Best POTUS, Worst POTUS thread?

Best POTUS, Worst POTUS thread?



fuck you

All of them were/are puppets that follow orders from the elite

All of them had/has the same policy, just look to what happened to JFK

>the elite

Lincoln is a close second, but he overextended federal, and especially executive, power in a way that I think has really corroded the country. The fact that he was an excellent war-time president and accomplished a shit ton almost makes up for this.
Trump. Not even memeing.

Best: Andrew Jackson
Worst: Woodrow Wilson



Best was Washington worst would be someone like Woodrow Wilson.
>incoln is a close second
Nearly anyone could have done lincoln's job. He was a great speech writer, not much else.


Buchana was based, though.
>The course of events is so rapidly hastening forward that the emergency may soon arise when you may be called upon to decide the momentous question whether you possess the power by force of arms to compel a State to remain in the Union. I should feel myself recreant to my duty were I not to express an opinion on this important subject.
The question fairly stated is, Has the Constitution delegated to Congress the power to coerce a State into submission which is attempting to withdraw or has actually withdrawn from the Confederacy? If answered in the affirmative, it must be on the principle that the power has been conferred upon Congress to declare and to make war against a State. After much serious reflection I have arrived at the conclusion that no such power has been delegated to Congress or to any other department of the Federal Government. It is manifest upon an inspection of the Constitution that this is not among the specific and enumerated powers granted to Congress, and it is equally apparent that its exercise is not "necessary and proper for carrying into execution" any one of these powers. So far from this power having been delegated to Congress, it was expressly refused by the Convention which framed the Constitution.

Reminder that the only thing Nixon ever did wrong was get caught.

did you know coolidge hoover and that whole time period of presidents were bankers stooges? morgans and rockefellers fighting with politics. or that supreme court douche brandeis was openly corrupt as they almost surely are even today ? hahaha coolidge lolololol

ITT brainlets
Franklin Delano Roosevelt is objectively the best president. He led America through the bloodiest war and worst economic depression in modern history. We emerged from the 30s and 40s as a major world superpower because of him. George Washington is a close second and Teddy is the most badass.

>He led America through the bloodiest war
A war that was pretty much optional for us.
> and worst economic depression in modern history
Mainly a result of the war.
>e emerged from the 30s and 40s as a major world superpower because of him.
We were already on our way to becoming the world's foremost power. White Mans' Burden by Kipling is about the US rising to the former estate of the British.
> and Teddy is the most badass.
Jackson fought 103 duels

t. fresh out of highschool

This. Not to mention he cucked commies and natsocs out of working class support, got us the TVA and other public works shit going.

>ot to mention he cucked commies and natsocs out of working class support
He was pretty much a crypto fascist as well as a commie dupe tho

Buchanan is a pathetic cuck who will always be my worst.

George Washington is the best by default. Any other answer is wrong by default because the user is being contrarian and doesn't like America's greatest war-hero.

Didn't he even warned about the military industrial complex?

Our transformation into a super power was inevitable, regardless of the president. And that transformation started in 1914,

>and that transformation started in 1848


That’s fair. Our transformation into a super power greatly accelerated after the Great War. Better?

>elected four times in a row
How was he such a chad?


Lincoln AND Woodrow

This is probably the most meme answer you could give

Best: William Mckinley
Worst: Woodrow Wilson

Trump, FDR, LBJ

Polk is objectively the best
Willson is objectively the worse

I think that was Eisenhower

Best: Nixon
Worst: Lincoln

Nixon tried to fix a broken system, he just had to break a few rules to do it. Lincoln started a civil war and freeing the slaves was never his intention.

>starting the war

>every country frees slaves without war by paying for their freedom, except the US

He should have let the CSA alone

Best: Polk
Worst: Nixon

Which Roosevelt?

Best Potus, in order, is Jefferson, >Washington, Coolidge, Jackson, and T. Roosevelt
Honorary Mention to JFK, Polk and Mckinely
In order, the worst are:
> Tyler, Hayes, Harding, Buchanan, and Fillmore
Pierce, Grant, Taylor and FDR

And Honestly, I could write a whole list on who should have been president. The man to my left included.

Listen it's laudable that Washington was like old Cincinnatus and made himself a figure of dignity and inspiration for the new country but he was not an effective administrator nor was the role of president then ANYthing like what it would quickly become in the generations that followed, to say nothing of what it's like in the last century. I guess if your standard is "he didn't make himself king" he was great, but frankly the idea that he even would have had that option at the time is pretty laughable. He was very popular publicly but the entire bourgeous ruling class that had carried him to victory would have turned on him, and they had no lack of public support themselves.

Best: Trump or Bush
Worst: Obama

True, they attacked our fort! We had to slaughter half a million men

I know you're memeing but it's sad that there are Gen Xs who genuinely believe this

Eisenhower and Washington
Might put Reagan as well but the things I've heard about him make me not so sure
Would also put Teddy but his sperg out at Taft sours my opinion of him
Andrew Johnson, Warren Harding and Ulysses Grant (latter two more for being bad leaders than bad people)