*Extreme corruption and warlord tendencies of the military commanders
Was extreme corruption in the Kuomintang preventable?
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Preventable? Yes, but without cooperation with warlords by the KMT China would have still been largely disunited and still fighting against itself while the Japanese invaded. the KMT did what was necessary to unite the country as much as they could in the face of Japanese imperialism.
In some ways, it wasn't. Many of the KMT's top doges were of Warlord stock who ultimately saw that shit as normal.
Part of the allure of the CCP was that many of them were young and idealistic.
No, because the very head of the government, Chiang Kai Shek, was as corrupt as they come, and his wife was too.
How can you fight corruption when you are the biggest corrupt person of all?
President Truman said Chiang and his wife literally just stole $750 million dollars of aid from the US to put into their own investments, during the Chinese civil war.
I used to think China might be better if the KMT won but it really wouldn't be, they were fucking awful. Taiwan only did well because it is small and manageable.
what happened to those money?
>President Truman said Chiang and his wife literally just stole $750 million dollars of aid from the US to put into their own investments, during the Chinese civil war.
It's originally from Merle Millers tapes with Truman.
Truman was considering Chaing's request for 5 million America troops to fight the communists until he realised what a lying corrupt piece of shit he was.
No, not really, even when allegedly united Qing Chinese officials decided loading shells with concrete and selling the charges was a better idea than having a decent navy
Chiang would have sold China out to internationalist interests if he had won.
This. China would have followed the path of Taiwan.
Every alleged nationalist piece of shit was taking a cut from the Ameriga pie, why the hell wouldn't Chiang "Nanking is OK, pls protect me Nipponese soldiers| Chek any different?
>when your army is 4 times as big as the enemy, has the latest weapons and equipment, an airforce, is trained by the united states, has the backing of the entire globe, but then you lose to some peasants using japanese bolt action rifles
Winston Churchill wrote to one of his generals:
>I must enlighten you upon the American view. China bulks as large in the minds of many of them as Great Britain.… If I can epitomize in one word the lesson I learned in the United States, it was ‘China.’ Americans had long been sold on Chiang Kai-shek as a valiant warrior and Southern Methodist democrat, but in England the more realistic British enjoyed a radio comedy program that featured a Generalissimo character named General Cash My Cheque.
Based Britain bringing the bants against a pathetic and gay regime that's somehow even shittier than the Sparrow Killer
>General Cash My Cheque
What I never entirely understood except in the broad basic sense of "Well, it happened", was the KMT's inability to to translate battlefield successes, on the occasions they had them, into control on the ground. You look at the fighting against the Chi-Coms before the main segment of the Japanese war, the "Bandit extermination campaigns", and while you see crushing of CCP armies again and again and what would eventually become the Long March, the KMT never really exerted control over the southern reaches of China even after kicking the communists out. I mean, seriously, what was wrong with them?
>warlord tendencies of the military commanders
Which military commanders were warlords upon joining the kuomintang? I think you seem to be confusing the warlords of the era as having been KMT affiliated, when the KMT literally fought a war against them
Not OP, but you have for instance the entire Sichuan clique, who actually did more fighting (or at least dying) against the Japanese than "core" KMT forces.
>A barely organized bunch of warlords nominally ruled from Nanking didn't really care about gommies
Colour me shocked
But that's the thing. They did kick out the communists, crushed about 90% of the CCP's forces and evicted the rest. You'd think that once they were shoved into doing all of that, they'd actually take over the land they were fighting over.
If you think the Long March actually wiped out even close to 90% you're dead wrong
The First Red Front army went from 86,000 to 7,000 over 1934-35. But what I was really aiming at is that the destruction of the Jiangxi Soviet in the last encirclement campaign did in fact destroy about 90% of the forces available to the Chinese Red Army.
You're neglecting "defections" and "desertions"m gommies in China played the lile Chiang was jerking off about cartoons his cadre was being infiltrated by reds
CCP was literally "Le Internationalists" back then. They even wrote a song about it. Not KMT.
Taiwan/KMT was doing good until "岩里政男 The Nipponese" climbed to power.
Chiang “Cash my check” kai Shek is NOT my warlord. He is corrupt criminal scum and probably japanese to :DD marx and bread not guns and worms ok priase mao
t. communist slander.
The entire KMT "elite core forces"(aka German trained divisions) were almost wiped out during the first year of War of Resistance. They also caused the most casualties to IJA more than other units. Moreover, even after central "G divisions" were gone, the most combat effective units were still KMT/NRA's elite troops trained by Americans, e.g. Sun Li-jen(Rommel of the East) and his new first army.
wat. Chiang had deep faults but hos regime LITERALLY started by forcing western powers to give him tarriff controll and kidnapping globalist chinese compradors of shanghai and forcingg them to “donate” money to his administration. Its also why he spent a shit ton on military build ups to reinforce chinese sovereingty and territorial integrity. It all failed in the end but he still tried
All chiang did was cow the warlords. Once the northern expedition met success most of the warlords tripped over themselves to swear loyalty to chiang in return for keeping their fiefs. When Chiang zuolin in Manchuria did so it china was officially declared “””united”””
I'm not sure if you're oversea Chinese/mainland Chinese or not, but if you are, you should appreciate Chiang and KMT rather than endless defame them. Because Modern China(ROC~PRC) can be a founder of UN and permanent member of UNSC is entirely thanks to them, and this give China a great diplomatic advantage! Also the legitimacy of China's SCS claim is also inherited from them.
>Chiang “Cash my check” kai Shek
Ok that's pretty good
I'm not Chinese but im studying Chinese history at university. I just cant get over his corruptness and incompetence.
Other people mentioned in the thread before me but i coincidentally picked up the phrase reading a few weeks ago
750 million 1 dollar whores.
>Chiang, my president
>we are at war with the Communists. you must choose general to lead our armies.
>will you choose Rommel of the East
>or former warlords know for their corruption and plundering our own peasants
>Chiang, my president
>The japanese have invaded and conquered half of China
>will you choose to fight off the invaders
>or spend all resources fighting a small community of 10,000 communists who also want to fight the japanese
Kuomintang bore the brunt of the Japanese invasion while the Communists did virtually nothing, this allowed the Communists to defeat the weakened Kuomintang after the war. They created the myth that the Kuomintang lost because they were corrupt incompetent reactionaries, not because the Communists failed to assist the Kuomintang in defending China.
The Kuomintang literally emerged militarily powerful after WWII. They were corrupt, sure, but all dat Lend-Lease wasn't sitting idly.
Also the communists weren't lazy in WWII either. They were the ones responsible for shit like the Hundred Regiments Offensive, and Peng Dehuai and Zhu De cut their teeth as asymmetric warfare leaders vs. Japan, leading to their later fame.
>Generalissimo Chiang, I'm VMI
The Empire of China was an ally of the Empire of Japan, and many of the KMT leadership had close family and economic ties to the EoChina. This would have always compromised them.
Most of the KMT leadership had criminal records that predated their KMT roles, Shanghai Czech in particular, and this probably made corruption unavoidable.
They traded KMT interest bearing bonds for the money. The people who currently own these bonds claim that the People's Republic of China is responsible for payment. They disagree. What Shanghai and the Soongs did with the cash is controversial.
The KMT sold a lot of their Len Lease to Ho Chi Minh for gold and silver. At least the southern ones did.
>"When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all"
The Sichuan clique bore the brunt of the Japanese invasion while the KMT and the Chi-Coms stared at each other.
Thats a really weak analysis. The KMT was in a very good position at the end of WW2, much stronger than the communists, much more support, richer and equipped.
They lost because no one supported their civil war because they ruined the economy and lost political support, but primarily because they just straight lost on a military level, like they just lost, even with the bad economy and loss of support, they could have won, but they didn't, because they were bad at war.
The CCP was pretty fucking good at war too, and had a very well developed militia system. The guy above mentioned how the KMT would win but not keep the ground, the CCP would win and then convince everyone to join them, willingly (unless you were a piggu landlord)
Isn't that God in futurama?
You skipped the part where CCP forces were given a free hand in Manchuria because of Soviet protection and Marshall refusing to believe that the CCP would violate the peace he was trying to achieve until it was too late to do anything about it.
General Stilwell.
Manchuria was controlled by the Empire of China, which only existed because of the Empire of Japan. When the Japs collapsed so did the EoC.
>because of Soviet protection
Soviet support of the CCP was fucking worthless. It was more or less cheerleading and sending a few boxes of captured G*rman weapons & equipment to the CCP.
Ironically the CCP benefitted more with US Lend-Lease than from the Soviets, considering the US were just handing out weapons to anyone fighting the Nips.
Difficult supply line from U.S.A. to CCP controlled China.
Yea Soviets handed them Manchuria but that can hardly be blamed for their astounding success
>Mao Nodong.
I have waited long for vengeance,
At last I’ve had my chance.
I’ve looked the Peanut in the eye
And kicked him in the pants.
The old harpoon was ready
With aim and timing true,
I sank it to the handle,
And stung him through and through.
The little bastard shivered,
And lost the power of speech.
His face turned green and quivered
As he struggled not to screech.
For all my weary battles,
For all my hours of woe,
At last I've had my innings
And laid the Peanut low.
I know I've still to suffer,
And run a weary race,
But oh! the blessed pleasure!
I've wrecked the Peanut's face.
Chiang was a weeaboo faggot
Manchuria was a fucking shithole the Soviets stole all the industry from and left a bunch of rifles and SMGs for the Chinks as compensation, the KMT on the other hand controlled all the industrial regions and port cities and STILL LOST
>General Cash My Cheque.
Holy shit this heat right here makes Dresden look like a cub scout marshmallows roast