Lets get er going boys
Lets get er going boys
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Feeling pretty pink right now
Feeling pretty green myself. Currently up 2200 on Odn and sitting comfy
R8 pls
Never gonna make it.
Fuck forgot blockfolio
This is my portfolio for at least 1 month I'm not selling, hoping to pit in Some more but feeling pretty comfy with link and hopefully 0x moons again soon
Rate suicide portfolio. Am I going to make it?
Am. I going to make it? What's this ODN that I see. On everyone portfolio?
buy it you need it or you won't make it with the rest of us its /ourcoin/
You are diversifying too much.
too much compared to your portfolio's worth*
Finally took the plunge into crypto. Only using small amounts until i get the hang of it. Pretty sure i got memed into ODN but it was like 1USD worth so im not worried
well i bought it on LTC so im pretty sure that was a rookie mistake but like i said im not too concerned...gotta learn the game somehow
ODN is so undervalued still, it's taking all my willpower not to dump my neo for more.
True true. ODN is also my first shitcoin so I'm just meme'ing a bit. If this shit moons I will have a solid base to trade on.
I just started a few days ago. How am I doing?
Ayyy ODN is everywhere on Veeky Forums. Don't blame you guys at all. So much room to grow !!
do you manually enter your trades into blockfolio or is there an option to use an API or something similar
Manually. There's no option to automatically add it via an API. The Blockfolio Devs are the laziest pieces of shit. Months and months and hardly an ability to import or export your portfolio.
Looks good senpai. If ODN isn't a pump and dump you're gonna be happy.
One of the few coins I have seen being shilled from the beginning here. Kinda feel like we should shill it on Reddit to get more people in
Get mAh pink WoZak ready boiis this ark is going down
How did you get your Blockfolio in negro edition?
Android beta
Damn user, why didn't you short your IOC before FinTech?
I sold my IOC, which I bought at $2.20, at $4.20. It was quite obvious that Tradle was going to win.
Going to buy back before 2 week till DIONS. There was a fake buy wall of 13 BTC at 75K, and it's gone. It's going down to ~60K SAT, that's where I will buy in. You can still short.
Whens the official dions date?
Pls rate
Oh and the btc amount is fake, it should be Enigma so replace that one.
Regretting Dimcoin, wanting to get out of Artemine asap, the rest I'm happy to hold.
How do I get access to the better sir?
Hey guys, we're ready to start the initial phase of beta testing. Link for downloading the beta: blockfolio.com
As this is early stage testing we recommend that only advanced android users install this build. We’ll be releasing the build to the public Play Store beta once additional testing has been completed. Before installing the build it is recommended to screenshot or copy your device id listed on the Settings screen in case any issues arise.
>inb4 I ain't clicking that shit
Finally, someone smart appears
Thanks man !!
No worries dude
If you want to start trading Metal (MTL) is about to moon