Verge? A go or a no? Long term and short term.
Verge? A go or a no? Long term and short term
I dunno, man. I've always ignored XVG, then I noticed a couple of big crypto twitter guys who I know accumulate have been talking about it more.
Look all what Veeky Forums is shilling nonstop and do the opposite. Maybe some small short term gains but you aren't going to lamboland.
It's going on binance in a few hours. Bought 120k. Hoping to double hopefully.
It's a privacy coin and the dev team is said to be good. Anyone know more about it's long term? Short term it seems ok.
Explain the LINK shillapalooza then.
yes sell at 20% within 24 hours
I already did. Short term gains are possible from the PnD gamble. Don't get greedy thinking you're going to the moon.
what time does it go live?
Midnight EST I think.
everything on binance is going ham
>500 btc of sell orders upto 200 sats
>increased liquidity from a new exchange
yeah thats going to end well
Coins have always gone up in new exchanges at least somewhat. Only matter is how much.
2 new exchanges, lots more coming in.
Yes, sooner than later- starting to soar right now
Got in at .6 cents, feeling comfy.
We Finna moon !!
Get their android wallet. you can set it up, receive verge from bittrex and transact to other wallets in under a second. amazing working product. im holding forever
it will moon hard when it hits Binance. Get in now bro's. Easy double up.
fuck its already mooning..... and we have over an hour to go
Would it be smart to buy on Bittrex and transfer to Binance or no?
buy on bittrex
from there up to you
Crazy buy walls, should I really get in at 178 sats?
it could realistically go up to 300+ so its up to you, i doubt you'll lose money or get stuck with bags at 178 tho
I have all my XVG on Bittrex? There wont be a large variance in price between Bittrex and Binance will there be? Should I send all my XVG to Binance?
What's the potential future of this coin? They seem to tout privacy which is big but does it all work? Or another Monero clone? What's it got that they don't?
I just sent all over to binance
Going to put 2btc in and watch the price.
Hoping for 30%, then maybe rebuy the dip.
with half my money.
i just tried to send some, its taking a while
privacy coins are pretty much all mooning.
mcaffee likes it.
Long term it will moon 100% imo. Short term I have no idea
Is there a release date for wraith yet?