>America was the aggressor during the Cold War!
Why do pseuds and commies think this statement means anything? That's like saying, "You're being too aggressive with cancer treatment!"
Communism as a system took hundreds of millions of lives wherever it settled. Aggressively opposing it and saving millions of lives is not a bad thing at all, and being aggressive to just a lethal system is commendable.
America was the aggressor during the Cold War!
Suharto (anti-communist US ally) murdered more people than any communist dictator other than Stalin or Mao.
>People dead from Suharto
>People dead from Pol Pot
>1.5 million *minimum*
You're full of shit and communists aren't people anyway
Takes two to tango
Communists are the agressors since communism is inherently an agressive ideology that is detrimental to freedom and prosperity.
That being said, hundreds of millions wherever it was applied is obviously exaggerated, I don't think hundreds of millions were killed in Yugoslavia or Poland for example.
How did the Soviet Union aggravate the US so much then? Please enlighten me on what exactly did the Soviet Union do to warrant such fierce opposition?
Oh, they were commercial opponents? Who wouldathunk
Here you go, you dumb alt-shite
In infrographic format just like everything else you digest
>Soviet archives
They literally killed guys in charge of a census because Stalin didn't like the numbers.
Communism killed millions just by existing.
So does capitalism.
But I guess every death within it, no matter the cause, is just a death, where as Stalins ghost literally strangled people in their sleep to kill in the name of communism.
Pol Pot was also a US ally despite being a communist. He was stopped by Vietnam.
Lefties don't understand history.
Communism is like Islam in the sense that is it spread and exists using fear and violence and lefties in the West make excuses for it.
Not every socialist nation had a high death toll and communism isn't a system. It's an economic model. That's like saying every capitalist country is fascist Italy or Papa Doc's Haiti.
Because America's anti-com policies would rebound at home with curtails on civil rights, dead Americans particularly in the fruitless quagmire of Vietnam, greatly aggrandized intelligence & law enforcement agencies with new prerogatives that included drug running (CIA's involvement in Vietnam would become a crucial part of the subsequent Heroin epidemic in America) and spying on and disrupting peaceful Americans (like MLK) and generally funding American tax dollars to support a massive military industrial complex that still wields outsized influence on politics.
>How did the Soviet Union aggravate the US so much then? Please enlighten me on what exactly did the Soviet Union do to warrant such fierce opposition?
>*holds sham elections in eastern European countries so Soviet-aligned puppet governments gain power*
>That's like saying every capitalist country is fascist Italy or Papa Doc's Haiti.
...which is what the vast majority of Leftists actually believe, i.e. that nations like that are inherent to capitalism
>Because America's anti-corn policies would rebound at home with curtails on civil rights, dead Americans particularly in the fruitless quagmire of Vietnam, greatly aggrandized intelligence & law enforcement agencies with new prerogatives that included drug running (CIA's involvement in Vietnam would become a crucial part of the subsequent Heroin epidemic in America) and spying on and disrupting peaceful Americans (like MLK) and generally funding American tax dollars to support a massive military industrial complex that still wields outsized influence on politics.
wtf? I love khrushchev now
>saving millions of lives
Terrible bait. If you're gonna troll at least make it credible
Lol russians destroyed the USSR
Obviously you can critique individual actions of the United States pretty well, but the overall policy of opposing any form of communist expansionism was clearly justified.
Being able to buy dragon dildos and scat porn is not synonymous with freedom and progress, you know
> but the overall policy of opposing any form of communist expansionism was clearly justified.
Probably not. American can and has found working even positive commercial and diplomatic relationships with communist countries. The struggle of the cold-war wasn't between capitalism and communism as much as "Americanism vs USSRism". I think in hindsight it's clear that it was a mistake to equate 'communism' with 'USSRism' like in Vietnam, Nicaragua and Indonesia.
>Communism as a system took hundreds of millions of lives wherever it settled. Aggressively opposing it and saving millions of lives is not a bad thing at all, and being aggressive to just a lethal system is commendable.
No it isn't you zero order thinker. The fact the United States sought to so aggressively isolate the communist states and intervene with military efforts meant that the Soviets were forced to respond in kind and begin playing global interventionist games themselves. For every legitimately formed communist government overthrown by the CIA the Soviets were forced to respond in kind by attempting to engineer an artificial communist take over somewhere else. Furthermore, these artificial take overs meant that the leading figures were heavy authoritarians which necessitated political purging and tight controls in order to keep power. The communist states would have collapsed eventually and perhaps even faster since there was no unified enemy to vilify. Evil capitalists loses its ring when they act like good neighbors.
>The fact the United States sought to so aggressively isolate the communist states and intervene with military efforts meant that the Soviets were forced to respond in kind and begin playing global interventionist games themselves
I don't think asking for multi-party free elections in eastern Europe counts as "aggressively isolating" the USSR
lack of civil rights was already a thing, vietnam was more or less a response and continuing of previous commitments, and the heroin epidemic had been brewing for decades thanks to the mafia.
Yeah, and sending millions of dollars to foreign nations on the border of the Soviet Union, along with then stationing your army there and installing long range missiles in the region is extremely peaceful.
the soviets already held those places militarily. the only people the sham elections triggered was catholic polish constituency in the US because Roosevelt essentially lied to them that pooland would be liberated even though he knew that Stalin would never give it up
>but the overall policy of opposing any form of communist expansionism was clearly justified.
No it isn't. Opposition towards communist expansion automatically necessitates the need towards a crackdown on dissidence at home, the formation of an overly militaristic state, and foreign expeditionary blunders of every kind. Once you begin sticking your fingers in everyone's pies your going to get burned.
Man sounds like an Eastern European problem to me.
>the heroin epidemic had been brewing for decades
This doesn't accord with what I've read. Heroin addiction was practically eliminated in the US during WW2 due to supply chain disruptions from the conflict and strict war-time measures. It would remain relatively low even after the war as the Sicilian mafia tried to recover their lost market share but it wasn't until poppy production took off in SE Asia, in part because of efforts supported by the CIA, and cheap heroin flooded GI camps that Heroin addiction would become a bona fide public health problem for the US
Capitalism has quite the body count as well.
it was a deterrent, and was needed due to the aggressive mongoloid rooster army that could've sent hordes into europe if they wanted. honestly people should be happy u.s had nukes.
yes it is, it was a destructive entity that deserved to be opposed and frankly i'm glad it no longer exists.
mafia and others had already been trafficking heroin since the 30s and earlier. iirc southeast asian poppies didn't become the main source of american heroin until after the 60s/70s when golden crescent ceased to be the dominant player after numerous crackdowns, including prosecutions of corsican and italian traffickers in europe (french connection), and the golden triangle took off.
The rates of Heroin addiction in America were relatively low until the 70s. Like I said previously it was almost completely eradicated from the US during WW2. The previous major sources of poppy before the Golden Crescent were Iran and Turkey and they had already begun to cut production by the late 50s. Worldwide production would have tapered off if production didnt start to explode in SE Asia, which was the direct and indirect result of both French and American intervention in the region.
Its worth mentioning the US lent significant aid to the Sicilian mafia (not least by releasing Lucky Luciano) because the mafia acted as political muscle against communist influence in Italy. France would also aid the Corsican mafia in Marseilles to break the communist dock workers allowing them greater ability to smuggle drugs, including heroin to the US. So pre-vietnam heroin prevalence can be attributed to anti-communist policy by the US as well.
rates of drug addiction in general were low in those days, nevertheless the heroin problem had already been coming to a head for a while largely thanks to trafficking routes that had been opened up in the prior decades. the end of the french connection in the u.s in addition to increased law enforcement scrutiny which culminated in the crackdowns that led to the arrests of figures like vito genovese significantly contributed to the decline of the golden crescent as a major u.s source. not to mention the fact that turkish and european police were beginning to catch on as early the 50s which you noted. this encouraged more traffickers to look towards the far east for their source of heroin.
the u.s worked with the italian mafia in large part due to how powerful they had gotten in america since prohibition, particularly in unions on the waterfront, construction, and hauling. naval intelligence even collaborated with Luciano to ensure he would provide them with relevant information and to prevent strikes during the war. they collaborated in sicily because they were eager to reestablish themselves after the powergap left by mussolini and the invasion.
Yeah fuck those American pigs. They’re the ones always starting shit.
*Builds 50 Megaton bomb for no reason*
The population count of Indonesia refuted your falsehoods.
t. Noam Chomsky
>Opposition towards communist expansion automatically necessitates the need towards a crackdown on dissidence at home, the formation of an overly militaristic state, and foreign expeditionary blunders of every kind.
Hindsight as always is 20/20. "Communism" had achieved a string of successes after WW2:
>USSR as only rival superpower
>Control of most of eastern/southwestern Europe
>Controlled China
>Created a nuclear weapon
>Invaded South Korea
>French driven out of Vietnam
No-one at the time was aware that eventually significant ideological differences would undermine the unity of the Second World - the only thing Americans saw was an ideology opposed to everything they stood for inexorably gaining ground everywhere around the world, and acted accordingly.
Seriously this is Wehraboo "Why didn't the UK/US just let Hitler occupy Europe" tier revisionism
>communism killed a hundred billion trillion people!!!
Try 500,000 to 1,000,000+. Some estimates are two or three million. And that's just one incident. The invasions and pacifications of Timor and Papua killed hundreds of thousands more.
The US has always backed questionable regimes if it's in business interest though.
It wasn't just killing Communist Party members, plenty of other regime opponents were murdered as well, and hundreds of thousands killed in the invasions of West Papua and East Timor. Suharto was also massively corrupt and embezzled billions, so it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to call him the worst Cold War-era leader after Stalin/Mao/Pol Pot.