Is he really the most evil person in history or is there someone you would consider worse?

Is he really the most evil person in history or is there someone you would consider worse?

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he was evil, but he wasn't the first nor the last to liquidate the population for an economic boom either

Its either him or the nutball Stalin.

Martin Luther

This, this civil rights movement was a mistake, he was also promoting Communism in the USA.

He's not talking about King Jr.


I'd consider Pol Pot to be the worst.

Oh, come now, he was hardly the most evil Catholic there ever was.

>not that Guill de Rays guy

No I have done a LOT of research on this man and I genuinely think he was a fervent Nationalist who was medicated to insanity by his personal dr morell

Definitely not Hitler. Its probably some shadowJew that nobody even knows.

I mean sure he did evil stuff and obviously wasn’t a good person but I’d he stuck to his original ideas and plan from Mein Kampf all he was trying to do was get Germany on the level of Britain and France which were the two biggest empires at the time

all rothschilds, rockefellers, goldsteins, etc jews in history

Stalin killed a lot more.
He just didn't lose the war.


>jewsish bankers are not the main villains of the history of europe
0.2 shekels have been deposited to your account

We were also able to document Nazi atrocities with visual imagery. Without that it's hard for many to process the abstraction of millions dying of starvation.

No. Stalin killed a lot people before the war (most of his victims died during the famine). Hitler deliberately exterminated millions of people and started the biggest war in human history which claimed some 50 million lives.

Million also died of starvation during Hitler's war.

Which we documented in pow camps. I don't remember any pictures from behind the iron curtain.

POWs weren't the only ones who starved. Lenningrad was starved to death, thousands of people also starved in other big Ukrainian cities such as Kiev. If the Nazis fully implemented the Hunger plan some 20 millions of people would have died.

Stalin started the war before Hitler. Both declared war to Poland, but Stalin made preparations for the war by invading Finland and by sending military help to the anarchists in Spain before the start of the civil war.

He also deliberately choose to force his way of life to very diverse people all over East Europe and Asia, and this killed tens of millions.

requesting a screencap of the old ukrainian man who said that nazis gave him literally shit to eat when he was a kid

>Stalin started the war before Hitler
>Hitler declared war on Poland on September 1st
>Stalin invaded Poland on September 17th
>Winter War started on 30th November
how did he start the war before Hitler you dumb brainlet

Are you serious? Winter war happened after invasion of Poland and it's not like Italy and Germany didn't support the rebels in Spain.

>Stalin sending military help to the anarchists before the civil war
I'll need a citation on this, user.

I wasn't talking about the people that died during the war.

Germany got defeated, de-nazified and didn't pose any further threat. Therefore all the horror & atrocities were revealed .Probably more than there actually were (Vae victis).

Meanwhile Sowj. Russia became a superpower and their propaganda machine was 100% intact. No one dared to accused them of genocide.

>humble corporal and postcard painter tries to rid Europe of the Jewish menace
He was a tragic hero

>the most evil person in history
probably was some literally who psycho

He wasn't the most evil person, but he was one of the evilest people who both got into power and attempted to bring about his nightmarish vision for the world into reality.

thats not true the soviet union helped the spanish republicans, the anarchist fight alone

who will win? Hitler or some jewish gas?

It wasn't really that simple. For example thanks to the Cold War Soviet atrocities were actually exaggerated (60 millions killed mentioned by Solzhenitsyn). At the same time only the Nazis were blamed for crimes committed by Germans. Wehrmacht itself was considered clean by the majority of historians. It all changed in 1990s when communist archives were opened.

When will Veeky Forums uncuck itself?

t. ameritard

Not the most evil, but he is one of the few who were capable of harming so many at once.
In this way, the less personally evil are capable of larger acts of the purely evil, as they can get more power and cooperation as the purely evil are not generating any good, while the less evil may help some people.
It was said that vlads people feared him so much that a cart of gold left undefended overnight would still be there in the morning.

... King.
Now we're talking.


Ye wont agree, but this lad is just as good as hitler!

Roman Ungern von Sternberg

Dumb cuck

>"hitler dindunuffin, the evilest person in history is somebody who only exists in my mind"


>Implying either of these are entirely incorrect

Funnily enough the difference in IQ between Jews and whites is about the same as the difference in IQ between whites and blacks, so your pic is actually very true.


Stalin was a complete sociopath and didnt have a shred of emotion left for anyone after his wife died. Is that better or worse than genocidal angry fanaticism?

A lot of the evil shit wasn't personally instigated by Hitler, rather he gave his tacit agreement or only spoken consent for a lot of actions to be done. He laid down the guidelines for underlings to follow, so it wasn't like he was some crazy mad scientist mixing poison to kill off the jews en masse. Just by some casual actions like creating competing bureaucratic throat cutting and no consultative bodies he created the conditions in which people thought to be interpreting his will (which they perceived from rumor, from meetings with him, from his own writings and speeches. So your thesis, to paraphrase it, that only "crazy insane drug addicted people made mass murder possible" is a simplistic "great man" theory of looking at things that isn't really true when one looks at the facts.

All of these men were more evil.

What happened to the men, women and children of nazi Germany was truly horrific.

>What happened to the men, women and children of nazi Germany was truly horrific.
I agree, what Hitler did to his own people was absolutely awful.

>What happened to the men, women and children of nazi Germany was truly horrific.
They lived long enough to be part of the post-war economic miracle?

What a horrendous post

I'll give you a hint of someone literally worse than him: his name is very similar to a Jewish philosopher and he likes remote controlled aircraft.

Between the british/ american fire bombing of German cities, soviet rape of german women and children and the eisenhower "internment camps".


Stalin only killed more because he was in power longer, and not for the same reasons. Hitler would have killed a lot more if he had been in power for more than twelve years.

Conveniently ignoring that Germany supported Franco and was using Spain as a testbed for their tactics and strategies used in WWII

>A single anecdote is evidence that the Nazis didn't murder or enslave millions of Ukrainians and other Soviet citizens

Dresden? More like Dresdidn't happen

They literally stole their food for themselves with the intent to starve them

They got off easy, they should have been put in the same death camps they put others in.

>Between the british/ american fire bombing of German cities

Where's the proof.

Go back to your board

I know right, fucking Hitler!

>the eisenhower "internment camps".
Can you tell me how many people died there?

Yes the leaders, not innocent men, women and children.

They elected Hitler. They supported the war machine. They just got a taste of what their sons were inflicting upon Europe for half a decade.

They quite literally were, places like Poland but krauts in the same camps when German minorities were removed from the neighboring countries. About half a million krauts died that way after the war. Hunting down Germans and executing them on a whim for being German was not uncommon in the least.

>Can you tell me how many people died there?

Not enough

Five million Germans starved to death in occupied Germany, and 2 million German Soldiers died in allied captivity from 1944 to 1948.

Only half a million? Shame, that's 16 million too few.

How many in the Rhineland camps?

>About half a million krauts died that way after the war
Literally no one claims half a million Germans died in the expulsions, even the FDR at the height of the cold war

>it's a stormfag tries to compare auschwitz birkenau and the neonazi death industry to US internment camps episode

Hitler had 33% of the vote, you can't believe everyone agreed with Hitlers policies?

Hitler was not even evil to begin with. That’s propaganda nonsense.

this was during a Vernichtungskrieg, a war that claimed the lives of over 20 million Russians. A Russian writer putting his emotion to paper and saying kill those damn German bastards while he witnessed the western part of his country be reduced to a burning, cratered, war-torn ruin by the hands of an invading enemy who had come to conquer it should not come to anyone as a surprise.

>Five million Germans starved to death in occupied Germany

>kills tens of millions of white Europeans and leads to communism occupying half of Europe for decades
>"Not evil"

The claim, that 1 million German prisoners of war, rather than upto 56,000 (the highest estimate accepted by historians) dying in US captivity after World War II, were "casually genocided" in Eisenhower's rhine meadow camps ("Rheinwiesenlager") is a claim put forth by James Bacque in his book "Other Losses". But who is James Bacque? A philosophy major (!) from the University of Toronto, who also seems to hold a Bachelor's degree in history. Fair enough, but what did the man proceed to do with his bachelor's history degree for the next few decades after earning it? You guessed it, nothing. Bacque instead proceeded to become a fiction writer and essayist before finally turning his attention in 1989, to the fate of German soldiers held as POWs by the Allies after World War II. He then wrote this book, and is now hailed by the far right (not necessarily holocaust deniers, but Wehrmacht fanboys and those who spend great amounts of time trying to track down every war crime committed by the allies) as some kind of investigative journalist exposing the deliberate "casual" mass murder of upto 1 million German POWs by Eisenhower and subordinates. 1 million....sound familiar? The official Auschwitz death toll is 1.1 to 1.5 million. The intent is clear: creating an allied Auschwitz.

>Russia was actually previously home to a substantial community of German Protestants who lived in the Volga region for over 200 years so it would be entirely feasible to run into a German Protestant named Martin Luther in Civil War-era Russia. Sadly, most were deported to Gulags by the NKVD after World War II began where approximately 1/3rd were killed.
>That's right, the Nazis weren't the only ones in the 1940s to round up and mass murder an entire group of people purely on the basis of their racial and religious background. The legitimate plight of ethnic Germans in Eastern Europe during and post-WW2 (not that Danzig massacre crap /pol/ uses to justify the Invasion of Poland) just gets ignored because of the evil shit their cousins in the Fatherland pulled and the Soviets did a much better job at sweeping it right under the rug.
>TL;DR totalitarianism is the purest form of evil and should never be allowed to take root anywhere.

-Stolen from where we were unironically discussing pregnant Anne Frank. Yeah, I go there and we enjoyed collectively masturbating to the pics, bite me if you don't like it faggots.

Mr. Bacque misread (I'll leave to you whether it was deliberate or not) the documents he based his conclusions on and then coaxed a half-blind old man into confirming his reading. What’s utterly absurd is the notion that about one million or more German POWs could have died in US prison camps without such catastrophe leaving a distinguishable mark in German oral history (while there’s little if anything about this subject, there’s a lot about the horrors of Soviet captivity in the gulags), in the records of German state administration (which in the 1950s went out of its way to establish the fate of prisoners of war in Allied hands) and in the works of German historians, including Rüdiger Overmans and Paul Carell, who have written extensively about the fate of German POWs in Allied hands. Paul Carell, a former Nazi propagandist by the name of Paul Karl Schmidt, whose works about the war are dedicated to glorifying the German soldier, would have been the first to decry a crime of such magnitude if there had been any evidence that it occurred instead of leaving it to a Canadian fiction author to do so in the 1990s.

After the publication of Bacque's book, a panel of historians gathered for a symposium in the Eisenhower Center for American Studies at the University of New Orleans from December 7–8, 1990 to review Bacque's work. The historians concluded that the work:

- misuses and misreads documents
- ignores contrary evidence
- made no attempt to see the evidence he has gathered in relation to the broader situation
- puts words into the mouths of the subjects of his oral history

Academic reviewers question three major aspects of Bacque's work: his claims that there was no post-war food shortage in other European countries; Bacque's estimate of the number of German deaths; and the allegation that Eisenhower was deliberately vindictive.

Many German soldiers were sick and wounded at the time of their surrender, and Bacque does not place the plight of the German prisoners within the context of the grim situation in Western Europe in 1945 and 1946.

R.J. Rummel, a scholar of 20th-century atrocities, has written that "Bacque misread, misinterpreted, or ignored the relevant documents and that his mortality statistics are simply impossible."

More recently, writing in the Encyclopedia of Prisoners of War and Internment, S. P. MacKenzie states, "That German prisoners were treated very badly in the months immediately after the war […] is beyond dispute. All in all, however, Bacque's thesis and mortality figures cannot be taken as accurate".

Eisenhower biographer Stephen Ambrose, in a 1991 New York Times book review, claimed that "when scholars do the necessary research, they will find Mr. Bacque's work to be worse than worthless. It is seriously—nay, spectacularly—flawed in its most fundamental aspects. […] Mr. Bacque is wrong on every major charge and nearly all his minor ones. Eisenhower was not a Hitler, he did not run death camps, German prisoners did not die by the hundreds of thousands, there was a severe food shortage in 1945, there was nothing sinister or secret about the "disarmed enemy forces" designation or about the column "other losses." Mr. Bacque's "missing million" were old men and young boys in the Volkssturm (People's Militia) released without formal discharge and transfers of POWs to other allies control areas."

I want to add that conditions in the camps improved and, even more important, there was an enormous effort to release these POWs as quickly as possible. By the Fall of 1945 most of the camps were empty.

A book-length disputation of Bacque's work, entitled "Eisenhower and the German POWs", appeared in 1992, featuring essays by British, American, and German historians.

Bacques 2nd book, "Crimes and Mercies" is no better. He claims the Allies fabricated the worldwide food shortage, that the "Genocide committed against the Germans" was due to “Anglo-Saxon militarism” and that English speaking nations were filled with “warlike peoples”. He gets numbers such as 9.3 million Germans being deliberately starved by the Americans and uses the same botched logic that he used in Other Losses. He blames the entire thing on Eisenhower, saying that he continued the "Morgenthau Plan" and that he “assured the prolonged starvation of Germans.”

Deniers love bringing up Morgenthau, conveniently forgetting that the plan was abandoned when public outcry forced its cancellation. Food supplies were short everywhere in Europe. The British rationed meat and other food products until 1954.

There you have it. Many historians disagree with this man's novels. We can safely conclude that this book does not belong on the hallowed history shelves which only have place for truth and reality, rather than fabricated numbers and false conclusions. It belongs into the same garbage bin that already holds a copy of Thomas Goodrich's "Hellstorm" and Viktor Suvorov's "Icebreaker".

As for the gulags...consider this: The death rate for Russian POW's in German custody was 60-65%. The death rate for Germans in Russian custody was 38%. That is a fairly massive gap. The Russian gulags were awful places, but the German treatment of the Soviet POW's was genocidal: massacres and documented deliberate starvation, which is why Russian POWs are part of the 11 million holocaust death toll.

If you want to find out how German soldiers really died; when, where and by whose hand, then the books you should be reading are respected German military historian Dr. Rüdiger Overmans' "Soldiers behind barbed wire. German prisoners of war of World War II" (2000) and "German Military Losses in World War II" (2004), with the latter being the most complete reference work about German casualties in WW II. It is historiographic tomes like these that separate real historians from jokers like James Bacque and Thomas Goodrich.

Most Evil People in History
>Adolf Hitler
>Joseph Stalin
>Henry VIII
>Martin Luther
>Judas Iscariot
>Toyotomi Hideyoshi
>Julian the Apostate
>John Stuart Mill
>Thomas Nast
>Oliver Cromwell
>Thomas Cromwell
>Hilary Mantel
>Maximilien Robespierre
>Louis Antoine de Saint-Just
>Benito Juárez
>Plutarco Elías Calles

Anymore to add?

Woodrow Wilson and Pol Pot

>"Don't mind me, I'am just here to contribute absolutely nothing to history but rape, murder, genocide, and the destruction of civilizations and cultures greater than mine and usher and era of "peace" because everyone will be dead in my wake"

How was Luther evil?

Stupid poltard. Genghis was very progressive for his time, promoting religious diversity.

>How was Luther evil?

Hitler wasn't that bad. Starting a war isn't that out of the ordinary. So all you're left with is the elimination of political enemies.

And, you know, industrial genocide.

A lot of the deaths were from the effects of the Civil War.

He didn't kill industry, he only increased it. But then, it's hardly evil to "kill" industry anyway


Poland started the war. As far as the western front, could’ve easily been avoided. You can blame Chamberlain and Daladier for that.

>Poland started the war
Objectively false, Germany initiated combat first and was the one doing the invasion.

Antonio López de Santa Anna


Is it actually evil to commit genocide if you do it in defence of your people?

Nope. Polish were killing German minorities in Danzig. Poland drew first blood.

He isn't the most evil person in history, that would be Mao if we're using genocide measurements.