Was the domestication of man a mistake? The civilized man ultimately succumbed to the barbarian throughout history...

Was the domestication of man a mistake? The civilized man ultimately succumbed to the barbarian throughout history, be it Germanics / Huns & Rome, Mongols & China, Scythians & the India, Mamluks & Egypt, Turks & Byzantium etc.

Life thrives and prospers when the light and warmth of the feminine is tempered and refined by the cold savagery of the masculine. Men need something to fight but they also need comfort to come back to.

>light and warmth
You have it all mixed up.

>there is a fundamentally true philosophy
Men are biologically designed to kill things. Women are biologically designed to make and raise babies.

You still have it confused. War and anger are associated with fire and Yin with coldness and the moon.

Eventually, the sun will turn into a red giant and swallow the Earth and all the inner planets. Does that make the evolution of man a mistake?

You are just describing a bootleg Yin and Yang but have reversed their typical descriptions. Men were the bright side, Yang, the active side, the side of passion, strength, courage, and recklessness. Women were the dark side, Yin, the passive side, the side of calm, flexibility, timidity, and patience. They are both a mix of good and bad traits and that's why they are necessary to balance each other out and why every person has some of both in them but in different amounts. Men are believed to be more Yang than Yin normally, while women are the opposite, hence why Yang is considered masculine and Yin feminine.

Attila was mongoloid, huns were mongoloid people from siberia

Huh funny how that works out
>Nobody gives a shit about germanics, but no one can doubt the influence of Roman institutions on the modern day
>Mongols assimilated into the Chinese cauldron and fell, Mongolia is a shitty irrelevant backwater compared to the cultural powerhouse of China
Civilization wins out in the end.

I always felt like they made a mistake. The yang should be dark and yin should be light.

we will never leave our solar system

Wtf are you talking about the most succesful countries in the world were started by germanics.
>britain by anglos saxons and jutes
>germany by shitload of different tribes
>france by the franks

What do the descendants of rome have besides a failed and corrupt mafia state called italy?

It's funny how this idea of women as soft, cold/wet and men as hard, dry/hot is found in many different cutures from the past. I believe the Hellenistic cultures and those that influenced them had a similar concept.

>The civilized man ultimately succumbed to the barbarian throughout history, be it Germanics / Huns & Rome, Mongols & China, Scythians & the India, Mamluks & Egypt, Turks & Byzantium etc.

Except barbarians ultimately fell to civilization? Nobody is living in shitty tribal confederacies or nomadshittery nowadays. Everything is centralized states.

>jutes aren’t anglo Saxons
Anglo Saxons were made up of, angels, Saxons, jutes and some other tribes inbetween the angels and franks

Was the barbarization of man a mistake? The barbarian man ultimately succumbed to the civilized one throughout history, be it Celts & Rome, Caribs & Spain, Zulus & British, Lakotas & Americans, etc.

>started by germanics
Why didnt they do it in 300 AD?

I think the point he was trying to get through was that the civilized man is helpless when the institutions he’s dependent on falls as was the case with Rome and other civilizations throughout history, but the hardened and free barbarian man prevailed.

>came from Hungary
>Atilla was born in Hungary and the Vikings counted him as one of their own tribesmen
m8... Atilla was nordic

Romans were Germanic, Flavius means light haired, Celts weren't
Spainiards were Visigoths, obviously Germanic.
British, Saxon heritage.
Americans were descended from the English, Saxons.
Where non Germanics a mistake/


>be brutal as fuck warrior kingdom, originally nomadic, terrorize China and conquer their land and massacre their armied like a boss
>embrace buddhism
>get raped over 9000 times