Nazi Volunteer Legions

What can you tell me about the Nazi volunteer legions? Légion des Volontaires Français (LVF), División Azul (Blaue Division), et al.

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They were collaborators and traitors to the homeland?

Oh wow look at this some Georgians decided to crash the party.

Can anyone please start posting on this thread, these guys are sitting down in my yard and are refusing to move unless someone contributes to this thread.

Oh wait, what's that 716th?
Most of your elements have surrendered?
And a some of your Ruskie elements are actually aiding the Yanks at The battle of Brest?
Fuck, least you could be like the 709th which stuck around until being bravely destroyed at Cherbourg.

Well, at least your Georgian counterparts are vastly more loya-

Wasn’t their an SS division that was entirely Albanians or something?

But seriously there's not much to say other than that obviously if you were in one of these volunteer/conscript formations then your life would basically be over if anyone in your home country ever found out. Especially in the Soviet Union

>More than a thousand soldiers were initially taken into allied custody by the 44th Division and other U.S. troops. They were then forcefully extradited to the Soviets by the Allies, due to a previous agreement between Churchill and Stalin that all ROA soldiers be returned to the USSR. Vlasov was in this group, but the Soviets claimed his capture. The Allied command kept this secret for many years. However, some allied officers who were sympathetic to the ROA soldiers permitted them to escape in small groups into the American controlled zones.[11]
The Soviet government labelled all ROA soldiers (vlasovtsy) as traitors. The ROA soldiers who were repatriated were tried and sentenced to detention in prison camps. Vlasov and several other leaders of the ROA were tried and hanged in Moscow on August 1, 1946.

Looks bleak.

Degrelle created Soviet in his unit in 1945 and abandoned his men when Soviets came. Then he spent rest of the life LARPing as Tintin.

The Estonian volunteers in the SS spent most of their time shooting up Russian villages and fled from Estonia en masse when it came time to defend it from the Soviets.

The SS Charlemagne French division fought in Berlin to the last because they knew they could expect no quarter if sent back to France.

The Estonian SS volunteers fought, they didn't flee.

Hiwis were more important.

They were fucking patriots and redpilled about the JQ. Fucking heroes!

Division Azul wernt volunteers iirc, they were an Expeditionary force. Franco wanted to repay Hitler for his support in the Spanish civil war

13th SS Mountaineer Division "Handschar", consisting of Albanian and Bosnian muslims

Handschar was Croatian/Bosniak, Skanderberg was Albanian and neither ever reached divisional strength (like most foreign SS "divisions")

I had a relative that was a SS-Panzergrenadier in the 5th Armored SS-Division Viking, he fought at Rostov, Kursk and Cherkassy, where he died.

>Then he spent rest of the life LARPing as Tintin.
Why was Degrelle allowed to have a "rest of his life"?
I know there was an Armenian "legion" made up of Soviet POWs and led by a batshit Tashnag general who was so anti-bolshevik that he turned a blind eye to the Turkishness of the Nazis. I believe they were stationed somewhere on the Atlantic wall and immediately surrendered when faced with Allied force. Hitler didn't trust them and with good reason. For ex-soviets, he preferred the Turkic barbarians and Caucasian Muslims for their greater loyalty.

None of the "Ostbattalions" served on the Eastern Front where they might have an actual motivation to fight, why the fuck would they want to fight for Germany in France against Brits and Americans?


Because if they win you get to go answer to comrade Stalin and his friendly NKVD.

I think the leadership also rightly suspected that they might double-cross them to try to save their own lives, if such a situation arose.

someone pls post dialogue between free french officer and french ss volunteers


>Why was Degrelle allowed to have a "rest of his life"?
because he bitched out and ran to Spain instead of taking his knocks

Is some pasta if I recall correctly:

Why are you wearing a German uniform
Why are you wearing an American one?

And then the guy from the Free France kills the SS.

Imagine being this mad

The FFF guy was ourguy
A real French nationalist would've never sold himself out to his occupiers


Instead selling himself out to America?
>I see growing on the horizon the greater peril than Germany or Japan ever were... our terrible enemy, America....

Usually depends where did they came from and when, later it became common to be volunteered. Lithuanians,estonians weren't usually different from an average conscript, HiWis were utter scum. But on average, not very nice people indeed.

Lesser of two evils


Is that Kevin Spacey?