>Parents started getting angrier at me and intend to kick me out soon for being a NEET
I live in Ontario Canada is there any chance for me?
Parents started getting angrier at me and intend to kick me out soon for being a NEET
Pay rent.
Don't be a NEET?
Actual advice please.
How much money do you have in the bank?
Theyre finally going to kick you out? Thank god, please chronicle your homeless adventures for us.
Mine is actual advice. You not wanting or being willing to try is the problem.
yes, go north sleep naked in snow. that will fix all your problems
this, actually any homeless documentaries or something like vlogs of homeless people
>is there a chance for me?
No. You're a self-defeating, whiny little faggot. You clutter this board with non-biz related sob story every week.
>refuses to work retail
>refuses to get driver's license to commute to the city
>refuses to take public transport to the city
you'll be living in a homeless shelter. posting your sob story from the public library soon.
You don't go from a no-skill, no-experience NEET to having a high-paying, comfy job in one step, and you don't have the funds to make money investing in crypto. just picture life in the homeless shelter surrounded by stinky drug addicts and mentally ill people. picture sleeping on a cot in a room with 20+ weirdos, showering in the shared bathroom, eating in the shelter cafeteria. that's what your future holds.
I'll make a YouTube channel showing me surviving in the Canadian winter
How did you know I made all those posts?
you always dismiss the advice because it involves leaving your comfy NEET nest. good luck ever breaking out of the homeless person blackhole. good luck getting ANY job when you live in a homeless shelter.
Ontario is a big place, I'd love to live there. I thought Canada had hldecent employment rates, can't you just work at Tim Hortons or something and invest wages into a crypto shipped on biz
Yes but I don't want to
he refuses to work at retail/service industry jobs. not really worth trying to help him. he's been posting this shit for days
How is offering to pay rent not actual advice? Maby your parents should kick your dumb ass out.
I dont want to be a rentcuck to my own parents.
then have fun being homeless i guess
Holy fuck, do you post this shit nightly? You're as bad as the Canadian Plumber faggot. Fuck off already.
Ontario, Canada location
You love in cuck country mate. How can they kick you out
Well considering your parents are getting NEETcucked it's the least you can do
What kind of shity attitude is that? Paying your keep isn't being a cuck.
I don't understand you people.
First you say that your parents charging you rent and that they should let us live for free. But then you say neets need to pay their share.
I don't recall anyone ever saying that, And if they did they are retarded. If you live with someone, especially as a good for nothing neet, You need to at least pay rent. Try and get away from it as long as possible sure, but it's an eventuality. If you aren't mature enough to understand that than you are fucked.
He probably is the same.
Gives leafs a bad name.