Veeky Forums think they're smart

>Veeky Forums think they're smart
>can't solve a single one of Zeno's paradoxes

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Zeno's paradox is literally just slowing time as he gets closer to the tortoise, it's pretty obvious what's going on here.

algebra seemingly disproves it. But its true, you never reach what you're going towards, because it is not you that is moving yourself. But rather, the universe itself that moves for you.

Its called a limit

infinite number =/= infinite amount

Movement is linear. Zeno was a faggot.


Also, time is discrete, not continuous, it's just that the individual "frames" are imperceptibly small.

if the distance becomes infinitely small, the time also does.

achilles speed = a
turtle speed = t
distance between achilles and turtle = d
time = y
distance = x


oops got t and a mixed up, fug

achilles moving is not a model for movement on a grpah, but rather, the form of movement itself. hence, mathematical theorems of your level do not describe it.

ITT people who don't know Calculus.

this question has nothing to do with calculus

y and x could be whole numbers thus discrete quanta so Zeno's paradox does not describe what it sets out to describe

>what's a series
A sum of infinite terms with a finite answer. It took more than 2000 years to find a real solution to Zeno's paradox but we did it. And yes, it's calculus Batman.

1/0=∞ has been proposed since forever, while technically not true, it can be used to solve limits

tbqh they should create an imaginary number which is like infinity but denotes that if you tries to fit as many 0s into 1 as possible you would never finish, rather than force innocent naive students to do all the lim of x ----> shit all the time

Dude just run past the turtle it's not a paradox, it's a fucking race, the goal is the end, not the turtle's ass

Can't divide by 0 for many reasons. Approaching 0 either from the negative or the positive side iis perfectly fine, but it's not just like "creating a number". You can't just create something out of nowhere to deal with mathematical singularities. It isn't marketing.

Seriously why the fuck are you guys trying to talk math with such basic knowledge. You with this youtube comments section level reply and the other dumb user saying it has nothing to do with Calculus without having the slightest idea of what Calculus is.

>play semantics and act like a retard
>whoa guys no one can argue against me
is this the power of Greek learning?

this, the stated result of the paradox changes the stated parameters. Achilles is running to the end of the race, not to the position the tortoise occupies

once time is subdivided to the point where the tortoise moves a shorter distance than one of Achilles strides, he's doomed to be passed; After that point Zeno is working from a purposeful misrepresentation of how movement works

A sum of infinite elements doesn't necessarily amount to infinite

this is the answer.
It is conflating different types of infinity.

i'm a mathematical brainlet user, could you please elaborate in simple terms?
Was Zenos paradoxon just a paradoxon, because he described natural movement with the wrong mathematical terms?

>*record scratch*
>*freeze frame*
>"soooo yeah, i bet right now you're probably all wondering how movement can even be real, huh?

It's not hard to understand, how can you miss it?

In fact it's just not a paradox. It's called a paradox because it try to say "there is a infinity of state before you reach the turtle so you'll never reach the turtle".
Thanks god the series proves that you a infinite sum can be finite, so it's not a paradox anymore.

>all these brainlets thinking they've solved Zeno's paradox
heh, now try out thomson's lamp, kiddos...

>what is a fucking limit

So what's the answer then?

what is described by state?

Veeky Forums is unironically one of the most brainlet boards on this website, they just like to act as if they aren't because they happen to know some historical facts and trivia
very handy for a quiz at your granny's retirement home but not in real life

Planck Length.

Time = ((2^x+1)-1)/2^x
State = 2mod(x)
lim(x->∞) ((2^x+1)-1)/2^x = ((2^∞+1)-1)/2^∞ = (2*2^∞)/2^∞ = 2
lim(x->∞) 2mod(x) = 2mod(∞) = 0
Checkmate atheists

Whether the light is on or off

>the distance a body moves in a period of time goes against zero if its length goes against zero
tell me what existencial truth I am missing here

There is no deep existential truth, it's just a famous paradox because it's obviously false yet it has a good argument

Since the apparent rule (change the light state for every half-distance to 2.0) does not cover 2.0, it could be either of it.

Planck length solves this paradox, right?

I'd say yes but I bet some philosopher of physics has shown that a probabilistic form of the paradox applies to a universe with discrete space.

>Diogenes the Cynic said nothing upon hearing Zeno's arguments, but stood up and walked, in order to demonstrate the falsity of Zeno's conclusions.

achilles cannot skip to whole numbers, he must walk each decimal. And even if he did skip and teleport to whole number lengths, he would miss the turtle because he would keep going.

series describe movements as according to a model, but this is not a model. This is a metaphysics thought experiment. Its not going to created by any work of science or engineering, so its outside of the definition of a series.

Jesus christ

>You can't just create something out of nowhere to deal with mathematical singularities.
well, someone did it (-1)^0.5=i

imginary numbers are a boomer cop-out for being bad at math

*walks a finite distance containing infinite imaginary intervals in finite time*

That's a really good way to say that.

I think the "problem" has been misunderstood. It isn't so much a paradox to be solved, more than a parable to be learned.

The teaching of the story has nothing to do with the race and it's result. The tortoise is wrong and Achilles will undoubtedly win if the race is long enough, as anyone with half a brain can visualize. But the teaching lies within the human psyche and the derailment of a confident individual by another who is of greater mind. Thus the "inferior" individual reigns over those who should be superior, but lacks the capacity or perhaps even fortitude to question his seemingly superior opponents.

Through his submission, the superior becomes the subordinate without ever having run the race, so to speak.

There reaches a point where a light is turned on and off so quickly that the off period is indistinguishable and it seems to be emitting constant light as if it were on at all times. Therefore, at 2.00 it would appear to us as on.

>walks an imaginary finite distance containing infinite imaginary intervals in imaginary finite time
ftfy, and you still aren't out of it.

>Its called a limit
what undergrads believe

Is this the most retarded thought experiment of all time? Is there even an example of ANYTHING INFINITE IN THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE?

All you morons arguing over and trying to prove/disprove something so absurd..
Zeno is laughing at all of (you)

he wasn't saying it was infinite, he was saying that people cannot move AT ALL by standard understandings of movement.

>he doesn't like a number space with objectively better properties than the real numbers

>posting some dumbass fanart of Ultraman with a moustache and glasses
>not just posting fucking Overman