Why did the west embrace women's rights and why does society pretend to believe the fiction that women are of any use in the work place?
Is it because their predisposition to buying clothes and pointless shit keeps many industries going and because they're more compliant in a white collar environment?
Why did the west embrace women's rights and why does society pretend to believe the fiction that women are of any use...
I'm sorry she wouldn't have sex with you user.
She'll text back after Chad's finished, user. It's ok.
Why did the west embrace universal male suffrage and why does society pretend to believe the fiction that working class men are of any use in the work place?
Is it because their predisposition to buying clothes and pointless shit keeps many industries going and because they're more compliant in a white collar environment?
t. butthurt roasties
function show alert value="Show User" eval("x=10;y=20;document.write(x*y)");
Dude, just spend your summer break in Europe or Mexico and buy a prostitute. You'll lose your virginity and might be able to forger about her.
> women are of any use in the work place?
they were during the wars
clearly working class men are working class because of the nature of their work whilst womanhood is distinct. What a shit argument
clearly women are women because of the nature of their biology whilst the working class is distinct. What a shit argument
>If you make arguments based on facts you are a virgin
Can someone explain this meme to me
>why does society pretend to believe the fiction that women are of any use in the work place?
What is this retarded concept that women never worked before until recently?
If anything industrialization knocked women off the workplace. But you see them in shit like cottage industries and agrarian labor. The kind of jobs where everyone has to pitch in.
some women are of more use than some men, to be fair.
>slut shaming is bad but virgin shaming is okay!
>it's another "women are literally Hitler" episode
Neither are fine. Regardless, stop acting as if you give a shit about slut shaming, hypocrtical faggot.
why is Veeky Forums filled with retarded social leftists one day and "Not my history!" germanboos the next day?
Why is theres such a stark contrast?
Both are good though. Women shouldn't be sluts and it's fundamental failure as a man to be a virgin.
Too many white knight simps in the European male population.
>"Muh holes"
This indicates a woman's confusion and lack of understanding. When faced with something she cannot dispute or argue against, the woman will defensively state "m-muh holes muffugga, muh pussy! Bet you want sum!!".
This is usually followed by drinking overpriced coffee and insulting her friends behind their backs.
>arguments based on facts
Women made most of the consumer objects in your home lol
>Inba white knight mode: W-well women were happier before they got real jobs...
Make shitty plastic garbage for $3 per hour or plow a rice field for 18 hours per day 360 days per year until you die of easily treatable sickness? Hmm...
That's objectively true
The lazy women meme is a white women thing, women outside of white countries work very hard most of their lives as white men are the only castrated pussies who treat their women like privileged princesses.
>objectively true
Rub one out user
>insulting her friends behind their backs.
Now this is something I never understood. Why do women do this? I've met women from different countries and cultures and they all do this, not only western ones. They always talk trash or criticize their "friends" behind their backs. To the point of being seated togheter in a table and as soon as one of them leaves the rest starts shitting on her
>people like making fun of other people.
Not even. Women always turn lazy and demanding when they have money.
Not really, roastie. Women don't make fun, they literally destroy fellow women who they call "friends" then hypocritically smile at their faces
Talking shit about your friends is not making fun them. Even so, making fun of friends isn't actually ok at some point. The fact that western men are becoming feminized and replicate such behaviours doesn't make it the same thing nor means it's ok
Not really dude. Guys don't just sit together and shit all over their friends for no reason. Hell, it's usually the opposite.
>"Later faggot!"
"See you, cucks!"
>"Man, George is such a cool guy."
[in unison]
If that is true then why do black women have the most jobs in Africa?
Besides I had a rare hardworking mother who never parasited of my dad instead my dad parasited of her and still does to this very day.
>instead my dad parasited of her and still does to this very day
They have alien brains compared to men so women are ok with eachother talking shit about eachother behind their back and still calling eachother "friends". Women are really weird they can backstab eachother to mental abuse then go back to hugging and laughing. As for why they have an impulse to belittle women most likely sexual pragmatism to the extreme trying to remove reproductive competition.
That doesn't even make sense. The average african woman spends all day managing crops, gathering water, chopping firewood, feeding animals, washing clothes & dishes, and chasing around toddlers.
>Muh anecdote
I'm not talking your mom. I'm talking about how women instinctively turn lazy and demanding once their lives turn comfortable.