What kind of philosophy do Nu-males read?

What kind of philosophy do Nu-males read?

Stoicism. Literally "nice guy" the philosophy.

John Green


Actual Stoicism is based.

Stoicism as practiced by numales who read Meditations once and think Aurelius is a model Stoic is not. Every time I see someone start talking about being a "Stoic" and citing Marcus I'm reminded that even something so seemingly esoteric as Stoicism attracts more dilettantes and pretenders than actual practitioners.

Regardless, anyone who is serious about practicing Stoicism will eventually encounter Theravada Buddhism and realize that it's very similar but superior in every way.

"Stoicism" is very popular among Chads who want to pretend to be philosophers and numales who want to pretend to be emotionless hardasses. The numale stereotype, the liberal atheist who thinks he's really smart and always wants to impress people with how educated and worldly he is, will almost always cite Stoicism as his personal philosophy. He imagines that this provides him with a moral structure without the need to rely on religion (showing how little Stoic writing he's actually read) and he knows that the average person will know absolutely nothing about it, so that even his minimal knowledge will seem impressive.

I see this a lot and it's almost always the same kind of guys doing it. You can basically tell whether someone has a brain or is just a retarded dilettante based on which Stoics they mention by name. If someone cites Epictetus, they're probably ok. If someone cites Aurelius, there's an extremely high likelihood that they're a numale poser. That's just the facts, boys.

buddhists cannot be stoic and vice versa

I don't know, OP, why don't you tell us?
Stop forcing this shitty pasta.

Stoicism isn't exactly "nice guy" philosophy. Most "nice guys" are suck ups that please anyone but can't bottle their feelings for shit. If you can go through a discouraging period, without complaining and finding the Alpha inside you to march on then you are a stoic. If you just please everyone and let them shit on you without standing up for your self, then you are a NEET nu-male fag that cries himself to sleep.

idk I see numales with Stirner pics on their Facebook profiles sometimes.

youtube videos that analysis the deep philosophy of Rick and Morty


What's Stirner's phil about?

he wrote a lot of what can be considered satire. Which they took seriously, and reduced it to, ima steal and be a piece of shit. His actual contribution was doing work on designations as prevalent in the empirical sciences.

Stoic teachings go against many "nice guy" concepts. Like, they often go after girls who have no interest in them but are too polite to outright tell them off. A stoic approach would question this, since this isn't within their control, and re-focus them on something that is. Stoicism is partly just about slicing through the BS distractions of life and focusing on self-improvement.


I agree with you, but loathe the way we're butchering it in this thread with modern, nu-male analogies insteadod of just sticking to the core definition. Don't be a drama queen.

>butchering it in this thread with modern, nu-male analogies

I think the opposite. Applying philosophy to modern world is essential, to show its value. I in fact argued with another person recently that Greek teachings were useless to apply since the world has changed so dramatically. The technology and cultural changes are relatively superficial. People still have the same relationships, and problems as they always have had.

Get used to it. As time goes on, we have fewer and fewer people unable to convey a coherent thought without using memes and buzzwords

Yes, but it's not a source of illumination for some teenage NEET slobbering over a thot.

t. knows nothing about stoicism

NEETs and losers are the ones who need philosophy the most. Their goals are stupid and self-destructive. However, they are often too narcissistic to change.

It's true, they do tend to be a bit slow, but they need mental refurbishing and general self improvement. They shouldn't just jump into proper philosophy while they still have some form of autism.

Simplified stoicism might be a good goal for them. It's focuses on making you happy and successful after all.

>simplified stoicism
Haha, naw mate. Just get them playing a sport or something untile they figure it out.