>"the Conquistadores were all rapists!"
Be realistic Veeky Forums, you would have done the same thing in their place...
"the Conquistadores were all rapists!"
then we're both rapists.
her angled profile is much better than her frontal profile
For a second there I thought that was Little Lupe.
if i was a bloodied, battle hardened spaniard conquistador then yes, absolutely.
Id try to start proto mormonism during the conquest just so i can take as many native women as wives as i want
>wow, user, everything you say about Europe makes it sound so amazing. I can't wait for us to go back and you can introduce me to your family
What do?
It was probably completely consensual between both parties.
Why would the women choose a half-naked indio savage over a masculine conquistador alpha?
whites were so incel they had to rape people lmao
thank allah for not creating me as a cracker. if i were a cracker i'd probably commit suicide.
t. Moor
burn the ships, obviously
>The same childhood friend reported in a letter that Columbus had provided one of the captured indigenous women to him. He wrote, "While I was in the boat, I captured a very beautiful Carib woman, whom the said Lord Admiral gave to me. When I had taken her to my cabin she was naked—as was their custom. I was filled with a desire to take my pleasure with her and attempted to satisfy my desire. She was unwilling, and so treated me with her nails that I wished I had never begun. But—to cut a long story short—I then took a piece of rope and whipped her soundly, and she let forth such incredible screams that you would not have believed your ears. Eventually we came to such terms, I assure you, that you would have thought that she had been brought up in a school for whores."
>Conquistador alpha
first of all whites cannot be alpha. you're incels.
They're both pretty qt
It's almost like women like rape or something...
t. arab rapebaby
The brown skin must have reminded the Conquistadors of their Moorish grandmothers.
Vae victus, fuck the Aztecs and Incas.
>tfw no qt North American injun gf to give your sons alpha-tier cheekbones/jaw structure
Yeah about that babe, I gotta go. I'll be right back, promise.
Tell some rape stories
It's more that humans are suspectible to pavlovian methods.
>needing to rape native qts
the Vrgin Conquistador vs the Chad Mountain Man
Just like my mindbreak animes.
>to cut a long story short
This makes me giggle
I believe Columbus's crew said they wanted girls of age 9-10, so really he was raping a loli
>In March 1519, Cortés formally claimed the land for the Spanish crown. Then he proceeded to Tabasco, where he met with resistance and won a battle against the natives. He received twenty young indigenous women from the vanquished natives, and he converted them all to Christianity.
How can one man be so based?
>He received twenty young indigenous women from the vanquished natives, and he converted them all to Christianity.
Everyone knows what "converted" means
How long have you been on the site? What inspired this specific type of trolling?
That was part of the normal spoils of war for soldiers back in those days. If you conquered a land or say took a city following a siege, rape and plunder were the expected rewards for the soldiers, though the commanders would often set time limits for the rampage and make sure the King got his share of the loot.
Cortes looks like Sean goddamn Connery.
Nope, I wouldn't have. Not everyone is morally weak.
Retard, do you even understand what morals are?
Without looking at wikipedia, or somewhere else, just with your own words. Can you explain what's the meaning of the concept of morality?
We are all monkeys at the end of the day... Monkeys drowned in our illusion of knowledge.
The Conquistadors did nothing wrong
the CHAD Conquistador
>spreading eurangutan pestilence and replacing superior beings
>not a tragedy
this, it's the same for me
good, good
>you were born too late to go on a loli raping tour around the world
Well yeah, that's how pictures work.
>Conquistadors literally warned people who met that if they did not pledge loyalty to their royalties (whom they did not know) and their god (who they did not know) they would have been "forced" to kill them.
Go troll somewhere else >>>\b\
pick one
Perfectly fair warning.
>Implying the native women didn't jump from tiny jungle ape wiener to superior Spaniard cock from their own will
>pretending to be a black person on the internet
how sad.
>more non-whites than whites alive in the world today
Whites are inferior?
Amerindian superiority is based on their higher development rate. How is this hard to get?
Somewhat related to where this thread has drifted:
Reminder that recent genomic evidence shows that ~10k years ago (coinciding with the Neolithic revolution) there was a huge, male-specific population bottleneck at the peak of which the effective (i.e. breeding) male population was seventeen times smaller than the effective female population.
In other words for each man who got to breed there were on average seventeen women who got to breed.
The natives should be happy they got supplied by superior castizo cock
I just don't get off on any sexual relationship involving domination.
But I would take a cute Inca as a mistress, treat her with respect and teach her the ways of Christ.
t. degenerate with no morals
>ywn be a cute native girl claimed by a big and strong white demigod clad in gleaming clothes who came from the ocean
c-catholic schoolgirls?
he started sometime in 2016, came from leftypol.
The year subhumans started replacing superior beings. A tragedy by all means.
>being this assmad
I think fedora's do get off on treating women like shit, they just realize they don't have what it takes. Hence their infatuation with the imaginary Chad who is a jerk but still gets the girls.
and now they're stupifying themselves on listerine and raping and murdering each other without whitey's assistance.
>we built ziggurats n sheet tho
How is spreading facts being assmad?
Amerindians are superior to europeans.
Berkay please.
You're already an embarassment on KC, don't make a fool on yourself here too.
Amerindians had a higher development rate compared to europeans. So America belongs to Amerindians the same as europe belongs to europeans.
How is this hard to get?
It's not true, your warped and retarded metrics are completely assdevastated by the effect of the LGM of the northern hemisphere.
>that back vagina
a man's dick can only get so erect
really interesting. I'm not christian, nor woroship any gods (*tip*), but man, how Bernal Díaz del Castillo describes the sacrificing houses, i would not even hesitate in converting those demons, at least to christianity. I mean, these sacrificing houses smelt worse than slaughterhouses of castille
Did anyone play Expeditions: Conquistador?
Pretty good game gimped by stupid leftie bullshit like having half the Spanish conquistadors be female or the Racist/Openminded dichotomy in character traits.
IIRC it was liiterally impossible to run a 100% male racist group who could just play like proper conquistadors.
>denying consensus
LGM only spread to north France and also stopped siberians from leaving artic lands before Amerindians started existing.
Amerindians had a higher development rate compared to europeans. History demonstrates it. Get over it.
there is no consensus backing you up, the glacier spanned from France to Hungary and almost everything else was a frozen desert hellscape.
Europe was severely depopulated. You're wrong, get over it.
That isn't the whole picture. Lots of native smallfolk worked with the Spanish to wipe out the native imperialists, because Spanish control was less horrifying.
>before Amerindians started existing
they were those siberians, at least in large part
>archeological dates aren't consensus
All central and south europe populated. Yet the max glacial extension didn't cover all north europe. Try again.
>development rate
It's pretty simple. Let's compare the ammount of time both populations' development pioneers accomplished technological advancements.
>from aurignacian proto-gravettian to solutrean:10000 years (30000BC-20000BC)
>from aurignacian-antelian the neolithic: 15000 years(30000BC-15000BC)
>from neolithic proto-agriculture societies to neolithic revolution: 6000 years (15000BC-9000BC)
>from neolithic revolution to copper and arsenical bronze: 4000 years (9000BC-5000BC)
>from neolithic revolution to bronze age and tin bronze: 5200 years (9000BC-3800BC)
>from aurignacian proto-gravettian to clovis: 4000 years (15000BC-11000BC)
>from aurignacian proto-gravettian to the start of crop development: 7000 years (15000BC-8000BC)
>from neolithic proto-agriculture societies to neolithic revolution: 5000 years (8000BC-3000BC)
>from neolithic revolution to copper and arsenical bronze independently: 2000 years (3000BC-1000BC)
>from neolithic revolution to bronze age and tin bronze: 4000 years (3000BC-1000 AD)
Wrong Amerindian genes represent a cluster of ethnicities with extreme genetic similarities compared to the other ethnicities from other continents, except inuits who are still pretty different compared to siberians.
>u-ur sad
>t. cracker
LMAO nigga like you lost the lottery of life HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA like how do you even say ur sad have you no shame :DDDDDDDD
>aurignacian proto-gravettian
Which is the cause?
War changes people, even more so back when chances are you're having to fight with such savagry, you're testosterone will sky rocket, and people who never thought they'd do something like that, ends up doing it.
Morals are important, we may be just animals but we should still act like we're better than the rest of them.
>Implying the native women didn't hop on Conquistador Cock to get away from the ugly, fat, smelly short "men" that inhabited Mexico, then as now.
And here I thought I couldn't get any harder.
Well, classical conditioning works on lesser beings as well.
The window of time you are describing is several thousand years. What likely ended up happening was farmers formed settlements, spread outwards as the population grew, killed HG males and enslaved the females, ensuring only their male lineage reproduced, and their sons continued this trend. At no point was the gender ratio 17:1. It was a steady process of population replacement.
Stating whatever you say is fact is not fact. Provide citations to your thesis.
>Implying the Chadcistadors didn't just cuck the virgin native men
No, they're really gross and putrid looking. Though in the conquistadors defense they didn't bring any women with them and they needed something to cum in.
Nope. I'm not a filthy med savage
Yes. Aurignacian proto-gravettian. There are some historians that even identify some of the earliest pre clovis tools found as mousterian like.
Try again.>denying archeological dates
Amerindian superiority is demonstrated by all history. Get over it.
then why are they dead and there civilization in ruins?
superiority is determined by more than just developmental rate
when your culture is so shit that it leads to a revolution that destroys everything its an indication that your civilization was faulty
Wrong. There are millions of Amerindians with less than 1% eurangutan blood in Guatemala, Peru and Bolivia. And I'm not mentioning the millions of mestizos with more than 60% Amerindian genes that are the majority on most latin American nations.
If you mean Incas:
Wrong. Eurangutan pestilence provoked the sucesion war between Incas after killing several nobles in no time and the king. The war was over and the winner's nobility was assimilated by eurangutans who didn't die out by the ammount of eurangutan diseases.
Even the social cohesion is maintained by Amerindians today.
>most Amerindian villages are peaceful, organized and have less crime than eurangutan ones from Argentina. The eurangutan mongrel neighbourhoods are the ones with more crimes of all America
Amerindian superiority is a historical fact. Deal with it.
> rape
there was intense and mutual sex attraction between both races, might as well face it
>There are millions of Amerindians with less than 1% eurangutan blood in Guatemala, Peru and Bolivia
It's my personal mission to make sure as many of their children as possible have 50% euro DNA.
It's the only reason to take a job as an english teacher.