Is Russia a silent empire?
Is Russia a silent empire?
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The empire of ice and dirt.
indeed, but the last one. At least indiscreetly
1. It's a federation.
2. It explicitly labels itself as a federation.
Not an empire. Same GDP as Mexico. Loosing population. Low variety economy based primarily on natural resources and hard tech founded and subsidied by government. Last gold age was under Stalin. You judge.
It was never an economic powerhouse, but has always been a military one.
I thought they were gaining population? At least compared to over a decade ago they've gotten steadier
A decade ago they were still struggling with the aftermaths of the collapse of the union. Haven’t checked in a while the domehraphics, Russia is difficult to interpretation when it comes to statistics, the Soviet ones were often bloated and the ones after the glasnost and the perestroika should be checked with caution. The white plaque is quite a thing, probably less than in the west, but still. If you’ve got better info hit me with it.
Their army was always paper tiger. They just try to convince us otherwise through propaganda. So many embarrassing defeats in their military history that it's hard to take them serious.
>Amerilards talking about embarrassing defeats
Name one battle America lost.
battle against obesity
The 2015 numbers are apparently at a virtual standstill - 13.3 births per 1k, and 13 deaths per 1k.
Interestingly, almost all of the population growth in Russia is beyond the Urals, save for the rapid breeding in the northern Caucasus regions. Only question is whether that's the Muslims, Cossacks, or both.
Name one Vietnam war America won
South Vietnam was overrun by massed divisions of North Vietnamese regulars, banked by tanks and heavy artillery.
South Vietnam fell several years after American troops were withdrawn, and after the US Congress had cut off all military aid to the South.
>we ran away before things had concluded, so we didn't actually lose
>we stopped supplies a few months before South Vietnam fell, so we weren't actually involved at all afterwards
Is it willful ignorance or just delusion?
Americans have this strange tendency to pretend that South Vietnam wasn't a factor in the war, and treat it as purely US vs the north. Hence the inflated casualty ratios and the "we were outnumbered!" memes.
Probably, China and Persia have gone through periods where they collapsed and were weak only to become a strong empire again, granted that takes a while but is still do able
>Loosing population
its not 1999 anymore, TFR is up to about 1.7 in recent years, and shortfalls there are made up by immigration of ethnic Russians from former USSR.
>Haven’t checked in a while the demographics
Still bad, stagnant and aging.
They have started projecting power seriously again, and they've certainly come back from worse.
>Russia stopped China from bullying Mongolia to become part of China
Are you implying cossacks are an ethnicity, you brainlet? Modern cossacks are literally just larpers.
Hurtgen Forest.
Muslims, the Cossack nation has been utterly destroyed by the Stalinist regime and coercive forced resettling of the old belief Orthodox Christians (Cossacks). The whole of Rutenia (Ucraine and Belarus) where either unionists before the XIX century or 'starovery' (old believers before Nikon's reform - see Avvakum) Orthodox christians with a free state. No shit they were against the communists. Stalin basically eroded the whole of the Cossacks nations by resettling them over the Urals. So. Yea. Muslims.
No such thing as a modern Cossack exists to this day. It's either neonazist Ucrainian larpers that know little or nothing about it (muh Taras Bulba, muh Ivan Mazepa). But Cossacks have been eradicated as a nation and as ethnicity (which they did become between the XVI and the XVII century). See Zaposka Sic and Dniepr Cossacks. Anyone claiming their existence is like claiming that people from Lazio are Romans.
Man. Last peaks from the 60ties and mid 80ties.
It's the muslim population keeping the numbers in check. As everywhere by now. Deal with it, the future is brownish.
>America's ONE (1) goal was to stop the spread of communism in the region
>it spreads anyway
When you fail your one and only goal that is called a loss.
>Russia stopped China from bullying Mongolia to become part of China
Yeah, so based they nearly wiped out their culture and bullied them into part of USSR.
I thought they're Slavs or Russians when I see their names or writings.
Don't forget severe issues with AIDs and HIV. Worst case of it in Europe by far.
We aren't even the fattest country in the world for the last like half decade.
losing is still losing even if someone does it harder than you
>t-there are other countries in the world that are even fatter than ours by a slight margin
damn... what a fantastic public health triumph
>slight margin
It always amusing to me that Westerners call out each other for being fat when Western Europe and NA by far are the heaviest concentrations regionally for things like cardiac arrest, hypertension, obesity, etc...Like even the UK, Germany, Australia, Canada, have MASSIVE issues with obesity. Isn't it even 30% of the UK's population being overweight? You guys are all pot to kettle nonsense.
I never liked that the meme didn't have vietnam era weaponry shown which was still impressive
They adopted cyrillic because it was easier to teach people how to read in it.
Euros on suicide watch
name one Vietnam war the US won
Japanese occupied Vietnam in WW2. US defeated Japan in WW2. US defeated Japanese Vietnam in WW2.
All the BRICS nations, as well as Pakistan, Indonsesia and the United States easily qualify as Empires. As well as several other African nations such as Ethiopia and the Congo. Maybe even Iran.
>controls 30% of the worlds natural resources
>""""ice and dirt""""
Envy is a hell of a drug.
how the fuck are Brazil and South Africa empires
You dont know about the banana empire and the we wuz boers and sheet empire?
The Punjabis rule over conquered Sindh, Beluchistan, the Indus valleys and eastern Afghanistan.
They defeated the Indian superpower in multiple wars, kicked the Yankees out of Afghanistan and have India and Iran trembling in mortal fear.
Its pretty much the definition of an empire
Okay mr very obviously not a Pakistani.
> "it fell years and years later!"
> it fell in about 13 months
If you're willing to lie about Vietnam, no doubt you were lying out your ass when you acted like you knew anything about classical European military history
A 1000+ year old nation that defeated the Ottoman Empire in something like 17 wars, a paper tiger? The Crimean War, where France and Britain both had to ally with the mohammedians to match Russia... that's embarrassing? Germany accelerating the Great War out of fear of Russian potential, that was no big deal? What kind of dumb faggot believes this shit?
The Egyptians were great for thousands of years, the Romans great for several hundred, but they all fell from internal decay. And now in less than one century of American hegemony, the entire west is so spoiled and decadent that it can't or won't even maintain border control and sustain its population. What a joke
russia is only relevant because of oil, gas, and a huge nuclear weapon stockpile.
China's well on its way towards it.
There are more people in China with diabetes than there are people in the United States.
>past half a decade
Wow...for 5 years...we've managed to not be literally the fattest pieces of lard on the planet...amazing accomplishment...
all thanks to DRUMPF
The Chinese region of Guangdong on its own (+Hong Kong) has a GDP comparable to all of Russia (and a higher GDP per capita and higher life expectancy and higher growth).
>There are more people in China with diabetes than there are people in the United States.
Patently false
Next time dont side with the nazis boys
The Vietnamese defeated Japan with little outside help