Name a bigger mistake in human history.
Name a bigger mistake in human history
The Enlightenment
Your conception
Hitler losing ww2
Non-meme answer
British killing all the cats before the plague hit its peak
The catholic church
>French Revolution
Allies not accepting the Stalin Note.
That only affects Britain.
Britain is the blight on the humankind.
Maybe only US is worse, but even that is a product of Britain.
Discovery of the new world
World War 2: mechanized boogaloo
Fourth Crusade and Crimean War
French Revolution
>Fall of West Rome
>Dark Ages
>French Revolution
>Federal Reserve
>Cordiale winning WW1
>Allies winning WW2
>Nuclear Bomb/Nuclear Energy
>State of Israel
>Chinese Communist Revolution
>Overthrowing Mornarchy all over the world
>1991 Japanese economic crisis
>2008 economic crisis
>Arab spring
>Syrian war/refugee crisis
Those are the worst at the moment ...
Universal suffrage
Invention of agriculture and Industrialization
Internet. Allowing turbovirgins to commiserate rather than force them into society and making them improve themselves for their own sake.
How was it a mistake to defend yourself from invasion?
>le everyone blundered into it and holds equal responsibility for the tragic accident meme
Fischer debunked this decades ago.
Not really a mistake if it was an inevitability. All these close empires with shitty relations were a powderkeg waiting to explode.
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that one guy isn't wrong about the Fall of Rome tho
but he forgot to say "Fall of the Roman Republic"
He's most likely a Prussiaboo