*quietly moons*


This is Veeky Forums we aim for new ath before we buy

I pulled out of NEO a while back, but I wish it all the best, I know its going to a hunnet

Noneos always btfo

>the faggots didn't listen at $7
>why would they listen now

dumb money keeping itself out, i like it

New ATH incoming in the next couple of weeks.


$100 by December 15

Who knows? $100 by EOY is a strong guess, but if China regulates and NEO is announced as the official blockchain, then target is fucking Andromeda.

Tfw too poor to buy neo

this is such a low risk moon

pretty much confirmed to see 60 dollars again. If the china rumors are true we will blow past that

$100 gets you over 2.68 now as opposed to 0.25 later.

plz let this be true so i can stop wage cucking forever

ATH when??

Just sold my OMG bags and bought into NEO. Will sell NEO when I make a profit from my investment and re-buy OMG.

What will this moon-mission land NEO at?

why not just hodl both ya damn goat


Instead of panic selling during the last dip, i bought even more neo.


Ok, someone knows something we don't because some whale just ate all the sell orders at 870.

they know $38 is cheap

>the faggots didn't listen at $7
>why would they lsiten now

Will break ATH in less than 48 hours. Screencap

>quietly moons
>hovers around $30 for months
Pick one

Just sold right at the top. First time I have managed to sell high. Fuck yeah

but did you buy the dip

do you believe


Did just then

thumbs up

can this match ETH market cap if it becomes state backed? thats where i see it going.

>tfw traded in my shit Litecoins for NEO Dollahs at the right time

Feels good to be a NEO holder since 80k

>yfw in 5 year people will view you as a legend for investing in NEO when it was antshares

What happened that coins like NEO suddenly moon? It was worth 10 cent for almost a year.

round two incoming


holding 88 neo and on the RPX white list