What went wrong?
The History Channel
After the last period, didn't it become a reality show channel?
now its pretty much combination of Hitler and Hurr
Why the FUCK did they start bringing in all the retarded shit about MUH ALIENS
It's the Bigfoot Channel
Deadliest Catch happened. Deadliest Catch proved that you can have a show that makes as much money as a real documentary but for a fraction of the cost.
So rather than pay for new documentaries as ratings slowly declined, all the old documentary-type channels found they could get the same shitty ratings for half the cost by just having a camera crew follow around some people being criminally incompetent at their jobs while they "act" out manufactured drama.
those ufo shows were so comfy. I used to watch them with my dad all the time before he died
we did, they realized no one our there was intersted in history except for us nerds, and so turned to more and more ridiculous bs to pull in the viewers.
>tgr knights templar found aliens and thats why the pope killed them
Guys like this ruined it, it became a channel about the united states history class, the don't care about other countries anymore
>History Channel is based in America.
>American TV consumption is now limited to rednecks & places with no fucking internet.
>That ensues,
Yes, but also hitler and aliens. There was literally a reality show about black men going ghostbusters.
>tfw now I watch survival/families living isolated reality shows with my mom
What is it about old people and these programs?
money, honey
The consumer. History Channel simply shows what the customer wishes to watch. Not their fault what we're interested in
This. Stuff about aliens, Nostradamus, and reality shows get ratings because that's what people want to watch. The average consumer is pretty stupid and more interested in watching controversial things or other programs that can sold as salacious and thinks educational programming is boring.
Fuck niggers
Channel was shilled out. Like alot of other things that weren't cucked before that slowly or surely are now. It's a horrible pattern.
not much difference from what is taught by expensive university
The idiots spend 8 years to get a PhD and get teach everything that you can see already in wikipedia or any cheap free online encyclopedia
t. brainlet
Getting a sociology degree is about learning how to think, not what to think. You're not supposed to be able to give recounts of historical events; you're supposed to be able to analyse and process information.
why do that when you can get your opinions premade on youtube channels?
Good point. I have no comeback.
Plenty of people unironically believe what you said. Think that analysing history and being taught to think in a holistic manner is brainwashing.
Basically it is the equivalent of saying that engineering is a waste of time because people already have calculators to punch in values with premade equations
This. I watched old history channel, and as interesting as it was, the alien shit is generally more entertaining to watch. I know its all bullshit, but its still funny.
Moden marvels was the shit though, I wish they still had that.
>the absolute state of &humanities
This thread in a nutshell.
Remember history supports white supremacy.
you have to go back
N word
Media consolidations or the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
screw you bl*ack!
All tv was better in the 90's MTV played music videos and ScyFy the Twilight Zone and such. Then media corporations went herpaderp with reality tv and charging premium prices for actual music videos, history docs, and even movies that aren't recent releases with numbered versions of their channels.
Old History and Science channels also used to be good but went to shit
Did that happen to the Military channel as well? I only had that for a little bit
Not history related but Animal Planet went to shit long ago also
the sadam hussein stuff during the start of the "war" was non stop it was hitler tier spam
They realised Americans are dumb and don't care about history.
Watch BBC 4 instead.
So many things
1. Obsessions with Hitler/WWII
2. Shows about pawn shops, not directly history related in
3. Shows about aliens, not history related
>mfw history channel would be banned from Veeky Forums for shitposting
the Deadliest Catch is pretty accurate barring one glaring omission. The massive amount of drugs the crew uses to work 72 hours straight!!!
The drama is drug manufactured, no sober person would argue about the shit these guys quit a job for!
Source, I grew up in a fishing community and have many friends who do this type of work.
The issue I had with it (and the similar shows) isn't accuracy or the drama. It's that I don't want to watch people do their jobs and swear at eachother. It's retarded.
Ancient Aliens was originally a one off special that got its own TV show because of viewer demand.
>Getting a sociology degree is about learning how to think, not what to think.
Don't forget the vikings show which has tons of things from wrong eras
its kind of a cool as shit job though. it sure beats my sitting in front of a computer work day. I dont really watch reality shows, but i sure as shit would want to see a bunch of office workers sitting around all day, I can see that at work.
Hitler was also prevalent in 1995-2001.
we was greyyyys n'shieeeettttttttt
>(((Bob Iger)))
>(((Sumner Redstone)))
>Time Warner
>(((Steve Ross)))
>(((Leslie Moonves))), (((Glen Geller))), (((Jeff Frager)))
Sorry my friend, but this one is on white trash
even shitty US history classes have more info then these dipshits.
>Pawn Stars is a good, entertaining show
>all its spinoffs are also cool
>that show of the swordmakers is also pretty sweet
>those Ancient Alien idiots are funny
They should just change the name of the channel, but it's a pretty good channel
Forged in Fire is the best
>Pawn Stars is a good, entertaining show
>Darkies and kikes going at it for 40 minutes
>burgers in charge of informative and educational tv
what could possibly go wrong
>the majority of people want a specific kind of programming, so history channel shifts its programming to accommodate what the proles want
>this somehow wouldn't happen under communism
top jej
In 2009 I watched an 8 hour ancient aliens marathon where they played every episode. The entire show boils down to
>look at these giant rocks
biggest waste of my 8 hours
You're selling it short
you are the reason tv is so shit today.
>What went wrong?
they got WOKE
>the majority of people wants to see alien garbage, and since it sells is better than real history content, so it's better to show shit to people
>being against capitalism means I am a communist
there was even a show where a guy said that bigfoot was human/animal hybrid created by aliens to mine precious materials using a network of tunnels that expands under all of america
>white trash like
>cheap production and easily edited drama
These two things combined are why the History channel is what it has become. Fat people in trailers aren't going to watch a documentary on the Wars of Spanish Succession. There used to be a Military Channel on my Pop's DirectTV subscription and they would play Napolean/WW1 documentaries. Even saw a Crimean war one on there once. It might still exist I don't know.
American documentaries in general are pretty shit though. Documentaries that use cheap free license music to increase feelings of antipication or create drama trigger my autism. Which is to say nearly all of them do.
Even I don't like 100% dry info docs, but the interest should come from the content and not from the editing booth. There's so many interesting anecdotes in history. I'm sure there's a way to structure documentaries in a way that is both informative and interesting to casual viewers. Problem is doing that definitely costs more money + effort. Atleast now with Netflix and Youtube there are other platforms to get your documentary fix now.
I will watch Forged in Fire sometimes to laugh. Shooting bullets at a blade as some sort of legitimate test never gets old.
kek it all makes sense now
TV in the 90's blew. There was nothing on the level of The Sopranos, Breaking Bad, The Handmaid's Tale, or Poldark back then
I love the sheer number of obese neckbeards on Forged in Fire
Seeing some fat fuck jerking off his sword is never not funny
>that one guy who forgot to wear gloves and burned the fuck out of his hands
>, but the interest should come from the content and not from the editing booth. There's so many interesting anecdotes in history. I'm sure there's a way to structure documentaries in a way that is both informative and interesting to casual viewers.
What bothers me is there clearly is a way to do that as Dan Carlin, Extra History, and other online personalities have done. I have no idea why TV history content is so bad
>Blue collar tv show
>fat fucks yell at each other for 15 minutes
>dubbed in metallic screech sound
>reaction shot
>cut to commercial
i have a friend who completely believes that
everything on the history channel is real, with no acting or staging whatsoever
whenever i try to show him how something is scripted or just wrong, he just says that thats my opinion
sometimes he goes so full retard i cant handle it though. once tried to tell me that ethiopia is the only country that never had slavery because he saw someone say it on tv. when i tried to prove him wrong with facts he just says shit like "well thats the numbers theyve come up with, and i have mine. that doesnt prove anything"
If anything tv has actually improved. You have now a wider variety of shows and channels than ever before. It's not my fault uf you can't find anything that pleases you
Also, it is not my fault if you don't like half-staged half-real Americana
>watching television programming
>Also, it is not my fault if you don't like half-staged half-real Americana
user if I wanted to watch people sort through trash in people's garages for something worth selling I'd go to my parents' house.
Who even gives a shit about TV today anyways besides normies? Hell, to be honest even they are strafing away.