Why are Turks treated differently from Nazis and communists?
Why are Turks treated differently from Nazis and communists?
It was a different time.
NATO ally
People aren't even aware that Turkey once ruled over half of Europe, much less that they attempted to genocide and non-European people.
Turks are an ethnic group, not a political ideology. That being said, if you mean why are the Young Turks and the Armenian genocide not treated the same way as Nazis and commies? What said.
>Americans aren't even aware Turkey once ruled around a fifth at most of Europe
Didn`t happen
Successfully you say?
of course it did, roach
typical roach-Nazi
Because they show no remorse, wh*te people need to learn that races exist in a constant power struggle any time you show weakness, your enemy will take advantage of you. Just look at your shithole of a continent, you have Africans in every advert.
different methods. compare gas chambers vs artificial famines vs forced deportations
t. The Young Turks
>Nazis only used gas chambers
>the holohoax happened
i'd say the communists have successfully denied their genocides, particularly since there is an ethnic group covering for them in academia and media. Jewish control over media and influence in academia has obscured and removed from public consciousness
I thought the quote was gonna be "Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise?" because Anakin never heard of it.
someone change it
Nice argument
We're talking a few decades of difference max.
Communists have never done a genocide unless you count Cambodia.
Stalin and Mao killed people, but none of their actions correspond to genocide.
You can't help being born a Turk, but you can help being a commie/nazi.
Holodomor is arguably genocide.
It isn't. Lots of Ukrainians starved to death and that's awful, but it wasn't specifically planned or even specific to Ukrainians. The famine existed throughout the USSR, and a higher percentage of Kazakhs actually died than Ukrainians.
Nobody started calling it a genocide until the early 90s, when Ukrainian politicians appealed to the international community for reparations.
Turkey was strategically important, and Western powers didn't want Turks being pushed into Russian arms (as is happening now, kek). Coups and sabre-rattling with another NATO member (Greece) were all quietly ignored. And to press the issue of a genocide before being against genocides was even cool? Over what? Some goat herders in eastern Anatolia?
It was planned in the sense that collectivization and various nutty 5-year plans were PLANNED. That the specific intention was to kill of holhols? In case you didn't notice, the Soviets were busy orgiastically murdering everyone including themselves.
If it wasn't a plot to get rid of Ukrainians then it's not a genocide. It's just a brutal and unacceptable slaughter.
we don't care about them and we'd kind of despise them regardless
>If it wasn't a plot to get rid of Ukrainians then it's not a genocide.
Except grain was stolen primarly from lands where lived ukrainian majority, while russian-speaking areas were treated much more lenient.
They're brown. Brown people are privileged and can deny war crimes and all negative history relating to themselves.
It's why only the West were "bad" during the Crusades despite the Muslim world fucking raping and destroying city after city.
ffs the only really "Brown" people in the MEAN Are Yemenis
Stop watching Hollywood where they have Pakis and Pajeets play arabic roles
because the Armenian genocide actually didn't happen
>It's why only the West were "bad" during the Crusades despite the Muslim world fucking raping and destroying city after city.
whites were weak.
we were strong.
we're not white.
i told you crackers to not whitewash us. are you mentally handicapped? what part of "we're not white" do you not understand?
BBC spam by other Turks was not enough i guess.
This board is not for roleplaying, fag
Yep whites are mentally handicapped.
From now on i'll call whites "special people".
>HERP DERP X IS ACTUALLY WHITE :))))))))))))))))))))))
go whitewash (F)ersians, they love to suck your tiny dicks for some reasons.
Just rats stealing from the mice.
Funny to find my shitpost all the way over here. Still not properly stolen lol
Because of where Turkey is
>cherry-pick some battles from the crusades
And now the middle east is a steaming pile of shit, go figure?
Explain, user.
we still wrecked crackers.
It was every man for himself. Ukrainians were farmer serfs, uneducated, clueless and weak. Soviets encouraged conflict and score settling, as it could always be justified as rooting out kulaks. More wizened crafty Russkies just exploited the ones weaker than them.
Doesn't really excuse it, but the whole thing is more a collapse of civil society than genocide.