>spanish ancestry meme
how did this start in the Philippines; a country that is pretty much 100% indigenous people? this doesn't happen with its neighbors, Malaysia and Indonesia, and they've experienced the same length of colonization from Europeans.
Spanish ancestry meme
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Im half flip. My mom's last name before getting married was Robles. Her father's first name was Praxedes. Spanish ancestry ain't a meme, filipinos also converted to christianism en masse
Spanish and Portuguese colonialism leave a more lasting influence than other colonial powers, Philippines is a good example of this as cultural wise, they've been throughly westernised/hispanised
Rather than comparing them to other asian countries, it's more correct to compare Philippine to Latin America, where Spanish/European ancestry is a meme as well (though perhaps more justified as they actually settles there)
your mother was probably lying to you
>half flip
kek, your mother is totally after white penis due to colonial mentality.
I'm full Pinoy and I'm practically white. There are lots of Flips who are essentially European, like me.
Samefag here.
It's also insulting to compare us to Malay and Indonesians. We are not Muslims and we are way whiter than them
>the absolute state of F*lipinos
They didnt interbreed to the same extent as is suggested. The Spanish just gave them Spanish names. Lots of them have native last names to this day
Spanish colonial involvement there is honestly overstated outside Manilla. What is understated is the influence of the Catholic church which is why it's so different from it's neighbours (the church was more powerful than Royal representatives kek)
You are literally Malay, you colonized the Negrito and then got btfo
Philippine elites do have some Spanish Ancestry with them due to interbreeding, and many of these people still play important roles in Philippine society.
But even then, most of the Elite are either 2 or a mix of the following backgrounds:
>descended from Native Nobles who swore fealty to the Spanish King & converted to Catholicism in front of the Conquistadors and became the Principalia - the Colonial Nobility.
>Descended from Chinese merchants.
Very few Flips really have Spanish ancestry.
Also this Hispanic influenced identity is pretty important to Flipdom because Spain built the place to begin with.
There literally was no Philippines before Spain, just a bunch of SEAsian seafaring jungleniggers and a smattering of semi-organized states.
Map of dubious accuracy related.
>we are way whiter than them
Like pottery
Is there an ethnic group more cucked than Filipinos?
No way, Malays are way whiter than Filipinos. You flips have Negrito blood and are thus part abo.
Filipinos have brown assholes, not even pink or pinkish. Filipinos are actually more related to Papuans, Andamese and Australian aborigines more so than they think.
There's are reason why we literally called them niggers my dudes.
More like we're just being honest unlike the Malaysia and Indonesia. Who meme their native precolonial cultures hard despite being British and Dutch colonial formations.
>your race is determined by the color of your asshole
Maria Ozawa is half Frog Leaf-nigger and half Japanese. She's not Filipino at all, although she is dating some Filipino guy
Hahahahaha, why do all Flips call their kids random western names. It' so retarded, my flip friend (Manzano) has a cousin named Johnny Winters, both of them are full flip ancestry. Hahahaha "Praxedes" hahaha wewuz greeks n shiet.
>Its wrong to be proud of your own culture and history
>Being proud of being a rapebaby mutt
This is why everybody calls you Mexicans of Asia
Flips aren't even mutts to begin with, they just like larping as if they were
U mad shitskinnbutt?
WOAH dude that's FUCKING CONTROVERSIAL right there XD
Why are you so angry about brown assholes? Did one of them break your heart?
>Who meme their native precolonial cultures hard despite being British and Dutch colonial formations
Indonesian here, You're saying as if we're LARPing a lost culture when that's not the case, we just practice and preserve what we had, we still have our old tradition and monarchs during colonialism to today, Malaysia is a federation of of 9 kingdoms, and all of these trace back to precolonial and preislamic Hindu-Buddhist era
And whats your problem with us and Malaysia?
Its not like Indochina countries was any different (except Thailand which was never colonialised), infact you could say the same thing about most of Asia, should Indians abandon their culture for colonial British culture? should Vietnamese abandon their culture for colonial French culture?
Agreed and btw indonesia is really cool i would love to visit some day
>tfw we can never recover our lost culture due to the spics
>random western names
No, it is not. Práxedes Sagasta was a really, really important Spanish politician at the end of the 19th century.
ajajajajajaajajaajajaaj el indio filipino señores
LOL whatever you say Felipe de Aquino
t. Zhest Sanchez De Tabamo
>citzenship for free
Why is it that third worlders see citizenship with a price tag?
Because every single one of them is an economic migrant. If Syrians really wanted to get away from war, they wouldn't be travelling all the way to Germany.
lol, this is a joke, right?
I'm guessing these are both subcultures of Filipino. But every Filipino has bowed down to the superior white race or han race.
embarassing, it's like watching monkeys fight eachother.
keep it up philipenis'.
Wtf his face reminds me of Dacheffen
He's cute, don't bully the Eastern Mexican.
Then why do none of the flips I've met know Spanish?
probably because of muh "heritage"
There's this old Filipino at work who I've talked to a few times about his cunt. I asked him if people over there speak Spanish and he told me yes. He also told me they speak 36 different languages in his cunt. Oh and he told me they have armed black people in the mountains.
Filipinos speak a smattering of Spanish ingrained in our language though I haven't met anyone who can speak it fully.
Philippines as a whole has a lot of dialects due to multiple ethnic groups living across the islands. The Tagalog's dialect became the dominant one because they spearheaded Filipino nationalism. So when you say the "Filipino language" what you are referring to is the Tagalog dialect.
The average Filipino speak three languages: English, Tagalog, and the dialect of their province. Much like the Spanish one, I haven't met anyone who can speak all of the island's dialects.
We do have black people living here called "Negritos". They come down from the mountains once in a awhile to ask for government aid. I don't know about them being armed though. Maybe your coworker mixed them with the commie rebels, which is an entirely different group.
Claiming Spanish ancestry in the Philippines is a way that some families can feel superior to others. Also makes it a handy excuse to explain why you got white skin over browner Filipinos. Although, it's very likely you just got chink ancestors or have a lot of access to skin whitening products.
I'm a flip myself
this is what my mother told me as well; ironically she claims her grandmother is half-spanish kek
Kek. Ty Spain senpai for colonising us and making us the literal Mexico of Asia.
why would anyone willingly admits and proud of having Spanish heritage is beyond me. Even being a full blooded flip is less embarrassing. Imagine a broad nosed brown midget larping as a spaniard
I wonder if Timorese people experience something similar with Portuguese ancestry.
yes they even let half portuguese man to lead them after 2002, and everyone have portuguese last name
Because spanishness runs not on the blood but on the spirit. Flip souls (at least Manila and the middle islands) were spaniardized since before the anglo settled in Murica.
Not that user but my father knew of the negrito people of Mount Pinatubo and they were armed. The elders and teens used the wires and metal from airbases to make arrows and he say them slice a running boards with a single cut.
They didn't seem to have more than rifles though that was adult men and young men. Not elders.
They were rather self sufficient, they say military "waste" as a resource stream. Sadly missionaries and local Austronesians FUCKED them over.
They are basically a mixed underclass rather than independent political entities
The women got nostalgic for Big Spanish Cock.
African Americans.
>worships the same religion that justifies their slavery
>original place of origin is unknown to most of them (hence the Hotep shit or as white people on Veeky Forums say, we wuzzery that's going around)
>25% white thanks to slavery rape
Among other things.
Americans erased it.
Don't you think that Malaysia and Indonesia have this kind of people too?
Yes but we dont talk, study and recognize about that. There are missionary effort and other social and financial helps but they are still kinda of outcast
>2 tribes
>1 lives on the coast
>1 lives in the hills
>coastal tribe meets strange people in giant canoes
>they agree to help them fight another tribe
>the leader of the big canoe people gets killed because even though pinoys look primitive they actually have well developed iron and steel because of its utility in warfare
>years later more and more big canoe people come
>their presence is a mixed blessing, they bring increased sea trade but pinoys no longer control that trade
>the coastal tribe has to serve them, however the value of their holdings on land increases and they gain access to new weapons
>the coastal tribe now has an advantage over the hill tribe
>the coastal tribe cosplays as big canoe people to make themselves look stronger than they really are though they are basically still pinoy and the Spaniards view them as heathen subhumans
>soon cosplaying as Spanish is a means of ostentatious display and the mountain tribe joins in to keep up with the Joneses
>they have never seen a Spaniard in their life and are unaware that it is actually a supreme display of cuckoldry
Your culture are preserved to the south, the state you call terrorist breeding ground that you won't let go despite them becoming more pressured to poverty because of your capitalist gov.
These negritos are all over south east Asia. The more Chinese looking ones are just descended from ancient Sino and Australioid immigrants from mainland China and Taiwan who mixed with negritos. I think south East Asians are literal monkeys.
>""""your""""" culture.
>"""""your"""" history.
The culture and history of whom?
The savage tribes who have been murdering and enslaving each other and would never be bothered to form expansive states because "muh blood ties" "muh clans."
The Philippines is ultimately the product of Spanish Colonization. The Hispanic + Local culture combination is our true culture.
Without them we'll still be chucking spears at each other. But thanks to them, that's limited only in the tribal Muslim shithole of Mindanao.
This. It's stupid how much they pretend. My half Spanish flip friend claims she's fluent in Spanish but pronounced paella like "pay-ella" instead of "pai-ey-yah" like my Catalonian friends did. I just stayed silent and went wtf in my head.
>literally worship an ethnic group that hates them.
Because of the nature of the Philippine colony: for 300 years it was basically Spaniards staying around the fortified cities they built while leaving the rest of the colony to be managed by the Principalia- descendants of Native nobilities who have sworn fealty to the Spanish King and converted, becoming landowning colonial nobility during the early phases of Spanish rule in the Philippines. Spain couldn't subjugate the area with military force considering they were way too few of them and people in Southeast Asia had steel and gunpowder themselves. So they relied on an ever growing network of tribal/familial alliances with locals, doling out titles of nobility & preferential treatment to those who willingly converted and swore fealty to the King of Spain.
And many did so because the Philippines was a place where strong tribes & kingdoms ran the weaker ones to the ground. Most notably the more organized Muslim Filipino states hunting down pagans in the jungles and coasts. So plenty of weaker tribes willingly banded together with what essentially is a weird mix of feudal tribal confederacy Spain was building in the 1500s and early 1600s.
Therefore, for the longest time, Spic language education was limited to the Principalia. The Principalia then continued to speak in the native lingos in their private sphere or when talking to their subjects and tenants.
There was a Public Education decree from Spain in the 1860s, which led to the first public schools in the Philippines and general Spanish education, but it couldn't compare to the public education infrastructure that the Americans later built, which- with the help of Philippine Nationalists- BTFO Spanish usage in the Philippines.
>And whats your problem with us and Malaysia?
Stop importing that shit in Southeast Asia.
>My half Spanish flip friend claims she's fluent in Spanish but pronounced paella like "pay-ella" instead of "pai-ey-yah" like my Catalonian friends did.
>like my Catalonian friends did.
And I bet your Catalonian friend is pretty fluent in Spanish.
>this is what Flips actually believe
You're the most annoying race ever just so you know
>he thinks "Catalan" is a real language and not some gay french LARP dialect
It's barely even a dialect
Lots of them have Spanish or Spanish-liked names. If I only see their names, I will misunderstand them as Spanish or Europeans.
Daily reminder the Philippines initially asked for formal inclusion to the Spanish crown so they would stop being colonial subjects and have the same rights as Spanish subjects whom they pretty much were since the 16th Century.
They just became """nationalist""" when Spain consistedly said "no" to that request.
Ultimately the Philippines is different from other Southeast Asian countries because Spain did build a society & culture there. While most SEAsians like Malaysians and Indonesians were just utilized for resource extraction without affecting much of the local culture in the place.
the muslims probably still have some semblance of an original national identity and pure cultural perspective. you filipinos are cucks to the spaniards. t. superior anglo
You are... dumb, aren´t you?
Well, in comparisson to the powerful flipipiño, i'm practically retarded.
Anglos were a mistake
>like my Catalonian friends did.
You are either trolling or you got trolled yourself.
>Original National Identity.
Even the Muslims have been affected by Spanish colonization.
They were never conquered, but they did identify with the Spanish classification of them - Moros- instead of just splitting off to the individual sultanates that they historically were.
Good write up.
It's also worth noting that most of the Spaniards who came to the Philippines were actually Mexicans, meaning that there's a greater linguistic drift for Spanish words in the Philippines
Ferdinand Marcos did nothing wrong.
Spanish caste system.
>assuming I'm white
Also pai-ey-yah is exactly how it's meant to be pronounced you uneducated fucks.
You flip monkeys are on full damage control. You are a race of mutts. You are literally imga irl.
lol don't encourage them.
>lol, this is a joke, right?
What do you think memes are friendo
Basically what happens when a country has no original culture to speak of whatsoever and the closest thing they can get to "civilized" people during pre-colonial era was a bunch of aborigines LARPing as Malays in the south. This condition forces them to revere the Spaniards as the harbinger of civilization and adopt the foreign monarch's reproductive organ as the name of their country.
Heck, for some reasons they are no better than their neighbors even though they declared independence long before them (in 1898) and for a while was colonized by the America which massively helped their economic growth as one of the top in Asia (before they fucked themselves). Truly the most powerful race.
Thats like chinas mexico
More Chinese immigrate to the Philippines than the reverse. Ironically enough.
By your definition, none of Southeast Asia has any original culture since its ultimately a split between Hindu-influenced people and one country being Sinicized.
Yeah but the Chinese aren't coming as lower class workers. They're moving into a cheaper and less competitive environment, in 20 years y'all gonna hate them
You're reaching way too far this time, m8. But seeing how civilizations evolve from time to time and how most of them were influenced or derived from one another, it can be said that the only "original" civilizations were the ones from the so called Cradles of Civilization.
At least other Southeast Asians have semblances of originality and not a mere construct of European colonization.
I'm catalan you mong
Seriously stop.
Wtf that's not the link I copied
Well done m8
Hey FUCK YOU why can't you appreciate a good fumble faggot just because some sassy NSA employee decided to tap in at that moment somehow it's my fault.
Good thread
Google translate proves I'm right faggot. Also it's impossible for you to be Catalan because 1. Catalans can't speak English 2. You're a flip, all your white ancestry is fabricated to make you feel special
Latin America has way more spanish ancestry than the Phillippines; both can't be compared.
It's not a meme because we actually have sizable spanish blood and cultural heritage. If by "meme" you mean a brown guy saying he's full spanish, it could be, but that's not the whole of Latin America.
Why do people bully Flips so much, Jesus? They're the Israel or Japan of South East Asia.
>Basically what happens when a country has no original culture to speak of whatsoever and the closest thing they can get to "civilized" people during pre-colonial era was a bunch of aborigines LARPing as Malays in the south
They have a culture it was just destroyed by the Spaniards.
Golden guy of facts i hereby name you
>Why do people bully Flips so much, Jesus?
Uh, because they are literally the spics of Asia with backwards mentality befitting of the moniker? Comparing them to Israel or Japan is mind boggling since flips have no redeeming quality.
>They have a culture it was just destroyed by the Spaniards.
Like what, Jose Carlos Santos Christos Santiago Pendejito? Barring the ones in Mindanao, they were just tribals with spears and straw huts. They even have the name for this retarded colonial mentality, IMSCF syndrome.
Google translate proves you wrong, you fucking retard.
Wtf is your problem dude.
>Barring the ones in Mindanao, they were just tribals with spears and straw huts
They had agriculture, writing and they forged metal.
Im not reaching to far.
Burmese, Thai, Khmer, and Pre-Islamic Indonesian-based cultures were Poo-derivatives.
Vietnam is literally small China, no matter how much that makes a Viet nationalist mad.
So much for "original" cultures.