Post historical figures who's lives would make great movies
Post historical figures who's lives would make great movies
Alexander never got a fair movie.
Neither did Achilles and the rest of the Homeric Heroes.
Caesar has been done often and well but I think a more contemporary film could be made, assuming it was well adapted.
Arminius could really use a movie but it would be illegal in Germany.
I hope Marvel stays the fuck away from the rest of Norse Mythology. But some Sagas could be good movies. Vikings is a shit TV show, easy to critique, but it lets look deeper, it doesn't capture the essence of the norsemen, which is a problem for obvious reasons.
Vercingetorix needs his own film where Caesar isn't the defacto flawed hero.
Cortez and Montezuma need a movie which juxtapositions native society with Spaniard society, also it should as much as possible stay away from "le noble savage" or "le civilization is always superior".
To date we haven't had a good movie about the German side of the world wars. We need another civil war movie that focuses on the war rather whatever the producer feels the war was predicated on.
Constantine XI. Would hopefully see an increase in anti muslim sentiments in the west.
Cardinal de Richelieu (the real one, not A.Dumas's cartoon vilain version of him)
Prophet Muhammad PBUH
I have to admit, though, it's gonna be hard to make a movie where you can't show the protag
Ptolemy I
Antigonous Monopthalmus
Sargon of Akkad (not the ytuber)
Attila the hun
Admiral Yi
Hannibal Barca
Oda Nobunaga
there is pure kino about him actually, and yes, they don't show Muhammad at all.
The five good Emperors
This guy ==>
Boy is kidnaped by the spanish taken as a servant.
Governor decides to cut the feet of some natives for not gathering enough tribute,Mon and Dad of said boy among them.
Boy behaves like the best servant gets promoted to aide never tries to escape until he has learned the spanish way of conquest.
After 4 years he one day runs away gathers some natives from the land of his father and teaches them to fight in pike formations and captures horses and teaches them to ride.
Attack the spanish and defeat them.
Governor gets angry and goes after him, he defeats the governor named Valdivia and personally cuts his throat.
Justice is served
Just read a bit about this guy and he seems absolutely based.
He literally beat one of the superpowers of the time in piched battles.
What is the "essence of the norsemen"?
>Would hopefully see an increase in anti muslim sentiments in the west.
Lmao but why?
>waaaaah muh conquest
At least they were allowed to keep their culture unlike the natives of america who were genocided culturally and literally.
Not him but probably the drive for exploration and raiding.
Henry Morgan Stanley
Not to burst your bubble but nobody aside from greeks gives a shit about the eastern empire.
Whenever a movie is about rome its the western roman empire because that part influenced western europe the most.
Basically the byzies are irrelevant.
Zhang Qian
>sent west to forge an alliance with the Yuezhi against the Xiongu
>captured by the Xiongu, eventually escapes after 10 years
>gets to presumptive Yuezhi territory only to find out they've been exiled after being defeated in war
>says fuck it and keeps going west
>eventually finds them, they don't want an alliance
>says fuck it again and spends some time describing Central Asia
>eventually has to head back to report to the Emperor
>recaptured by Xiongnu
>escapes again, returns home
>largely responsible for development of northern Silk Road
Based Fryni.
>hey dude, byzies are irrelevant, lmao
Siege of Constantinople in 626.
Epic stuff
Memes aside, it could actually be interesting if properly done
>butthurt byzaboo
They're not irrelevant, they're just not Roman
Barbarossa and Charlemange aren't irrelevant to history, they're just not Roman
Unironically this.
They had a series where he was played excellently by Martin Shaw but the rest of the show wasn't that great.
Von Ungern-Sternberg
Couple of Soviet propaganda films and a recentish Russkie tv show, but nothing that that epic story truly deserves. Heard some Russian director wanted to put it on the big screen but am guessing the Russian equivalent of Hollywood put the kibosh on it...
It is not about being byzaboo or not, but saying something like
>Byzies arw irellevant
Means you are projecting contemporary worldview into the past, which discredits your opinion.
Interesting that I said literally the opposite
It could make for a very dirty movie.
I want French production with Polish actors.
The guy that said about the anti muslim sentiment is literally irellevant.
Wrong reply! Sorry!
Meant for
Yo, you!
Never gonna get a good Lenin/Russian Revolution movie because the elites today are legitimately terrified of people being inspired by him.
I mean, look at the MSM coverage of the centenary of the Russian Revolution last week. Every single NYT piece of the Russian Revolution was "Why Lenin was evil and why Nicholas was actually good", "The Soviets were worse than Hitler", "Nothing good comes from Revolution ever", "Actually Lenin was a badguy okay don't vote Sanders please".
It's also why you rarely get anything about the American Revolution that actually focuses on the REVOLUTIONARY aspects.
Movies are feels by default.
Of course there exist movies about Lenin.
Soviet movies.
Movies are expression of feels, and forced feels are pretencious and cancer.
It's easier to believe he's a movie or book character than a real historical figure, he's so insane.
>"I will under underline this once again: we are not up against a few pathetic individuals who have landed here by chance and who now seek protection and shelter. We are up against a fully-fledged Jewish state, an entire army which has come here with its sights set on conquest. The movement of the Jewish population and its penetration into Romania are being carried out in accordance with precise plans. In all probability, the 'Great Jewish Council' is planning the creation of a new Palestine on a strip of land, starting out on the Baltic Sea, embraces a part of Poland and Czechoslovakia and half of Romania right across to the Black Sea...
>The worse thing that Jews and politicians have done to us, the greatest danger that they have exposed our people to, is not the way they are seizing the riches and possessions of our country, destroying the Romanian middle class, the way they swamp our schools and liberal professions, or the pernicious influence they are having on our whole political life, although these already constitute mortal dangers for a people. The greatest danger they pose to the people is rather that they are undermining us racially, that they are destroying the racial, Romano-Dacian structure of our people and call into being a type of human being that is nothing, but a racial wreck.
Yeah no wonder. He was a fucking nutter.
t. racial wreck.
>an edgelord mary sue
>but she's actually real
how long till our boys start wewuzzing as nazis?
this would be fucking incredible
This crazy fuck
Just bridge my shit up
Gaius Marius
Lucius Cornelius Sulla
Not to summon the namefag but
>From farmer to slave trader to private to general to grand wizard of the KKK to leaving the KKK and giving a speech about how Blacks should strive to achieve anything a white man can
Would be a hell of a ride.
Talleyrand: sold out Louis XVI, the Revolution, Napoleon, AND Louis XVIII
That would be an interesting movie to watch.
>Arminius could really use a movie but it would be illegal in Germany.
give that man a sleigh and some reindeer and you have Santa Claus IV
Equal responsibility and expectation is racist. They'd have to have him be a remorseful cuckold.
Looks like a cool villan
>nobody cared who I was 'til I put on the nose
Pic related, his story is crazy
staring Kevin James
Both Sulla and Marius can be cast in a wide array of shades. Would make for a good miniseries featuring them both
>Cortez and Montezuma need a movie which juxtapositions native society with Spaniard society, also it should as much as possible stay away from "le noble savage" or "le civilization is always superior".
Peter the Great
Enrico Dandolo
>keep their culture
Ah yes the ancient persian and egyptian peoples who remain untouched by islamic and arab culture to this day
Frank Joseph
Pedro II of Brazil
A proper Alexander movie
Speak of the Devil...And he shall appear.
Kuchun Khan
Honestly the Heathen Invasion in general would make a good movie or tv show
good one user
>Flavius Aetius
>Saigo Takamori
>William Tecumseh Sherman
There needs to be a movie about El Cid that actually shows him in a personal way. The old Francoist movie was basically propaganda.
I would also love a movie about Machiavelli, though of course he would just be a stand-in for the rise and tragic fall of the Florentine Republic.
Also all of these