>you missed BTC
>you missed ETH
>you missed NEO
you're not going to miss SUB are ya? you don't want to be rich?
>you missed BTC
>you missed ETH
>you missed NEO
you're not going to miss SUB are ya? you don't want to be rich?
Other urls found in this thread:
>this worthless shitcoin is just like btc and eth or even neo
you still havent missed any of those 3 when you look back 2 years from now :) :) :) :)
>implying you'll get anything close to 1000x the value of your investment by investing on them now
Yes it's possible. That's how I can tell you're never gonna make it.
>im rdy for lambos shitheads
i'll see you bros @ lamboland
>btc or neo or eth being worth 1000x what they are right now
oooookay then. screen cap this shit and humiliate me in a shitpost in the future, it'll be fun
>mfw sub is worth 10usd and I'm officially a millionaire
Ok I will eat my dick on livestream when it doesn't, screencap this.
i wont be a millionaire but i'll be happy enough with a few hundred thousand dollars
we need to estabilish a date
what is sub, where to buy it right now? I like when shit is only 5 cents.
What does sub do?
Ok I went to the website and help me understand.
You buy this coin because it's supposed to bring the internet to the world and make it free?
I don't understand how this works. Why do you need crypto for this?
If you shills think this shitcoin is gonna go beyond 5 cents you're more delusional than the libtards who thought Hitlary would win lmao
Get a life and go buy some bitcoin you fkin retards.
it basically makes anyone be able to be a web-host and earn crypto doing it by just pressing a button.
and then you can host on a decentralized network that cant be banned by iran/china and is a lot cheaper than regular web hosting (its pay as you go, meaning if no one is entering your website you're not paying shit).
so basically you pay to host on the sub network buy using SUB and you get paid SUB for hosting (basically mining)
theres more shit to it to, like cryptopay which is basicaly paypal crypto. you can buy it on EtherDelta, coss.io and Tidex
Their goal is to create a decentralized exchange that even a retard could understand. They have the best Slack community and most active dev team out of all the ICOs I’ve invested in. Just fucking buy it you autists.
Fuck, a decentralized internet, not a decentralized exchange.
>inb4 every shiller and their sheep gets massively cucked. These fktards dont even have a working product yet LMFAO GTFO & STFU!
I'm assuming this is your coin and you're here shilling it.
Sorry, but I don't see the value in this. How are you going to take marketshare from other famous well trusted hosting companies, and place in the hands of volatile crypto traders?
And secondly, no one cares about trying to web host for countries that aren't capable. Even though, hosting companies would already be in that territory.
And I have to PAY into the network? Why?
MAID bags getting heavy? they're having a beta in DECEMBER and v1 is in JANUARY. they'll literally be the fastest ICO to deliver their shit.
>How are you going to take marketshare from other famous well trusted hosting companies, and place in the hands of volatile crypto traders?
it's cheaper, you can't be DMCA'd, no one can fuck up your files because they don't know where your server is, no government can do anything to your site. if you don't see a value in this you're retarded and shouldn't be investing.
>And I have to PAY into the network? Why?
you have to pay to host websites like every other web hosting service, except it is cheaper because you won't get charged when no one is accessing your website
Guarantee that every person in here spreading FUD about SUB has a bag of shitty MaidSafe (cool name). Beta in December, V1 in January. Substratum is going to motherfucking Pluto bitcc
Shills shillin another crapcoin ICO, they've got no... SUBstance lmao at least it gave me a good laugh before bed. You little shits are gonna get burned hard.
how do u even buy
Either Maid or shift or internxt
Thanks for bumping thread tho. Good luck with your heavy maid bags. Ppl are never going to download a browser to use your shit network
yeah i dont see the value. must be retarded then. good luck friendo
have you ever heard about piracy?
EtherDelta, Tidex or coss.io
Ether Delta and Coss.io, they’re currently in first place to be the next coin added to Binance binance.com
Holy shit
ED the most retarded exchange ever and Coss wtf is even Coss lmfao. Look at those votes on binance, they must be making fake accounts to keep up with Monetha's slack and telegram. What a bunch of desperate shills, ignore and move on if you dont wanna get ultra-cucked.
kek so your a butthurt Monetha shill? that one coin where the founder disappeared for months after ICO? oh jeez. no wonder your scam coin is cheating and spreading FUD
pic related from monetha's slack.. pathetic.
lol me a monetha shill? please, im not concerned with petty rivalries. Your autistic little screenshot doesnt matter since Substriggerd are prolly doing the same thing. Shilling this bullshit ICO that quickly grabbed money from people and will disappear just as quickly is beyond retardation LOL
you do realize that the SEC is going after people who do that, right? they have openly revealed their identities on linkedin, have verifiable past work and they are constantly posting updates on youtube instead of running of with 14mil.
if you're not a monetha shill you're clearly retarded or just baiting
There's not a single indication of that. Honestly, I've never seen a team give so many updates after ICO was over. They are here to stay.
>bought 1 eth worth in pre-ico
Got 5470 sub. Just gonna hold it. Might be neat if it goes to $10. Don't really care enough to sell it.
>investing in ICO without product
worked pretty well for Link, Walton and a bunch of other succesful ones.
whatever, stay poor
>coin is named SUB
Why not name it cuck? Chad-tier investors would never touch a SUBmissive coin. Enjoy getting pegged when this tanks hard bois
Seriously, must be Trump-level idiot to not buy this coin, one of those ideas that can gain worldwide adoption
This coin is pure fake vaporware. Got a good chuckle from their youtube videos.
>implying known programmers with over 7 year old linkedin profiles full of other real people references and endorsements would create vaporware with their real ID so the SEC could rape their butthole
this is the most retarded FUD ever.
>creating websites and using photoshop is now considered qualifications for developing an entire decentralized internet in a couple of months.
these guys probably aren't worried about anyone going after them because there are enough greater fools out there to buy bags. even though its down like 50% people will always make excuses like "but i can dollar cost average now", "its only a loss if you sell", "its just crypto". the sec could always go after them but people have done far crazier things for $9m.
justin did web dev for Apple, Disney, Eastman-Kodak, Hewlett-Packard and more
abram is dev manager @ cardinal health, a fucking fortune 500 company
jason was literally web dev for american express
plus the other members they have and the new people they already said they were hiring with the money they got in the ICO.
so, since your FUDding so bad, spreading lies, I ask you again: which bag is so heavy to lead you to this pathetic desperation? Maid? Shift? Internxt? keep bumping the topic tho, just spreading more awareness about SUB.
>not knowing what sage is
quit shilling this obviously fake scam shit on here we all see right through this