So I'm reading about the leadup to the Russian Revolution and HOLY FUCK how is this guy so fucking retarded and aloof...

So I'm reading about the leadup to the Russian Revolution and HOLY FUCK how is this guy so fucking retarded and aloof? He may be one of the dumbest motherfuckers in history.

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dumber than this guy?


Have you been watching PragerU videos again?

>Tsar the winter palace has been overthrown, half the country is in revolt
>"Are you seriously interrupting my water polo for this? The poors will just die down, if you need just send police to shoot them all"
>The Police have all been captured and or killed the Army has joined the Revolution
>"God why are you bothering me with this news fuck off I'm going for a nap"

Pretty much the Romonovs during the entire Revolution.


Are stupid.

The Czar was stuck in a train during much of the February Revolution. He certainly wasn't playing "water polo."

Reminder there was an Emperor of Russia, or Imperator. The title "Tsar" or "Czar" was ended by Peter the Great nearly 200 years before the Revolution.

Also, the capital was St. Petersburg (or Petrograd), not Moscow. Again, this was changed nearly 200 years before the Revolution.

This might be pedantic, but it's a good way to tell if someone has genuinely studied Russian history, or if they're just memeing from pop culture.

Not his fault he was a closet fag whose dick didn't work


people still referred to the russian monarch as the tsar, at least outside of russia

>or if they're just memeing from pop culture.
>implying half of the posters aren't "MUH NICKY" fags and the others aren't "romanov genocide best day of my life"
no one gives a shit about the actual history, you should know this

>Attacked fucking dogshit tier we still live in mud huts Japan and got his ass kicked.
>Refused to back down and kept losing battle after battle after battle after everyone was begging him to stop.
>Got cucked by a wizard.

Almost like it was made up or something

>no one gives a shit about the actual history, you should know this
I-I like Russian history. I explained to fellow anons here before on Russia's industrialization.

>Got cucked by a wizard. [citation needed]

Czar was killed, his own family was killed and his daughters were probably raped
Can you imagine Stalin being killed and raped?
Obviously the ''oppressive'' tsarist regime wasn't nowhere as oppressive as the judeo-bolsheviks that came to power in 1917

His daughters weren't raped, but yeah your point is correct.

>Hey, let's sponsor this violent revolutionary movement because it doesn't like any of the other violent revolutionary movements
>What could go wrong?

>I am the absolute monarch, I do what I want
>Everyone changes my opinion, my wife cucks me

He deserved it

what I regret most is that he deserved a more painful death


Monarchs and aristocrats tend to live in little bubbles their whole lives, divorced from the everyday reality most of us face. Unsurprisingly it often lead to them making some highly questionable decisions.

terrible meme m8


What can you tell me about Stolypin and his assasination user? Was he killed by right wing militants as a fear of peasants gaining power by his reforms?

>but I miss him
Fuck off, Nicholas was such an autist; however, Wilhelm was far more stupid on foreign policy

It's entirely possible the Okharna killed him using a leftist patsy, it wouldn't be the first time

Everyone and their dog knew that Alexandra was a fucking cock slave to Rasputin

>Czar was killed, his own family was killed and his daughters were probably raped

They weren't raped. The reason the Romanovs were killed was because the Red Guard holding them were surrounded by whites who were quickly closing on their position. They basically decided then and there that it was better to just shoot them than let them fall into white hands giving the whites a massive morale boost in a already meat grinder of a civil war.

>but I miss him

Modern Russia is fucked in the head. The way they've rehabilitated the fucking Romanovs (and Stalin) while shitting all over Lenin and Khrushchev is mind boggling.

People in Russia still refer to him as the Tsar while understanding he is an emperor. Its a good way to tell that someone is trying too hard to sound smart when they bring up facts the weight of which they dont understand. Peter changed the official title to emperor, people didnt stop referring to the tsar as the tsar in unofficial settings. Also you could say things like "The Emperor of all of Russia, Tsar Nicholas II"

You also forgot to mention that St. Petersburg was also called Leningrad.

>Spreading glorious russian culture to the rebelious provinces
>Comitting ethnic genocide
>Having a pimp-bitch relationship with a large Eastern Europe and Central Asia
Does Putin really hates these guys? They did everything he wants to and still managed to get praised for it

>The interaction of the higher authority, the Central Committee, with its base was thus abolished: the higher authority now simply imposed its will. To add insult to injury, the Central Committee decided what the base would ask the higher authority to enact, as if it were its own wish. In the most conspicuous case, in 1939, the three Baltic states asked to join the Soviet Union, which granted their wish. In all this, Stalin was returning to pre-Revolutionary tsarist policy: Russia’s colonisation of Siberia in the 17th century and Muslim Asia in the 19th was no longer condemned as imperialist expansion, but celebrated for setting these traditional societies on the path of progressive modernisation. Putin’s foreign policy is a clear continuation of the tsarist-Stalinist line. After the Russian Revolution, according to Putin, the Bolsheviks did serious damage to Russia’s interests: ‘The Bolsheviks, for a number of reasons – may God judge them – added large sections of the historical south of Russia to the Republic of Ukraine. This was done with no consideration for the ethnic make-up of the population, and today these areas form the south-east of Ukraine.’

>No wonder Stalin’s portraits are on show again at military parades and public celebrations, while Lenin has been obliterated. In an opinion poll carried out in 2008 by the Rossiya TV station, Stalin was voted the third greatest Russian of all time, with half a million votes. Lenin came in a distant sixth. Stalin is celebrated not as a Communist but as a restorer of Russian greatness after Lenin’s anti-patriotic ‘deviation’. Putin recently used the term Novorossiya (‘New Russia’) for the seven south-eastern oblasts of Ukraine, resuscitating a term last used in 1917.
- My Gott Sniffman.

For anyone that wants it. Dope ass E-book on the leadup to the Russian Revolution.

Louis XVI looks like Gene Ween

Stop trying to make this a meme
It's clear you've been assraped by these guys

I think he fucked up "regular polo"

The bolsheviks probably tricked the Germans and simply pretended to be dumb brutes with no grasp of philosophy, geopolitics, psychology etc... instead of the highly-educated, logical and determined geniuses they actually were.

I actually think they were far smarter than the wealthy aristocrats who paid them. "lol terrorists lmao" was probably the only thing which went through their heads, just like "lol poor people lmao" went through the czars head.

You want a solid way to create retards? Let them grow up in wealth. There is no fucking better way. Saddams sons, Bush, Nicholas... all confirm that theory.

t. communist brainlet

Lenin was worse than Stalin and almost any Romanov in every way.

you're a fucking retard.

Tsar was commonly used throughout Russian history after Peter. Cavalry charges, hymns, songs etc.

Tsar' batyushka (Tsar father) was a common way the peasants referred to him - ie fucking 90% of all people in Russia.

t. actual russian

He wasn’t dumb so much as a weak leader who lacked adaptability. Almost any other Tsar would have acted pretty similarly in his place

You forgot while you are right that Tzar is the equivalent of a King. In Peter the Great's reign he was able to have his realm and by extension title recognized as an Empire and Emperor. Plus it does not matter since the title Caesar is common to be used for Imperial titles.

The German Kaisers, the British Kaisar-i-Hind (Emperor of India) and now with a new edition was the title Tzar (Cae-Tzar get it now?) which is obviously based off the name. It's fucking interesting stuff Monarchy titles since they carry a legacy of reason why they're such a thing.

no he was pretty stupid, read some history.

Reminder that if Dirlewanger didn't get murdered by his Polish guards he probably would have gotten away with everything just like von dem Bach or Reinefarth did.

St. Petersburg was changed to Petrograd during ww1, it was only after the revolution it was called leningrad

Why else were they searching for those warm water ports

> not knowing how Russia had a summer and winter capital

Lenin was a fucking traitor who was taking money from Germany. Why on Earth would Russia want to celebrate that treasonous shit-stain?

Reminder that it wasn't his fault.

He was surrounded by corrupt Jews.

>Can you imagine Stalin being killed and raped?
Yes, I make many cummies on my tummy every night thinking how I'm forcing my pee-pee down Joey's throat while strangling him with his belt.

>Jews were on the tzar's side
>Jews also were on the revolutionary side

Wow, is there anything Jews can't do?!?!

All his predecessors got away with worse shit without their rule being threatened. Maybe he didn't take this risk into consideration