What exactly went behind the historic antisemitism in Europe?

What exactly went behind the historic antisemitism in Europe?

And no, I'm not referring to hurrdurrnazism, hurrdurradolf, etc. This shit existed for several decades before the Great War.

Anyway, what exactly went into it? The mindset? The justifications? The rationale? The origins? Who did what to deserve which? Etc.

Jews are generally a menace and parasite to their host country? Probably has something to do with it. That or jews are just inexplicably persecuted constantly throughout history and are poor victims of evil white people magic.

a bunch of of people decide to LARP and converted to judaism, they created weird as shit customs and started to say they are semitic and related to hebrews

its kind of like black people today with ancient egyptians

You get your shit debunked in every thread. Stop posting this bullshit.

They weren't Christian. That''s basically it, other reasons were developed from there to further justify antisemitic feelings, but it was just because they weren't Christians.

Also see: Huguenots, Irish, Spanish Muslims

In short and with plenty of generalisations:
>Killed god.
>Their religious autism eventually forced the romans to push their shit in resulting in the diasphora.
>Strange foreign people set up shop in your land.
>They refuse salvation by rejecting the one true god, instead they stick to to their outdated and misguided ways, religiously speaking aswell as socially.
>Insular culture. They don't associate much with non-jews.
>Banned from owning land the jews are forced to make a living in more bourgeois employments.
>The religious taboo against money lending doesn't apply to the jews, allowing the jews to thrive as bankers and money lenders.
>These weird, unpious and foreign people are now in general much richer than the common man.
>You owe them money.
>Their wealth allows them a good education, leading them to becoming the social elite within the state and highly influential with plenty of connections at home aswell as abroad.

The Jews were one of the more bigger fish races in under Rome.
Eventually their constant religious wars lead Rome to destroy their province and expell them.
The Romans had done this before and typically whatever race/nation suffered this was broken and eventually assimilated into society.
The Jewish diaspora did not.
They doubled down on their religious zealotry with the main difference was that they were no longer centrally organized inbone place.
They began forming enclaves in various roman provinces(A natural occurance) but that isolated themselves going out of their way not to interact with the outside world unless it involved "acquisition"
Jews began using their diaspora to their advantage. The fact that this group that speaks a single language spread across three continents with no political/military power vesting interest in them made them more attractive to do business with in terms of export import commerce.
So the Jews began aggregating their enclaves around trade and to a lesser extent banking cartels.

They began monopolizing resources but the roman government didn't care because they had bigger problems namely the spread of the Christian cult and their rapore with the barbarian hordes.
Needless to say Rome eventually fell with Europe fractured under Christian warlords
The only powerful commercial entities being the church and the Jews.
The church didn't like the Jews cutting in on their business and Christians for the most part typically saw them as enemies of Christ.
Couple this with resentment against their monopolies and it's pretty easy to see why subsequent European nation enacted property bans on Jews.
Basically barring them from their monopolies on commodities and property.
The Jews responded by putting all their resources in banking cartels.

...And so on.

To be honest their first recorded interaction another nation by their own admission involved
Their "god" spreading plagues and killing all of the host nations first born.
Then they went and irradicated another nation almost in its entirety.

They're horrible people.

If we're talking just before WWI, it was because Jewish minorities had a specific niche where they thrived, and the various revolutionary movements came to hate that niche because of how attached it was to the old order. The nationalists saw Jews as foreign agents of the monarchy, the communists saw the Jews as bourgeois enemies of the working class, and the reactionaries saw them as enablers of both to gain a new advantage in the new order that they were not entitled to in the old.

First of all you need to understand that there are several kinds of Antisemitism.

1. Is the modern anti-Israel antisemitism, where Jews are seen as oppressors and colonialists that are commiting a genocide against arabian Palestinians. This "antisemitism" is not much different from any other hate between people that fight for land. This is the nationalist antisemitism.

2. Is the antisemitism, where Jews were seen like gypsies and treated as such, with occassional progromes like there were also against Sinti and Roma. Since this mainly is the antisemitism of eastern Europe, we will call it eastern european antisemitism.

3. is the antisemitism where the Jews are seen as the secret rulers of society, who are using their powers to opress the common folk. This antisemitism developed in the holy roman empire, because there was no strong central government there, and the Jews were able to win over several local governments to give them special privileges, in exchange for them giving the local governments access to the jewish diaspora network, which german towns could use to participate in trading. Actually, granting Jews privileges was the only way a german town could participate in global trade, because there was no strong central government that would give them access to global markets.
This special position of the Jews led rise to one specific branch of them becoming by far the most powerful (the ashkenazi jews). It is also no coincidence almost all famous, rich and powerful jews have german-jewish names (Weinstein, Goldman, etc.).
This special privilege made the common folk envy the jews for their privileges, and it was the foundation for "conspiracy theories" that Jews are secretly running the governments.
Since this antisemitism focuses so much on the conspiracy aspect, this is the conspiracy antisemitism. You might also call it the german antisemitism, since mainly is a german creation.

>What exactly went behind the historic antisemitism in Europe?
Much like today, elites (monarchs, emperors, knights, etc) needed them to fund their wars, castle-building and whatnot. They were despised because the common man would succumb to the lure of cheap and easy loans, which he had no hope of ever paying off and no means of escaping punishment - such as expelling them from the country, as the aforementioned elites did.

>The Romans had done this before [...]
With what peoples?

Jews couldn't assimilate. That's it....
It goes back centuries back when Romans imposed imperial cult on every other religion they governed to recognize the Emperor as a God as sign of loyalty.
Most polytheistic religion saw no problems with so they were religiously assimilated just like the celts(when all the druids were genocided of course)
Most assimilated except the jews who staunchly believed in their monotheistic God and refused to be governed by the Romans. The led to hard resentment among both and resulted in Roman purging and sacking Judea and exile of jews.
After jews spread around the world, they just rejected assimilation and were as a social pariah in every nation they plagued in.
But jews and christians in europe eventually found a way to deal with each other through christian feudal money business and that became jewish bread and butter... and all the scheming, corruption, fear and hatred followed after that.

Say what you want about the jews, but their determination of preserving their race is truly fascinating... Just think about how manny great ancient nations existed and now are but a dusts of history, but the jew survives...
Personally i think Romans should finish the jobs in ended jews when they still had the chance.

Jews' cultural hostility and refusal to integrate made Europeans feel they were foreign. Euros also disliked Jews for petitioning Pilate to kill Jesus, which only made Jews feel more obliged to separate themselves from European Christians. These attitudes lingered with the centuries, each major interaction only intensifying the two sides' opinion of each other

>Personally i think Romans should finish the jobs in ended jews when they still had the chance.
They tried starving/letting them rot with other social pariahs in internment camps in the mid 40's

>several decades

get off this board idiot

I dont think that was the romans tho

What about the slavery? Seems justified.

>I dont think that was the romans tho

Jews were persecuted for much of their history, but survived by being insular and mobile. Despite this, they came to be very powerful, commanding huge fortunes, which they of course used to further the aims of their own group, like most human groups would. Its not hard to see how this comes into conflict with the native population.

That's a legend.