Crypto Turtle

Sup guys it's Crypto Turtle, AMA.

How many Trezors do you have?

How does it feel to consume the leafy green goodness of the crypto sea?

Will neo go to 100?
And if so will my 10 neo make my parents love me again?

110, one for each of my eggs.
I do enjoy it.
Neo will go past $100.
Your 10 Neo will make your parents angry you didn't put in more, so no.

When will eth overtake btc?

2035, ETH will have a bull run from 2020-2026 bringing it to 0.75 BTC.

2035 1 ETH = 1.1 BTC temporarily.

Thoughts on COSS?

It could 3x when it hits other exchanges, not a long term hold.

How high do you see obsidian going?

Do you influence crypto prices at all? also how big is your penis

Obsidian will hit $25 after being adopted by a yet to be created DNM.
I'm a turtle not a whale. 30cm.

Sup crypto turtle. Should i hold my OMG or dump the rest?

Should I sell my DGB at 67% loss and buy LINK?

Crypto Turtle! I'm all in deep with SIA, LRC, and NEO. Am I gonna ride the waves?

price of WTC by the end of the month?

CT mah man! What about ARK? Been trying to hold on for a while now.

Also ENJ? I bought into the ICO and the presale. Looks moon ready long term.

Accumulate for Plasma blockchain release, OMG will pass the previous ATH.
Short term LINK will double, it's one of the largest projects in crypto and will be be a major player in the future.
DGB will go up very long term, $1 when BTC reaches $10,000 before falling to $0.01 creating a new generation of digimarines.
Low double digits with the release of Walton Chain and other brands they are working with.
Unfortunately Ark is sinking into the ocean.
ENJ will see a huge wave of interest when they release the Unreal development kit and mobile app.

Hi crypto turtle, is it worth it to buy BAT now?

Hey, BAT is overbought now, buy in around 5000, sell above 6000. Expect it go up a large % long term.

Hey Crypto Turtle.

What will be the next shilled coin on Veeky Forums after ODN

Please give me predictions for the following coins : mysterium, vslice, sonm, MUE, lunyr and nebl

Request Network
They will all gain at least 3%.

CT what are you investing in?

You don't know shit crypto turtle

How high do you think LINK would go and if it's worth holding after it's conference.

Request, BlockV.

When it becomes industry standard double digits. After the conference might be the best time to be holding.

Hello mr Turtle
What about the future of

Hey CT, I bought ADX and Fun before their explosions and now I found myself buying Stratis, have I gotten too cocky?

ADA will pump and dump a lot before stabilizing, risking swing trades could be rewarding.
XRP will remain stable around $0.20.
OMG will have another bull run leading up to the release of Plasma.