
This makes me proud to be an American.

Other urls found in this thread:

worldfuturefund.org/wffmaster/Reading/Hitler Speeches/Hitler rede 1939.01.30.htm
yadvashem.org/odot_pdf/Microsoft Word - 4029.pdf

lol niggers lmao

Where were you when Germany got BLACKED and SLAV'D?


A celebration?

that's the patrician way to spell it desu

>be so-called master race
>get BTFO by patriotic american mutt soldiers

How can the yuropoor compete?

>serve your country against so called Nazis
>return home to blatant racism

How did black people justify being patriotic back then when the majority of the country would rather pretend you don't exist?

that german boy is thinking how suicide would be better than surrendering to a black.

There was and possibly still is no better country on Earth to be black in than America.

>be black American soldier
>get BTFO'd by fucking Italians


that's an interesting point.
Wouldn't Canada be even better?

France was pretty chill.

Only time its better to be in France or Canada over America is when you got healthcare issues.

>US aircraft

Based black men

*Sips communist tears*
*bathes in communist blood*

Hey those are not eggs.

finally jamal
we might not be allowed to sit in front of the bus
but we finally get to join the army instead of running to europe to join any kind of army :)


BLACKS had to go to FRANCE to actually be able to work on their arts away from the immense racism of the states that made it a complete bitch to do. They had to leave their homeland into another European country where they were actually appreciated and treated lie equals. That's the Negros dilemma and it still persists to this day.

>Die serving your country to stop Hitler
>80 years later your descendants are being called nazis for trying to preserve your identity and culture
On the day of judgement, even the rocks will cry out, there is a Jew behind me!


>Die serving your country to stop Hitler
>80 years later your descendants are LARPing as Nazis because of an inferiority complex stemming from their interracial porn addiction

>pretty much all of europe

>US Aircraft
>MI-24 clearly visible

>How did black people justify being patriotic back then when the majority of the country would rather pretend you don't exist?
They just loved America.
People now a'days just don't get it. Because there's never been a real war, or anything that makes you care for your country.

It's seen in many other countries however.
Such as Jews serving in the German army in WW1, despite being hated by lots of Germs
Or blacks serving in Nazi army

>proud to be manipulated by kikes

Classic mongrel thought process

He probably isn't, not everyone is as brainwashed as you

>we hate the klan and lynching but we also hate jews and niggers


>muh kikes
Not everyone wants to be dominated by fucking Germans

I guarantee that the vast majority of Americans fighting in WW2, including the politicians/generals/etc. cared anything about the Slavs/Jews/French who were being persecuted.

They just didn't want to live under some German tyrant

It's just pure propaganda.

>They just loved America.

Being forcefully drafted to fight a war to protect the special interest of the financial banking elites meant they lub Murica

Fuck off with your historical revisionism

>Such as Jews serving in the German army in WW1, despite being hated by lots of Germs
were they hated before ww1?
>They just loved America.
they didnt have any rights and people were openly racist against them

they just wanted to get accepted, that is why they enlisted

>Americans didn't hate Hitler and all other tyrants they fought against
You're the revisionist here bud

>I guarantee that the vast majority of Americans fighting in WW2, including the politicians/generals/etc. cared anything about the Slavs/Jews/French who were being persecuted. They just didn't want to live under some German tyrant

Sure thing Schlomo. And lmao if you think your voice matters in regards to issues like these. And lmao even harder if you think Hitler had any interest in conquering America. ROFL if you think it’s better to live under a Jewish tyrannically elite dynasty who keep themselves hidden.

Nice propaganda. It’s hilarious to think that what you accuse of propaganda is merely a self projection of the propaganda that you were taught. A classic case of a pot calling a kettle black.

I saw this posted in a thread a while back.


>Drawing on small-town newspaper and court archives, along with interviews of local historians and victims’ descendants across the South, “Lynching in America” tallied four thousand and seventy-five lynchings, at least eight hundred more than any previous count. The new report, “Lynching in America: Targeting Black Veterans,” concludes that, during the same period, “no one was more at risk of experiencing violence and targeted racial terror than black veterans.” The susceptibility of black ex-soldiers to extrajudicial murder and assault has long been recognized by historians, but the topic has never received such comprehensive standalone treatment.

Some choice quotes:

In a speech on the Senate floor in 1917, Mississippi Senator James K. Vardaman warned that the return of black veterans to the South would “inevitably lead to disaster.” Once you “impress the negro with the fact that he is defending the flag” and “inflate his untutored soul with military airs,” Vardaman cautioned, it was a short step to the conclusion that “his political rights must be respected.”
Whites speculated that, while stationed in Europe, black soldiers had enjoyed wartime liaisons with white French women, increasing their lust—which, in the white imagination, was already dangerously high—for sex with white American women. Many black veterans were denied the benefits and disability pay they’d been promised. In the first summer after the war, known as the Red Summer, anti-black riots erupted in more than twenty American cities, including Houston, Chicago, and Washington, D.C. “This is the right time to show them what will and what will not be permitted, and thus save them much trouble in the future,” one Louisiana newspaper opined, in an editorial titled “Nip It In the Bud.”

As E.J.I. staff examined these attacks in detail, they noticed that, often, the only provocation was a black man’s insistence on wearing his uniform in public. “It’s really shocking,” Stevenson said. “Just the sight of a black soldier, just the suggestion that he might take on that empowered, adult, mature identity—that could get him killed.”

After WWII, multiple veterans were attacked almost immediately, often by drivers or fellow-passengers on the buses and trains transporting them back to their homes. Many more soon realized that the G.I. Bill had been constructed in such a way that most of its benefits—including mortgage support, college tuition, and business loans—could be denied to them. Racial violence spiked.

Initially, these men were barred from combat, and instead assigned to service duties such as cleaning white officers’ quarters and latrines. Just as in the Civil War, only mounting casualties convinced the generals to allow black soldiers the privilege of risking their lives on the front line. And just as in the First World War, a vast chasm quickly sprang up between wartime rhetoric and wartime reality. Black soldiers stationed at military bases in the segregated South were forbidden from eating in restaurants that opened their doors to German prisoners of war.

>we hate niggers

Nice propaganda. Too bad it doesn’t hold truth to reality.

Read some primary sources then. People were enthusiastic for the war effort, this was reflected in everything from soldiers' morale to the flood of volunteers to their treatment when they returned home to the speed of economic and civil mobilization. It was seen as a defensive war after Japan and Germany declared war on the US, and unlike during Vietnam and the Civil War there weren't any anti-draft riots (which there would have been if it had been seen as unjust).

>propaganda propaganda propaganda
Accusing others what you yourself are guilty of. A classic Nazi tactic.

I couldn't find the official numbers for volunteer blacks, but I guarantee there was a fair amount considering ~38% of the overall fighting force were volunteers.

Also you're an outright revisionist if you believe that people in the USA did not absolutely hate Hitler in the 40s.

>were they hated before ww1?
I thought antisemitism was common amongst most of Europe in the early 20th century?

>they didnt have any rights and people were openly racist against them
Same reason a dog would protect it's owner even if they owner was shitty.
Also the fact that the nazis would've treated them worse.

And if they were fighting to be accepted then that makes some sense. But it doesn't necessarily explain the vigor that they fought with.
7 received medal of honor
~2000 got distinguished service cross

>Sure thing Schlomo. And lmao if you think your voice matters in regards to issues like these. And lmao even harder if you think Hitler had any interest in conquering America. ROFL if you think it’s better to live under a Jewish tyrannically elite dynasty who keep themselves hidden.
>call him a Jew if I don't like him
You're revising history to fit your agenda and using cherry picked photos of the tiny fraction that was the American Nazi scene.

/pol/ please
Hitler saw anyone except Aryan/Germans as some sort of master race, and all others, especially none-whites, as sub-human. This is widely documented by both right, left and center, historians.

>propaganda is only propaganda if they do it

Classic kike tactic. Care to mention who bought it up first?

>People were enthusiastic for the war effort.

Nice revision. It’s not like the Great Depression and living in utter poverty had anything to do with it. They were all bloodthirsty for war and their economic condition had nothing to do with it. It was because of the fear of being ruled under muh dictator. Am I right?

>Hitler saw anyone except Aryan/Germans as some sort of master race, and all others, especially none-whites, as sub-human.

Oh look. It’s schlomo self projecting again.

>call him a kike so I don't have to have a proper argument

And you're a complete retard if you believe people were fighting because they were war hungry.
There's a fucking reason USA didn't enter until after Hitler declared war on us. It's because nobody gave a fuck about Europe until we were forced into the conflict.

What the fuck would you have preferred FDR do? Just let Hitler do whatever he wants to USA? Not send any troops despite being at war?

So are you actually claiming that the Nazi ideology wasn't a Aryan/German master race ideology?

Are you just baiting at this point?

>Hitler saw anyone except Aryan/Germans as some sort of master race, and all others, especially none-whites, as sub-hum—

Nice propaganda.

>Care to mention who bought it up first?
It was you, I only called you a revisionist, which you yourself called the other guy first. You're just being a slimy Nazi worm.

>They were all bloodthirsty for war
You tend to be, when your country is surprise attacked by highly aggressive and expansionist militaristic fascist dictatorships.

>that pic
Are you implying that the Nazis were actually economically literate? Hitler himself said that the economy was of "secondary importance". When you borrow shittons of money in order to fuel your war industries and build infrastructure you tend to get good results for the short term. The thing is that Germany needed foreign conquest in order to pay off those debts. That sort of economic policy is utterly unsustainable in the long-term.

>everyone not liberal is a nazi
Thank god you won't reproduce

I don't think that's what he was implying user

>his ideology was based on the superiority of his race.

This is widely documented by every historian who has ever documented Nazi Germany. Is constantly spewed out by modern day "nazis" and was a common theme among propaganda within the government.

Oh wait, he got along with Japanese people, that means all the other stuff is a lie!!

>>call him a nazi so I don't have to have a proper argument

Self projecting your own insecurities to mask your lack of argument. Classic kike tactic.

And despite their service misrbAmerican blacks got fucked out of the Gi bill

>This is widely documented by every historian who has ever documented Nazi Germany

Historians huh.

Okay, when exactly did I call you a nazi you fucking idiot.

Yet, you're the one posting /pol/ memes and calling me a kike in every fucking post. You're so hypocritical that it's funny.

:/ that's just how the times were, even if the military wanted to give them shit it would've pissed the populace off

But there is evidence that the military respected them, such as how no black regiments ever received "poor" grades, and other stuff such as that.

>he called me a rude name after I told him he was subhuman scum and threatened to genocide his entire people
>that makes him evil
/pol/niggers everyone

>i don't like history so that means it's biased

Mind telling me why so much of the propaganda regarding the government of Nazi Germany revolved around racial superiority

>Having the same views as the people that fought the Nazis doesn't make you a Nazi
>Yes they are Nazis


It was only a matter of time.

>Okay, when exactly did I call you a nazi you fucking idiot.
>A classic Nazi tactic

It seems that you are being upset because you are losing this argument badly. It’s important to think rationally and don’t let your emotions confide. You should take a break from your computer and get some rest.

Can you just admit if you're being serious or not?
This feels so much like bait

All contemporary black art comes from the US, you retarded faggot. Name anything that the world recognizes from any other country. inb4 Seal (who is is more well known for cranking some white supermodel than singing).

His name is Adolph Schicklegruber.

He is right though. Hitler basically used non-white useful idiots because of their strong dislike for England and France. The leader of the Indische rebellion actually went to Japan when he realized Hitler had no plan to give them a free state after the war.

You nigger you can't tell I meant BLACK AMERICANS. MANY had to leave the states to pursue their art in peace or to find finding that they couldn't get back home. IM NOT DENYING BLACK AMERICAN ACHIEVEMENTS.

Also theres a lot of Black contemporary arts from the Caribbean and Latin Africa.

>Also theres a lot of Black contemporary arts from the Caribbean and Latin Africa.
Ones from America are inherently better

>Hitler basically used non-white useful idiots because of their strong dislike for England and France.

Nice revisionism. Are you revising history again to fit your narrative?

>useful idiots
Hello Soviet agent. /leftypol/ and Reddit is that way

Not really user. Black Americans only get attention because they are in america...the nation that gets all the attention.

Something made outside of America is an 8/10
Something made inside of America is 10/10

It's not revisionism and useful idiot is a good way to describe them. They were a third party being used against their own interests by a leader who did not give a shit about them. You are literally fucking retarded if you think the "based non-whites" would have been given their land had the Axis won WWII.


>Hitler basically used non-white useful idiots because of their strong dislike for England and France.

Except the Japanese did not care for Britain and France. Also Hitler did not want war with Britain and France. He was forced into it. So to use “non-whites as useful idiots because of their strong dislike for Britain and France” argument is flawed. Secondly, Hitler told Chandra Bose to help assist the Japanese on the pacific since they were geographically closer. You are pulling bullshit out of your ass.


You might as well link to rebbit. An open forum is not a primary source you imbecile.

>Hitler did not want to go to war with Britain and France

Nice German propaganda
If he didn't want to go to war he wouldn't have invaded Poland

>implying the invasion of Poland was done intentionally to go to war with Britain and France

Nice Treaty of Versailles propaganda.

Are you a toddler?

If he wanted to go to war with Britain and France, then he would’ve done so by drawing first blood by declaring war on Britain and France and attacking them.

But that’s not what happened. Your argument is flawed.

But that’s not what happened. Do you lack common sense?

/pol/tards are mostly 50 iq American spics he’s almost certainly not joking

Racism is against the rules bud. You need to calm down.

you're currently in the '/pol/ circular logic loop'. You deny logic A for reasons B, and retreat to your own personal unassailable argument when reason B is questioned ("They must be jews/Jewish authors/Jewish sources/Look at my infographs please/Ad hominems").

you can argue any gymnastics you like desu, it doesn't change the fact your aforementioned posts were invalid arguments using ad homs and bad research. post something of worth or get out desu

Well that was nice of them, signing personal easter eggs for hitler.

There's way too much shit going on in this image, to the point that it's often contradictory.

Can you notice me please user-kun

>" Hitler, if you act like more of an aggressive nigger we will declare war "
>Hitler acts like an aggressive nigger
>lose war and millions of young German people
>American larpers idolize you as a hero
I wish I could be Hitler. I wouldn't even do anything differently, I just want the basement dwellers of 2017 to idolize me. I bet it feels like having a semi successful ant farm or something

Pretty sure he was specifically referring to the people who fly nazi flags

Britain and France say they will go to war with G*rmany if the G*ermans invade Poland.

>G*rmany invades Poland triggering a war declaration by England and France

>I just want the basement dwellers to idolize me

There you go again projecting yourself.

Not an argument.

You're not exactly making any arguments yourself. Even if you think the Poles and Jews deserved to be exterminated Hitler still fucked up massively in the military and diplomatic handling of his nation.

Which reminds me of when Hitler decided to declare war on the USA (even though he didn't have to, and doing so would be incredibly foolish) and he didn't consult with anyone and only told Ribbentrop AFTER he made up his mind. Ribbentrop pointed out the foolishness and pleaded with Hitler not to do so, to which hitler responded "it does not matter".

>I reject your views no matter what because it goes against the narrative I was indoctrinated with

>Not an argument.

>Chamberlain and Daldier still fucked up massively in the military and diplomatic handling of his nation.


>Even if you think the Poles and Jews deserved to be exterminated

When did I ever made this point?

Also muh holohoax is post war Soviet propaganda

They should have been more stern with hitler, one pushback by the allies pre-1938 and hitler would have sulked back like the coward he was.

>Also muh holohoax is post war Soviet propaganda

>Ally and Soviet propaganda doesn’t exist. Only le nazi propaganda

>could’ve would’ve should’ve

>Hitler was le coward

Good old propaganda

I will agree with that, but luckily Churchill and FDR were there to fix the fuck ups that the other leaders had made.

>muh holohoax is post war Soviet propaganda
[Citation needed]

Were hitler's Reichstag speeches Soviet propaganda?

For example when Hitler spoke in front of the Reichstag on January 31, 1939 and said "out " the result will be not the Bolshevization of earth, and thus a Jewish victory, but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe."

Listen and watch here: youtube.com/watch?v=4AFhwwgL-94 german text here: worldfuturefund.org/wffmaster/Reading/Hitler Speeches/Hitler rede 1939.01.30.htm english translation here: en.wikisource.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler's_Address_to_the_Reichstag_(30_January_1939)


Was himmler also a source soviet propaganda when he spoke at Posen on October 4, 1943 when he said "I want to also mention a very difficult subject ... before you, with complete candor. It should be discussed amongst us, yet nevertheless, we will never speak about it in public......I am talking about the evacuation of the Jews, the extermination of the Jewish people."

Listen to this speech here: youtube.com/watch?v=mRO04q_lQi4
In german: nizkor.org/hweb/people/h/himmler-heinrich/posen/oct-04-43/ausrottung-transc-nizkor.html
english translation here: yadvashem.org/odot_pdf/Microsoft Word - 4029.pdf

Come back my /pol/ friend! I much more to share with you!

>Me: That seems reasonable
>Me: I'll question this

I think we scared him off....

He's probably that same Naziboo the other day who refused to respond to anyone else's response to his rants, and then when people called him out on his shit he was like "I thought you would be people open to discussion".