>talking about WW2 with brainlet
>"If Germany just conquered England..."
Talking about WW2 with brainlet
If I could do in Hearts of Iron it could be done in real life
>why did Hitler declare war on USA
>why would Hitler invade Russia in winter
>why did Soviets walk into machine gun fire/not give guns to soldiers etc.
>if Luftwaffe hadn't bombed London they would have won!
>America dropping A-bombs on Japan was a war crime
>Stalin was 'more evil' than Hitler 'cause more people died under his rule
>PzV/VI were a mistake
>French/Italians can't fight! ad infinitum
>LOL why would Polish soldiers attack tanks on horseback etc.
good thread OP i'm mad already
>If Germany never invaded Belgium, Britain would've never joined World War 1
Fucking retards...
>The Germans get an unfair wrap compared to the Japanese.
>the slavs suffered more in ww2 than the jews
>holodmor was a tragedy
>the soviet holocausts were bad
>red army was foreigners
>muhreens raped hundreds of Okinawan women
1. true
2. true
3. true
4. true
5. first army was
>jews suffered more in ww2 then slavs
Your post proves jews didn't suffer enough.
>the slavs suffered more in ww2 than the jews
That's true though.
>Sir Arthur Harris was a war criminal
>talking about WW2
>not brainlet
20th century isn't history
>Germans had any chance winning
>If only germans reaches to caucasus oil fields, then they would've won
>German tanks were better than any other
>Rommel was a greatest german general
>Operation Sea mammal could have been achieved if only germany won "The Blitz"
>Dresden was a war crime
>Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a war crime
>Holocaust was a tragedy
Well, more slavs were victimized, but proportional to total population I would saw Jews suffered more.
Are you saying that because Jews and Slavs are somehow different humans? More Slavs died than Jews.
>If Byzantium could just hold Constantinople
the slavs deserved it though
I agree that ww2 and cold war is super mainstream to learn about but go fuck yourself you pretentious ass
>35 million slavs died in WW2
>while only "supposedly" 6 million of jews died
>Jews suffered more.
Whatever autistic krauts did, they've didn't do a proper job it seems...
This. Just drop some paratroopers on London
le italy switching le sides
I mean the Italian part is literally true though
>French are cowards
This kills me
>German had to honor their alliance with Japan, that's why they went to war with the USA!
>What? Of course the UK and France should have disregarded their alliance with the Polish!
>The Soviets invaded Poland too! That makes everything Hitler ever did okay.
>Germany used to own Poland, that makes it okay for them to conquer them!
>What do you mean "pragmatism" and "realpolitik"? Germany wanted that land, the other nations should have been honorable like he was and given it to him!
>America had basically already declared war on Germany by the time Germany declared war on the USA
>Germany was working on some long-range bombers, give it another year or two and they would have bombed the USA into a surrender
Correct, they're pompous, incompetent blowhards.
Operation sea big cat wasn't possible for many logistical and military perspectives.
For one, the baby German navy was decimated just invading norway (a nation unprepared for invasion, unlike Britain)
For two, landing craft and tanks etc. weren't very sophisticated at this point, the German army still using cavalry divisions.
For 3, there were no mulberry harbours and so it would be nearly impossible to supply an invading force.
Even if the invasion went perfectly, there is no guarantee that the Germans could have beaten the soviets in the east because Hitler was mentally retarded when it came to warfare.
I just gave myself terminal autism.
for being orthodox/communist/catholic/nationalist
It gets even worst than that user, over at /k/ we had a wehraboo claim that depriving all ethnicities other than Germans of their citizenship and gun rights was totally a "pro-gun" position and that "everybody was using genocide and child soldiers at the time".
>for being orthodox/communist/catholic/
And Nazis were larping neo-pagans
>not recognizing a clear shitpost
hard recognize it when Veeky Forums is flooded with /pol/ retards
i don't think /pol/ hates nationalists
Yeah, but he says that they deserved it for being nationalist for petes sakes, that's not the type of thing a /pol/tard would say.
More like "Slavs deserved to be removed cause they were nationalists, cause only Germans are allowed to do that."
all of that is true, except maybe the last part.
since when is /pol/ full of germanboos?
Since a long time ago user. A good 1/3 of them probably like Hitler.
i cannot even count how many layers of the irony this post has.
Oh hi humanities!
well then explain it, because from what i've seen most of them jerk off to slavs and support pan european nationalists.
Most of the Naziboos mock Polish nationalism, whenever it's brought up they make jokes about Slavs cleaning their toilets and taking money from the EU.
>well then explain it
/pol/ loves the order of the state that was in 2nd Reich = German Empire and the unity in 3rd Reich's population. A faith that the whole nation had put in one man - Adolf. /pol/ is germanboo because they admire the loyalty and the trust in state, that german nation is able to have. /pol/ loves german version of the nationalism.
i thought everyone mocked poles especially brits.
>/pol/ loves the order of the state that was in 2nd Reich = German Empire and the unity in 3rd Reich's population. A faith that the whole nation had put in one man - Adolf. /pol/ is germanboo because they admire the loyalty and the trust in state, that german nation is able to have. /pol/ loves german version of the nationalism.
i think they just really love ethnic nationalism. racial collectivism and statehood isn't unique to nazis either.
>isn't unique to nazis either.
but it is edgy, and the funniest part of posting on the /pol/ is slaying the holy cows of society
maybe back on /new/. i just check their catalog and it's like 99% boring fluff news and b8.
>we need to remember the bajillions of people who died in the Holocaust based solely on survivor testimony and forged documents
What do you want to imply exactly, moron?
Kek, imagine thinking that those wooden huts were what was around during the Viking age.
It's a
>Varg hates tribal africans
He is a fucking neo-pagan and borderline anarcho primitivist why would he not like tribal africans. He even says that he hates Christians for enslaving Africans and trying to industrialize them
No it's not. Italian soldiers fought well when they were led by competent officers, it's just that 99% of their officers weren't competent
Here we go again. Time to break out the old pics.
but holodomor was a lie and commies dindu nuffin ever :^)
>depriving all ethnicities other than Germans of their citizenship and gun rights was totally a "pro-gun" position
Are you implying that keeping guns out of the hands of niggers is a bad thing? They are responsible for most of the gun violence.
They can't shoot for shit anyways, just let everyone but convicted felons own guns and then watch as they die trying to steal from grandpa Cleatus' house.
>America had basically already declared war on Germany by the time Germany declared war on the USA
That's true though.
brainlet post. taking guns from black people wont stop the violence because the underlying historical and economic circumstances are still present.
get back to me once we've abolished capitalism
Nice bait.
honesty watching them go back to chucking spears in their tribal/gang wars would be hilarious.
Shall not be infringed.
it's true, Pierre
When the constitution was written they certainly did not consider that niggers would become citizens.
Not really. Yes, we were sending supplies, but merely sending supplies is a hell of a lot less damaging to the German war effort than being able to bomb the shit out of their factories directly and joining the allies, thus starting a whole new western front for the Germans to fight on.
Doesn't matter, gun control doesn't work at reducing homicides anyways.
r u saying that there would still be gun deaths in a society that doesn't have any guns
>should've dealt with Britain before invading the USSR
>Rommel could have pushed on to Suez
>should've put all the panzer divisions on the beaches of Normandy
>they weren't in a war economy until 1943, they should have mobilized earlier
>be nice to the Ukrainians when you need to steal their food to feed your army
>just spam PZIVs/STuGs despite lacking the fuel and rubber to do so
We weren't arguing what was more or less damaging we were arguing whether America had been at war with Germany at that point which is not measured on a continuous scale but which is a rather binary issue.
I supply one side in a conflict to make sure they can beat the other side, then I am at war that other side, whether I call it that or not since my direct involvement contributes to the enemy war effort and therefore their own.
There's a lot that they never considered. Stay as salty as you want about black people but I sure as fuck don't want the government getting any ideas about taking citizen's firearms.
Gun control is completely achievable, but only when done under the auspices of our beloved fuhrer and not a bunch of cucked libtards
Where did I say that? I didn't say general gun control worked. I said that certain demographics are responsible for most gun deaths, so disarming them would work out well. Switzerland has lots of guns but few gun deaths, so why is that? It's clearly because they don't have those certain demographics.
What's with the pencil necks?
I seriously hope you're trolling. Are you honestly so triggered by black people that you will give the government the go ahead to start slowly stripping us of our firearm rights?
The one pleasant thing I can take from this is that there's no way that racially based gun legislation would actually pass in the US.
Holocaust deniers eternally BTFO
good thing there aren't any itt.
right, because they were BTFO
well played, Veeky Forums. Their filth doesn't belong here
>gun control is achievable
>first you have to accept totalitarian rule by a dictator
That's kind of the reason we don't want gun control desu
I'm saying the homicide rate wouldn't decrease, people would either use guns illegally or find weapons other than guns to kill with.
?? they were never here itt unless you think that one guy was serious.
>there's no way that racially based gun legislation would actually pass in the US.
Just make people pass a written exam. Problem solved.
>I'm saying the homicide rate wouldn't decrease, people would either use guns illegally or find weapons other than guns to kill with.
If other weapons were as effective as guns we would be using those for war and self defence. We don't because they're not as effective.
The weapons needed for war are different from the weapons needed for crime. A pistol or a knife is far more useful to a criminal than a rifle, whereas the opposite is true in warfare. Besides, I'm just going where the statistics have pointed me, I haven't seen any good examples of gun control working to reduce homicides in other countries and it certainly didn't work when we tried it in the USA.
>I haven't seen any good examples of gun control working to reduce homicides in other countries
European countries have significantly lower numbers of homicides. The issue is not guns it's race.
>>the slavs suffered more in ww2 than the jews
That's true though
These are pretty cute, but what's going on with those tiny fucking necks.
I remember that thread
read about why they deserved it. and how disgusting their interwar nations were.
The part where niggers became citizens was literally a part of the constitution, you retard.
Photographic evidence is a thing
>Inb4 somebody posts the debunked Yugoslav partisans meme
And those countries had the same low rate of homicides before they implemented gun control as after. Although you are right about race being a major factor, not that I trust the government to restrict firearm ownership based on ethnicity.
To be honest the homicide issue in America is way overblown, if you want to survive follow 3 simple rules, don't be in a gang, don't live in the city, and don't be an idiot.
>you think that one guy was serious.
That's how they operate though: intentionally blurring the line between irony and dead serious, always leaving themselves a "LOL OMG U THOGHT I WAS SERIOUS MAN U GOT TROLLED LOLOL" outlet, while winking and nodding at any impressionable young man in search of a father figure that they can be serious about it if they want to be.
It is the duty of all Veeky Forumstorians to make sure holocaust deniers remain eternally BTFO, even when the people pushing those theories only claim that they were merely pretending to be retarded
so? that's literally how anyone else operates here. same with those idiotic communists posting their gulag shit or holodomor denial. there's no underlying goal to anything in this place.
stop apologizing for learned willful ignorance. Just call it out when you see it
That's retarded.If that was the case, USSR was in war against Allies.
This. Stormfaggots will often say shit as if its a fact, but its important to remember that they lie quite frequently, so if one of them says some shit like "the Jews were planning a communist coup against Hitler" or "the Poles were genociding Germans in Danzig" you gotta call them out on it and ask for citations and legitimate sources, then use your own sources to debunk them.
Usually they'll either leave the thread or call you a kike at that point, but that just demonstrates to any potentially swayed newfags that they are a cult who disregards any evidence that contradicts their revisionist history.
lol why? i'm not butthurt about nazis or commies enough to constantly search for shit to get angry about.