focus on how best to live your life.
>his projecting level is over 9000
>tfw mom is buying me a condo
I'll never have to worry about affording rent or a mortgage.
Feels good mayne.
I'm not cut nor a burger, user. Read the post more attentively.
You are a leech if you're freeloading. It doesn't matter if you have income or not.
what other options are there retard, burgers have to at least pay property taxes (see: rent)
>Amerifats parents make their kids pay for their college tuition
>Amerifats are supposed to move out the home at 18
Let me just say your county is fucking abhorrent. OP, where I'm from, property is a fucking rip so people live with their parents as long as possible and it's normal. Fucking Americans are so americentric t hurts my brain
Fucking Heil'd
Not everyone lives in a country smaller than Texas, user.
Tuition wouldn't be an issue if it wasn't for government fuckery.
Moving out at 18 usually isn't an issue if other people are doing it, unless you live in a major city, then have fun with your bathroom sized "apartment" that costs more than my mortgage.
Are we supposed to care what '''''''people'''''' in your provincial backwater do? Do you think the might ROman Empire cared about the day to day mundane banality of the filthy barbarians? Shut the fuck up and tend to your potatoes worm. Hahahahhaha
Maybe if Texas is 1.66 mill square in
>Unironically comparing your country to the Roman empire
Oh sweet lord I am going to absolutely feast on American tears one day.
Im 19 and pay rent and all bills equally divided by me and my parents so idk what ur crying about. £500 a month each.
19 and literally have done everything myself, from buying my own car to living in my apartment.
Pepe stolen
Have moved out of home before but moved back to save money + time. Fuck it sucks living at home you feel like a piece of shit. 24 here almost 25.
If I'm not crypto rich in 3 months I'm getting job
Link and ICX plz moon
>£500 a month
You're going to kill yourself when you move out and realise you're going to be paying 3x this.
My father's fortune goes up to 40mil, he basically kicked my ass off when I was 18. I am now 24 with no job and no money and he hasn't given me a penny.
At least your parents let you stay and give you food...