I mean, the average German was culturally not that far from the average Frenchman or Brit, so what gives? How did they become so cruel?
What made them more prone to committing war crimes than the western allies?
g*rmans are subhumans
the krautshit DNA
Social Darwinist philosophy.
They did it so you can make shitty threads like this
Propaganda and orders. Most of the war crimes were committed by direct order. Like killing civilians to avenge partisan attacks. Or abducting civilians in France and Belgium. Or killing allied "commandos" and soviet commissars without trial or anything
That happens when you mess with dangerous archetypes
Fanatical leadership and political indoctrination.
Different rules apply to supermen.
need for revenge+ultranatonalism+racial superiority+genocidal intent of their leaders combined with a "do as youre told" atmosphere of power worship+the love of violence and war as something noble+complete rejection of the value of human life and all liberal ideas of human rights and the individual
>O-only duh SS did war crimez
General rule is that the more east you go, the less worth human life is.
Real question is what made them more bloodthirsty than Russians.
>What made them more prone to committing war crimes than the western allies
Because the definition of "war crimes" established at Nuremberg were literally "Things they did, that we didn't also do."
German autism
You are the only person in the thread saying that joking or not
Leaders with a chronic lack of empathy and morality.
Nazism was an ideology born from beer hall fights and street battles with Communists and the mentality formed from those experiences stayed with their leaders who acted without restraint or consideration of how it affected their perception abroad. American democracy was born from the minds of respected businessmen, lawyers, merchants, and soldiers and stressed moderation and compromise. British leadership was similarly born out of centuries of the tradition of an "enlightened" monarch who ruled over his subjects fairly.
Now FDR, Truman, and Churchill all did their share of immoral things during the war, but the idea of intentionally murdering massive numbers of people for no reason other than the sake of the act with no strategic advantage gained from it was inconceivable to them. Hence why they did not take reports of the Holocaust seriously until the first concentration camps were liberated.