A friend of mine who is an archaeologist keeps telling me about how they (archaeologists) drink so much more than other scientists and google seems to agree
does anyone have experience with this? Why do archaeologists drink so much?
A friend of mine who is an archaeologist keeps telling me about how they (archaeologists) drink so much more than other scientists and google seems to agree
does anyone have experience with this? Why do archaeologists drink so much?
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Archaeology student here.
I guess it's true, couldn't really say why though.
Where do you study?
Maybe because deep down the world we live in today will one day become history and our “ruins” will either be excavated and found by aliens or backwards pre-civilization humanity. Also nostalgia is a hell of a thing
Edinburgh Uni.
From my experience they're also usually divorced and into metal.
Are archaeologists just all outcasts?
Archaeology is Social Studies.
Not a Science. Just saying :-)
Maybe because it get's boring out on many archaeological sites as opposed to other scientists working in cities. Maybe similar to journalists or news correspondents.
Maybe that's why they drink.
They just don't measure up.
>Social Studies
fuck off, leaf
archaeology is a scientific discipline
They're delusional too.
They are laid back and chill people who didn't want to do real science but rather dig holes, do tour guides at museums and get retardedly drunk at the university friday bar, ever single friday
t. knows 2 archeologists
Because historians are better at hiding their drinking through textual play. Archaeologists leave physical remains, middens and scat piles as evidence.
Sure it is. To Feyerabend.
im not one just worked with them for long on the field
can confirm, they are functioning alcoholics, every workday ended in the pub
why? im not sure
one thing for sure is they all want to find something BIG, discover something really important, dig it up, write a book about it, become successfull
but very often, these potentially huge discoveries are beneath buildings and roads so they will never ever get the chance to dig there
Geophysicists make those finds.
Archaeologists piggyback them.
Yep, social studies.
Little bit. You have to be kinda weird to want to get into it, pay is shite.
They are always scrambling for the next digging gig, and getting a PHD is a rare occurence, and you cannot do research without those PHD grant monies from the universities or museums
Nah, cause geophysicists don't understand the archaeology necessary to interpret the data, and archaeologists are capable of learning enough of the geophysics to do it themselves.
>capable of learning enough geophysics to do it themselves
There I was, a-digging this hole
A hole in the ground, so big and sort of round it was
There was I, digging it deep
It was flat at at the bottom and the sides were steep
When along, comes this bloke in a bowler which he lifted and scratched his head
Well we looked down the hole, poor demented soul and he said
Do you mind if I make a suggestion?
Don't dig there, dig it elsewhere
Your digging it round and it ought to be square
The shape of it's wrong, it's much much too long
And you can't put hole where a hole don't belong
I ask, what a liberty eh
Nearly bashed him right in the bowler
Well there was I, stood in me hole
Shovelling earth for all I was worth
There was him, standing up there
So grand and official with his nose in the air
So I gave him a look sort of sideways and I leaned on my shovel and sighed
Well I lit me a fag and having took a drag I replied
I just couldn't bear, to dig it elsewhere
I'm digging it round cos I don't want it square
And if you disagree it don't bother me
That's the place where the holes gonna be
Well there we were, discussing this hole
A hole in the ground so big and sort of round
Well it's not there now, the ground's all flat
And beneath it is the bloke in the bowler hat
And that's that.
Yeah, keep telling yourself that. I did two weeks of a GPR course in august, I know everything I need to.
>one thing for sure is they all want to find something BIG, discover something really important, dig it up, write a book about it, become successfull
Not really. That's sort of the romanticized Indiana Jones archetype, and I'm not saying there aren't any archaeologists like that, but come on - everyone sometimes dreams of being wildly successful in their chosen field. You could as easily say that all physicists dream of being the next Einstein and it'd be just as accurate and just as meaningless.
Most archaeologists (at least in the US) work in the private sector, not academia, and are well aware that the majority of their findings will never even see publication, much less make them famous. And while everyone loves to find cool shit nobody's stupid enough to believe they're going to find the lost city of whatever doing field survey in the midwest, or excavating a nineteenth-century dwelling in Pittsburgh.
But yeah, in my experience archaeologists drink a fuckton. It's not like they're unique, though, geologists drink just as much, my impression has always been it's just a field scientist thing.
aaayyyyyyyyyy lmao
Most archaeologists live out of hotels and are on digs for a few weeks at a time. Once the day is over you have a bunch of guys sitting bored in hotel rooms. I suppose the only "fun" thing to do is go out drinking. I've seen a lot of people come to the field hung over and throw up a few times off in the bushes. Almost every night people will either go out drinking or buy drinks and party in the room.
Trust me bro, you know jack-shit about geophysics
he sounds like a cheeky engineer who learns geology by reading a seismograph
>A new challenger appears
>field geologists work tirelessly to help plot the well course
>pops a cold one after that
seems alright to me.
Fuck I need to get back into geo. I deferred to muck around doing paleo stuff and now I'm fired up to do hons but the undergrad just seems a burden.
>tfw geology major
every day I am further convinced I am in the best major ever. thanks geo
also drunk rn off of beer
I'm a commercial archaeologist
It's sort of a meme but on away jobs drinking is basically necessary. The days are long and the pay is quite shit (really it's a pretty shit job) so having a few pints after work keeps you sane.
Obviously at the weekend you want to get trashed
she's the only one blocking the dig
the revelation 18 queen cunt whore
Married Parrots
I'm a geologist, we all drink a shit ton because we're all manly earthmen. Archaeologists are the same
But archaeologist have tons of sex.
>Fucking mud-filled clay pots
>Counts as sex
ditto. haha. true.
me on the left
you wish :-)