did Joan of Arc die a virgin?
Did Joan of Arc die a virgin?
Probably not.
Story has it she started wearing pants in prison to make it harder to rape her. So the first time she went to court after her capture was for that, so she was forced to wear womanly skirts. Apparently she tried again, and that's the charge they got her on in order to burn her.
Long story short, it's likely she was raped/assaulted in prison
She was fucked in the head
she died very hot
Glorified cheerleader
She looks like MEW.
What the fuck did this bitch even do?
All I know Is that she carried a flag or some shit. Is that all it takes to become a French national hero?
have a (You) for your high level of discourse
>she carried a flag or some shit
A fucking white flag! Can't make this shit up,
what about this girl
She single handedly won the 117 year wars for France
i wish I could die for Joan
>launched the campaign Charles VII would lead with her premonitions, defeating the siege of Orléans, persuading the king to ride to Reims to be crowned there (huge legitimacy boost over the English's attempted crowning in Paris), all this culminating in the English getting raped at Patay, Formigny and Castillon because she convinced the French army to better themselves in use of artillery
Keep in mind the French hadn't even thought of launching campaigns against Normandy and Aquitaine which were lands the English had acquired through marriage (well the English's right to Aquitaine was revoked by Phillipe I I believe, so we wouldn't really know how the French would leave its fate), but because of her impetus, they were motivated into driving back the English from out the entire country.
So I'd say she did good Albion frick.
>Veeky Forums attainably ugly girl #384
So she just had common sense.
She was smart enough to know about the political situation and what was needed to push the English menace back. Appealing to a higher power was necessary to concvince the French to stop fucking about and work together to save their kingdom
Her virginity was attested twice, because her judges would have liked to be able to accuse her of fornication.
They did not because she was a pure virgin.
I don't think you're being quite sensitive to the insane move it was to drive deep into enemy territory to reach Reims. It was very much an "all in" move that could've devastated the French army and let them English claim victory.
And using artillery wasn't too much common sense for Euros then considering how long you'd have to wait for them to raise another war with as much expertise as the French wielded by the 1440s.
No she got BLACKED
She was pure
top kek
>confirmed to be a virgin as part of the trial proceedings
>only attempted rape by English guards prevented by other English guards and the Earl of Warwick
So yeah, probably.
that was shit bro
You mean beatified cheerleader
I don't see any Plantagenets in France today, but i see a lot of butthurt anglo loosers outside of France tho :)
>Be bong named Richard Beauchamp
>Be knight
>Burgundians capture the The Maid of Orléans
>Guard tries to rape her
>Stop guard
>watch her get burned alive
>ywn marry Joan and go away to northern Spain where you start a family and live happily ever after.
>abandoning France
Jeanne would never
>you will never be an English guard who has an epiphany one night and springs Joan from the prison.
>You will never ride out into the night, her arms wrapped around your waist, shivering as you ride south.
>You will never stop in Northern Spain and build a little house on a hill overlooking your fields of wheat and olives.
>You will never die peacefully in your sleep alongside your love, while your son marches south with the armies of Castille towards the Muslim occupied south, a prayer on his lips and a sword in hand.