Woah... Truly comes to show that everyone was equally bad in this war
I always cringe when I see shit like OP posted.
Especially after looking at the comments.
>"god i love the german uniforms, weapons,equipment and vehicles under this time'
>"That moment when you realize your bitter enemy is nothing but a man, with the same fears, hopes, and struggles that you yourself have gone through."
>"Sad that a majority of these German pows were left to rot in fields by Eisenhower"
To think they're people out there that think like that.
Are you memeing me OP?
I don't really recall the US or Britain engaging in acts of ethnic cleansing against a variety of different ethnicities in Europe.
>Soldiers fight for home, soldiers fight for country, soldiers fight for family. The SS were nazis.The Wehrmacht were German.
Why do you cringe?
Too many nazi apologists and neonazi propaganda.
Na but while the allies cried for justice for gypsys and jews and the like there were southern wind chimneys all around the states.
So shut it. The anglos went to war because they were scared of their power position and they were told to. it took so much propaganda effort to turn the american publics view of germany and the germans its not even funny.
That's one lewd Reisen.
I think its more about seeing both sides of the coin and realising that there were plenty of good honest soliders in the wehrmacht who fought for their country.
Just like in the allied forces or the soviets and all sides did horrendous shit to enemy soldiers and civillians.
Especially the nazis and the soviets.
It was fucking war time, normal rules dont apply.
And the Wehrmacht was stil lvery respected among allied soldiers, since a lot hailed from germany before their fathers and grandfather emigrated to the new land.
This post reads like a Youtube comment under "SS marschiert in Feindesland"
If so many people say shit like that, maybe theres something to it?
No, they're just a bunch of edgy teenage contrarians. Nazis were evil in every way and should under no circumstances be admired.
>it took so much propaganda effort to turn the american publics view of germany and the germans its not even funny
No, not really.
You do realize conscription was a thing right? I mean there's a limit to the German hate surely, war's war
>"m-muh poor Germans forced into war by ebil Hitler"
1. Germans let Hitler take power
2. Being conscripted didn't prevent them from committing countless atrocities.
Nazis =/= Germans.
Many Germans were swept with times. That doesn't make Nazis good.
The US was very pro germany before the war actually went all out. how do you not know that?
Nice bait man.
Check the nazi votes when the nsdap got into power. half of germany didnt vote for them.
NA education at its finest, I know its hip and trendy to be an edgy antifa larper in the US these days but you guys are just sad.
>half of germany didnt vote for them.
But they didn't protest his seizure of power either. They were absolutely fine with things like the night of the long knives and kristallnacht. They obviously liked Hitler and the Nazis. There's no need to defend them.
>The US was very pro germany before the war actually went all out. how do you not know that?
I did, however you fail to acknowledge that german actions, political regime and remaining anti-German sentiment from WW1 played a bigger role than the propaganda.
A good portion of German soldiers were like 12 when Hitler came to power
Most soldiers who died at the end of the war were kids when hitler got to power and matured in the nazi state.
And yeah protest a brutal dictatorship and see were that gets you.A lot of people werent openly for shit like the kristallnacht. But what do you do? stand against them and be instantly beaten or stabbed to death? Its extremly dumb to generalize like that. And a lot of people fought nazis in the streets, ever heard of the EdelweiĆpiraten?
Well yeah but a lot of it was fabricated shit. But the Nazis did make it easy for the allies to turn public view, thats true.
>those tits
I'm fucking disgusted.
admit it, you were that faggot when you were 15
I'm that faggot right now. German uniforms DO look cool. There's nothing wrong with genocide as long as you win the war. I genuinely would not feel any remorse over killing jews or gypsies even though I do say that Holocaust is terrible if anyone asks. If I was a German in WW2 and had no reason to believe that I'd ever be punished, I'd kill left and right. And yes, I know how absolutely over the edge that sounds.
Why indeed.
You should be shot in the face.
There's literally nothing wrong with liking the Nazi's general aesthetic
> there were plenty of good honest soliders in the wehrmacht who fought for their country
> fighting for ones country
>in wars of conquest and extermination
The only conclusion to make then is that the soldiers were brainlets or deluded to think thay they were fighing for their country and not hitler himself, who basically cowed the army leadership into sibmission to his will bu 1938. Very comforting thought
Ju-87's look gay tbqh, why the hell you'd post this instead FW's or late war ME's in beyond me
leftypol is leaking again
>Ju-87's look gay tbqh
>if you araent a Wehraboo, youre a communist!
shut the *BEEP* up!
Are you me? I one day hope to make a RP site based off my FATE homebrew for fellow 3rd Reich fans. I'm going to call it the Wolfsschanze and RP various alternate history scenarios, oh yeah don't forget lots of qt aryan waifus too.
They do, it's a shit plane only remembered for its meme whistle
I can't even tell if posts like this are satire anymore.
>shut the *BEEP* up!
hello r*ddit
Fuck off /leftypol/ false-flagger
Just assume it is, it's better for your sanity
You got baited. Return to /pol/.
>i was only pretending to be retarded
a classic
Don't be.