Given the indefiniteness of time, do you think that someday people might forget?
Given the indefiniteness of time, do you think that someday people might forget?
Its sad really
Of course. Also, it should be considered that the cultural reception widely differs depending on where you go. The further you go East, the less people give a shit about it.
>The further you go East, the less people give a shit about it.
I honestly couldn't believe this when I found out
they should have to take a course on it while if they study English since so many of them do. Its like an american not knowing anything about China/Taiwan separation
People still milk slavery so it won't be a while but eventually yeah
>Its like an american not knowing anything about China/Taiwan separation
Are you implying that it would be odd to find an American who does not know about?
If it wasn't for the constant reminders people would've already forgotten this minor event.
It'll be forgotten when it's on longer useful as a narrative/propaganda to teach children.
Not even memeing are you Jewish? Or german? Because that's the only reason I'd see why somebody would assume the rest of the world is so preoccupied with the Holocaust.
t. American korean
Learn to detect subtext you dumbos.
>indefiniteness of time
Nothing is eternal. Everything that has a beginning has an end, Neo.
The only people that even remember this crap live in western countries, in places likes Africa or Asia no one even bothers to remember the Lolocaust.
>ever forgetting a grudge
>dude just let popculture articulate all my thoughts, even when I have to express something very simple and obvious
Just pull the trigger now you consumerist cattle, the outcome will be the same as later
>inb4 he calls me edgy, thus proving that he is incapable of 1 single original thought
I don't think anyone will forget that it was a thing, but perceptions over time will become more indefinite and warped on it. It's likely it'll eventually be a footnote since people won't be sure exactly what happened if records are even true a century from when the events took place, let alone longer. We're already starting to see people who deny or ignore it and it's getting more and more difficult to provide certain first hand evidence.
Oy vey, don't forget the 6 gorillon goy!
But with all honesty, no, I do not think people will forget this "event" in history.
It's already been more than 70 years and people still remember this with an iron mind, just like slavery people will keep using this bullshit to bash other people in the head until the end of times.
Assuming yids dont takeover this world, humans 300 years from now will regard the holocaust the same way we regard the armenian genocide I mean the wait what?
Over a 1000 years, yes
Non-westerners dont give a shit about it.
And when every person that was alive during ww2 is dead people will stop caring about it eventually.
Forget about it? Unless every single jew dies out of nowhere, then no. Moralfags are not the ones shoving this bizarre stories down our throats
No, I'm reminded literally every single day I come on the internet. I'd forget my own name before I forgot the holocaust
Given that even the razing of the original temple is still talked about, probably not
Stop shilling.
I do believe in the holocaust. But 6 millon jews seems too much to be true, and most of the camps found by allied forces were labor not death camps as russians used to call them.
Also a lot of deaths were caused by thypus not mass shootings or gas chambers, which the germans hated because they couldn't bear with killing children and females, don't assume that everyone that does not agree with your opinions is a nazi.
>implying the average American can find China on the map
Veeky Forums sure is an optimist board, I doubt there will be anyone left to remember anything in like 200 years from now