Be Danish shipbuilder, 1698

>Be Danish shipbuilder, 1698
>Stand a proud 5'6", standard height for a grown man of the time
>Hungry because you shared 2 herrings and half a loaf of bread with your wife and 8 children last night
>ThankGodImNotACatholicOrElseIdBePoor lol
>Boss tells you there's a new guy starting today
>Suddenly three gold embroidered carriages roll up flanked by streltsy
>Out of the last one steps a 6'8" man reeking of vodka at 8am
>"Hello fellow Westerner, my name is Pytor Roman...berg. I am also an unemancipated peasant slave. I have come to learn secrets of shipbuilding from my fellow Westerners. I too grew up in a country with a Baltic port. Please remind me of shipbuilding secrets."
>A midget tries to escape from the carriage but Pytor kicks it shut
>"Kids these days, da?"

What do?

Other urls found in this thread:,_Tsarevich_of_Russia


I think it's about the legend of Peter the Great going to Western Europe disguised as a normal person so he could learn valuable info about things like shipbuilding.

Was Peter the ultimate chad for his time?

cool story OP

Slavic autism at its finest

>staging fake battles between western style and russian style armies
>no one dies but somehow western style comes on top

Truly the worst westaboo that ever lived


Peter the Great Virgin
>has to use disguise while leave borders of his country
>has to learn how to build ship
>his wife is lowborn
>his wife cuck him and he know about it
>so frustrated he killed his own son
>unnaturally tall and skinny
>has to made up title

August the Strong Chad
>has his own principality in the west
>never has to hide in his life
>married to emperor's daughter
>lead protestant fracion in >H >R >E even tho he is Catholic (Corpus Evangelicorum)
>He was elected to become king because he is so awsom
>he cuck his own wife
>something around 200 bastard, he has never seen most of them

*teleports behind son*

nothinisky personalov kid

peter killed his son too
It is old russian tradition

Dude war

I read that he posed as "Duc du Nord", so still fairly ranked nobility. Also that he fooled nobody

>The time when Russians were westaboos and Poles were islamboos
What happened, Veeky Forums?

all embrace me

>Poles were islamboos

Poles were Romanbos and Sarmatianbos. Heck some were even Macedonianbos.

I think your mixing in some Ivan IV and Nicholai II

>kill son,_Tsarevich_of_Russia

>cucked by wife
I can't find source on wikipedia but one of doctor(historian of course) on my uni told me that

I belive it was this guy but I am not sure

That doesn't make it any better. Also, by that time iranian/turkic identity had been strongly tied to Islamism

Is Peter the most lad monarch ever?

its my time 2 rule at least