Can anyone recommend me good reads on universal basic income?

Can anyone recommend me good reads on universal basic income?

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Just buy bitcoin, 1% profit a day guaranteed. No need for UBI

Give a man a fish. James Ferguson.

Fuck off commie

>I want to be paid to exist

this is peak millenial

>muh bernie sanders

Just Google Milton Friedman, you're welcome OP.

>Save money
>Accumulate wealth
>Build Fixed Income Portfolio covering food & rent and having a degree of safety
>Now you have Universal Basic Income that's way more efficient than if the government got involved


like it or not, it's coming

i have yet to see a solution to the AI/automation problem besides something like UBI. if you can't compete against automated systems you will starve to death unless you get a handout. this is ridiculous today, will be a real problem in 7 years, and absolutely necessary in 12.

UBI is a pretty basic principle and considering half of the aspects of modern society it'll come about eventually. Probably a reward based on high school graduation/not being a nigger/ etc.
Low paying low skilled jobs are being replaced exponentially fast. Cost of labor is too high, and cost of living/health care is too high

pretty sure milton friedman came up with the idea, i think he called it the negative income tax or something

You are all investing in high-tech currencies, and yet you can't see the potential for mass automation and AI to make a large portion of the workforce obsolete? America will be wealthy whether we work or not.

>a solution to the AI/automation problem

More McJobs. More filler jobs. It will happen. It's already happened today and continues to happen.

Healthcare will come down as technological advancements catchup to the healthcare industry. Watson has 80% of known cancers in its database and will be able to diagnose 100% within the next few years.

Ok right wingers. Question. Would you rather hire felons after a psychological evaluation and other similar measures? Or would you rather let illegals do the work felons "can't " do and soft americans "won't" do??

i'd rather felons be sent back to africa, iraq, and mexico where they came from.

I have a question for you. Do you support raising the minimum wage?
If so, doesn't that conflict with your ideas of equality and paying a fair wage? We pay mexicans less than minimum wage to do farm work.

Americans "won't" do it because it doesn't pay enough. Shouldn't we just raise the wages and pay americans?
that happens in every other industry when no one is willing to do the work for that price.

No money can cure american laziness. Sorry. Your best bet is to put america first by convincing felons picking oranges will one day be enough to buy a Cadillac. And rims! Gotta have some shiny rims on that slab.

Interesting. You project your own flaws onto everyone. Do you know 1/4th of the people who start on those farm jobs are americans?
The farmers fire them because they're 35% more expensive than the mexicans.

You believe in a complete lie. There are americans working just as labor intensive jobs for less than $10 an hour or less.

It's the same arguments the slave owners made 200 years ago. Slaves costed $300,000 a piece. You could have hired an american at $10/hr for that price EASILY. but slave owners didn't do that. Because they're greedy like you and pretend they're fighting for equality.

You don't raise wages by imposing a price floor, that doesn't work brainlet.

If you kick out illegals and crackdown on employers hiring illegals, companies will be forced to raise wages until they have enough workers.

About this time in explanation is when the corporate media starts trying to use scare tactics telling people the prices of everything they buy at the store are going to quadruple, their house will burn down, they'll be kicked in the balls, and struck by lightning all in the same day. It's BS, they just know they've been getting away with murder on labor prices and don't want it to end.

Nationalism is the solution, enact policies that prevent lower cost foreign labor replacement and the problem sorts itself out.

i wasn't implying we should raise the minimum wage.
but I agree. as long as their is cheap foreign labor to exploit, businesses will never ever hire americans. even if its 10% or 20% savings...

until all scarcity is eliminated, it may work. but by that point money will be an outdated concept or everything will be so inexpensive that the gig economy will provide more than enough money to get by

AI/automation is a scare tactic. It will affect people short term, but it will correct itself just like every other technology advancement. Smart people will think ahead and prepare for it, self-consumed brainlets will continue their day-to-day grind without paying attention to what is outside of their bubble, and most people will go with the flow and do as their told.

Fwiw, I think blockchain has potential for bigger issues than the AI/automation meme.

if not everyone has a house and car theres work to do: making more houses and cars. make enough, price goes down till everyone has.

ubi is fucking retarded. if people need shit then there are jobs available that arent automated yet, by definition. not even textbook definition but literally first order logic.

look, ether is infinitely divisible and im willing to hire the entire global population for nano-ether per billion people. so there are jobs for humans, always. what, you cant buy food for that cheap? then theres a job, making more fucking food, and you dont need my trillionth of a trillionth of an ether because you can just get a job working to produce food until food is worth less than a trillionth of a trillionth of ether.

Jobs become careers.

So you would hire a human for .1 ether instead of a robot for .0001 just because? Automation will drive the cost of labor down to nothing. There is a point where a human isnt worth hiring no matter the cost. As sectors become automated at the same time how will the market react. Look how many jobs exist just to support more essential tasks.

You're overestimating the gains. Hypothetically, if more and more jobs are replaced with robots there would be less and less consumers. That would be the end of capitalism as it is dependent on consumers.

>1% profit a day

enjoy that hyperinflation, and good luck trying to tax the wealthy that have already left the shithole country that tries to implement this

this discussion belongs in /pol

Unless you tax the robots productivity and distribute the gains. The current capitalistic system cant continues to function as now, I agree. But no one says no to progress and cost savings. So we will get to a point where at least a good majority of the population are unable to contribute because of the lack of need/skill set

>like it or not, it's coming

>He hasn't heard of exterminism.

Read "Four Futures" to see what's really coming, plebeian.

When we realize our data is valuable there will be billions of jobs. You want to watch my youtube video? Pay me. You want to read my fb feed? Pay me. You want me to see ads? Pay me. You want me to fill your fucking captchas? Pay me.

See we just beat technological unemployment.

>So we will get to a point where at least a good majority of the population are unable to contribute because of the lack of need/skill set
That's short term. The people who don't adjust will end up like Detroit or the rest of the rust belt. It's not optimal but it's impossible to force everyone to assimilate. There will be winners and losers.

UBI will just create a higher price floor for common goods and services and encourage lazy NEETs to remain as NEETs

>Tax the robots production and redistribute the gains
This is beyond ignorant of basic economics. It would benefit workers more to be employed, than to be replaced and payed through wealth redistribution. The latter would create a class of people that depend on wealth redistribution, with billionaires and millionaires reaping the benefits. This is pretty much what happens in most major cities

There is already some ripplecucks who made a coin out of it.

This is all assuming there is work for them to do. I do not envision that type of future. So there is no option for them to work. They can and certainly will try, but will not find a way to meaningfully contribute. And wealth is already concentrated at the top of society anyway.

>More filler jobs.
In what form?
Automation of today is 90% software, and even when it is hardware the factories are pretty much fully automated (Look at the Tesla factory for example).
Anyway, a team of a 100-1000 software engineers could put millions out of work, there simply are too few jobs to be made as a result of automation of other jobs.

we already have hordes of homeless all over the world, what makes you think anyone is going to start giving a fuck

fucking luddite fags never go away

this is why i'm investing. i'm a longshoreman in the port of LA/dong beach and robutts will take my jerb in a few years.

mein kampf

This is why the economy is so fucked up.

It's the reason a high school graduate in 1950 could buy a nice house and a car and support a family with a homemaker wife while today's families need two breadwinners to rent a house.