I'm fucked in life Veeky Forums If any of you millionaires had my life you be hanging from the tree in the fucking park in a week. I have to scam hustle every day, sell counterfeit goods and risk my freedom and future 10+ years and 2 mill fine just to eat food. I'm in highschool homeschool, I have like windows 7 or 6 idk my laptop if like from 2002. I have shit gpa and don't feel like I can be anything in the future. I want to be a dential hygetist bc they make like 30$ an hour, but I doubt ill ever get in. I'd like to be a nurse lpn, rn, but doubt ill ever make it in. I try to get a job every day, wallmart and 600+ places. Only had one call back. My dad is a crack head that bums off me and I live in a shit house drive a shit car. My granny use to help me out but she took my dad to Oklahoma to kill him and then she killed herself but he fucking survived, now he's even worse. I really just want to go to sleep and never wake up. to not have the stress. What do you think? should I just kill myself or what? Unless I open some dark net website ill never see a 50k
I'm fucked in life Veeky Forums If any of you millionaires had my life you be hanging from the tree in the fucking park...
youre lucky you can still go to school and still have a roof above your head
Your life is rude dude. I'd say, if you have a project you believe in (any field) go 1000% you have nothing to loose. Believe me, sometimes being a simple modern nerd middle dude is not that great. Life is about 1 idea pushed to the limit. Hope you find your way
I want to get into crypto start with like 500$ and try to 10x it and go from there. But I'm so fucking broke, and I don't have any relatives that would believe in me to let me get started. I'll begin trading in a few months.
I have thought about a couple of ways to kill myself. If you have enough gas to drive... Go to a national park with a cliff.
If you don't... Couple of other ways...
Get a bath tub and some razors off amazon or Walmart (the old school kind) and some aspirin.
If you can get some pain killers that helps too. Slice down the veins not across. Have some relaxing music.
Personally, since I still have money, I'd go to Las Vegas. Fuck a prostitute without a condom.
I thought about going to a gun range and ending it there but they don't let people go to them without a partner these days. Or a hotel with a high balcony (but those are rare now because of jumpers).
Since Nevada has lax gun laws, I'd buy a pistol and drive into the desert someone where with a bottle of whiskey and watch the sun set and then end it. That's how I'd like to go.
If I lose all my money, I figure I will find train tracks somewhere and walk in front of it. Less artistic but that's how I'd do it.
But I still go money and still got some fight. But this long war is tiring.
good advice user. but still feel fucked. I know some have it worse than me, but I was abused growing up and it really affected my schooling. so now I'm not as sharp as others. so far I haven't failed a class but my gpa isn't good. I feel really worried I wont get to a good college and or get into any subject that's good.
You made me laugh my balls off.
Join the army dumb fuck
No, fuck that. i'll just kill myself and some rich fucks
Kill yourself then you fucking pussy.
concentrate on the fact that the best day of your life has yet to occur (or the worst, but due to your current mindset we won't mention this here). What will that best day be? WHO KNOWS! Might be you banging three hot chicks, or a bunch of dudes if you're into that. But listen, before you ever think of killing yourself you GO ALL OUT BITCH. Like shoot heroin and rob a bank all out. Or get into a police chase on a freeway so you know it'll be televised. Hot-wire and steal a plane, doesn't matter if you can land it right? Lots to do my man. But giving up? Come on man, this /biz makes everyone rich, wait your turn.
Best advice ever. GOD bless you.
Yo man this is coming from a current junior year college student. My family has been in debt ever since the housing crisis (taking out an equity line before then was a bad idea). I did well enough in High School so I came into college with scholarships. But still shit's expensive, I have over 10,000 in loans to pay for university. Ontop of that I'm looking into going to Med School or PA School. I look around me at my friends who're living comfortably out of their parents wallets, and investing money out of their parents wallets. All I can feel is envy, how much better off I could be if I was them.
Life is fucking stressful man. Independence is stressful.
Poverty is stressful.
This time last year I was baker acted and taken by the police to a mental hospital and had to stay three days against my will. They perscribed me drugs and diagnosed me Bipolar. For me that was rock bottom. I used to smoke an ounce a week. Weep over my pitiful existence and such. Shit fucking sucked. But what it gives you is perspective. No one has been through the same shit you have. Once you hit your all time low? The only place is up. You're already way cooler than those kids who had everything handed to them. Show them what real success is, show everyone.
where do you live? How are you having such a hard time finding a job? Temp agencies will direct you into whatever horrible job there is that can't keep a work force (I worked in a potato chip factory, holy shit that sucked). That gets your resume started a bit. Gets you meeting other people looking for jobs and they'll let you know where there are openings. Try a golf course, tell them you're willing to, and love to, dig holes an shit (I did that job as part of community service after bolting from an accident scene where I took on a telephone poll; btw, I fucking loved that job). As for your gpa, yeah, college is near impossible to get into at the moment with a shit gpa. CC will take you, and you can get into an RN path there. Or, and this is probably the best option, figure out what you like to do. Could be anything. Find places that do that shit. Then go volunteer to work for free. Literally do this. Eventually you'll find a place that will be like, "uh, sure". Stay on the job for months until you figure shit out. At that point, (a) they'll start paying you, or (b) they'll be in your debt and give you a great recommendation to a similar place that does pay. I did this as well. Don't regret it a bit. It's the same as college right (well the education part) where you fucking PAY people to give you assignments, where you have to WORK, and then they grade you on it, all in the hopes it gets you a job down the road. Plus, it will get you out there meeting people, figuring shit out, etc. And if it sucks? Well, you just quit, shit ain't paying you anyway. But do this. At least then you'll know there are options from which you get to choose your path.
Great advice. Arkansa like in the boondocks 20 min away from town. I'll figure it out and if not in 20 years ill say fuck it get some bad grandpa get up and rob banks and shoot it out. Had fuun talking to yall.
Damn, I figured the south. That makes it tougher. I was born Louisiana but grew up in chicago. Get out of the South. I'm not joking. Life is much tougher there.
But if not, find shit you want to do (like previous advice I gave) and call them. Like call a hospital and ask to speak with a nurse. Ask how she did it, does she have advice for you, etc.? People love talking about themselves so they'll be flattered. They'll take an active role in helping you, even if only in small ways. If you have to, tell them its a "follow a professional" school project you have to write a report on.
Lots of options OP. (insert Razorback call here, like SUUUUUEY! or whatever it is)
Community college is a good opportunity to start fresh. Meet some new people and professors and find something worth digging deep into. Public education is more than just a legal requirement - it also happens to be an equalizing opportunity for sad sacks like you. Focus on your academics so that 4-year universities will give you a chance. Hustle and network if that's relevant to your goals. Move up from there.
Don't know what to say about your dad. Find a friend and sleep on his couch?