Is hanging considered a more human way of executing someone, or a cruel death by their perpetuators ?

Is hanging considered a more human way of executing someone, or a cruel death by their perpetuators ?

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Compared to being shot or lethal injection? Cruel. Compared to being beheaded? Possibly more painful, but also more dignified. Compared to other methods? More humane, relatively speaking.

beheading in high middle age was considered as an evolution to a more humane / quick / clean death.
decapitation was quick and was presumed to be a relatively painless form of death.
The person to be executed was though highly advised to give a gold coin to the headsman to ensure that he did his job with care for obvious reasons.
In some cultures, such as ancient Rome and Greece, decapitation was regarded as the most honorable form of death

Similarly in Japan, beheading was added to the seppuku ceremony (in fact it's partly what turned it into a ceremony rather than just offing yourself) as a form of pain relief.

Originally in harakiri you would slice your stomach open to show your insides were pure (japs believed the soul resided in the stomach area) but over time as the act became more common and formalized, it was only expected that you stab yourself and sometimes not even that, you would just have to grab the dagger, then you would be beheaded to make it quicker and painless.

Well, that depends on the type of hanging.
If you got the long drop, that was pretty humane since you went out pretty quickly (as long as you got a competent executioner).
Short drops are pretty cruel though, since you take longer to die (although depending on how you placed the noose, those could also be quick).

this is the correct answer. doing it "correctly" used the formula of the body weight and length of rope, and the person pretty much died instantly from a broken neck.

plenty of people were not hung correctly, by ignorance or intentionally. That is probably a very inhumane experience.

A bullet would probably be faster and more humane.

in OP's picture, it does not look like a long drop, does it ?

No, looks like a short drop.

it may look they intentionaly wanted their victim to suffer before they die then

it's usually pretty visually apparent when the neck breaks in a proper hanging. that one does not look broken, no.

if the drop is too long it's possible the head can physically pop off, too. most cultures consider that poor practice, but i imagine it would certainly mean immediate death.

I don't think that beheading make one feel any pain, it's an immediate death

It's more dishonorable than anything. Typically criminals or traitors were hanged, but it was a relatively quick way of killing someone in Gothic Europe. Much more humane than going the way of the "Breast Ripper", "Breaking Wheel", or the "Head Crusher".

oh don't forget "drawn and quarter". tie ropes on appendages to horse going 4 different directions. that's pretty damn awful.

a french queen was killed like that in the low middle ages

this is exatly the reason why G*rm has to suffer

several people were killed that way, from William Wallace to a couple guys in the 19th century, when it was abolished in the western world.

what is this ?

execution of SS and Werewolf terrorists by the Red army and Czechoslovak police and civilians