Is it time for white people to chalk up an L and put to rest claims that black people couldn't be civilised without wh*Te people?
Is it time for white people to chalk up an L and put to rest claims that black people couldn't be civilised without wh*Te people?
>Phoenicians were black, yet their living descendants(Lebanese) aren't
Whoa, is that Yakub's fault?
*smacks lips*
>3d Reconstruction of Carthage
>Unknown author
My god, taking a image from a fucking video game and can't even cite it. Not even going to bother reading this shit
>takes still from Rome 2 dev footage
>"Unknown author"
god damn I hate niggers
Lebanese aren't descended from Carthageans you fucktard.
Yes they are.
>Hannibal, who almost destroyed the Roman Empire?
If you're going to get something as simple as that wrong then why should anyone listen to what you have to say
go be a wh*Te subhuman somewhere else
Carthage was black
wh*Te subhumans can't change the truth
Why do you care so much about these retarded blogs? Why do I never see you complaining about this shit:
>wanting to be descended from literally child sacrificers
Evidence in general points towards carthaginians sacrificing young children to ba'al Hammon. I've seen and studied their tophets. They're grim.
>want to start a "we wuz kangz" in Irish but the Irish verb for "we were" is one word so it doesn't have the same rhythm to it
>The land we now call Egypt was colonized...and was originally peopled by fair Celts from the shores of Britain. This was the Exodus of the Aryans, some of whom returned later to their primeval homes - Comyns Beaumont
Why is it always fucking Egypt?
this man isn't Irish, he's a gayreek with a med phenotype and some sort of Greek surname
He's from Belfast.
>superior black civilization gets BTFO by whities again
but they probably would argue romans were black too...
when will this ancient black on black violence stop!
That means literally nothing if he has absolutely no roots or heritage that are Irish.
You're "Irish-American" aren't you?
No, and I assume you're British.
Fuck who isn't black these days.
Maybe I can get me some of them reparations in that case
>uses an image from Rome 2
>Roman empire
lul wot. Rome did not even control the Italy by the time they genocided those Carthagian plebs. That means they were superior to them and saying Carthage is black means white man fucked nigro once again
I mean, assuming you're already a Black Egypt person, you can see the wonky logic to this.
The Phoenicians had a lot of aesthetic similarities to Egypt on a surface level (masked sarcophagi, obelisks) that differentiate them from other Levantine cultures, so if you think Looks Like Egypt = West African you can see how that jump happened. Plus they spoke an Afroasiatic language (like Hebrew, Arabic etc.) which makes them linguistically closer to Egypt than Greece or whatever.
Not helping your case
That's an Italian coin actually.
>romans weren't black
Yes they are fuck ass.
Underrated post.
We're all niggers now.
Hannibal was a general, not a head of state, there was no coins in his effigy.
>tfw my ancient society fetish is Germanic tribes like the Suebi
>Nobody wants to negrify them because they're shitty
I've won
The Barcids printed their own coins. Even Hamilcar and Hadsrubal had their images on them.
Actual archeological evidence points to natural child mortality. Over 80% were newborns and stillborns and only 2% were over a month old. This coupled with the fact children remains are not found in adult cemeteries points to tophets being burial grounds for children.
Maybe we just need to sacrifice an ancient culture to appease these people. Honestly, pretending Carthage was populated by sub-Saharan Africans from the west coast (or rather mixed white black americans) isn't that big of an ask. I don't even like Carthage, they just exist to get blown out by Syracuse and Rome. They couldn't even defend their homeland without a Spartan general to help them.
>giving historical revisionists a little finger hoping they won't take the whole hand
....user i'm disappoint
>Since we only have their last few centuries and only in the writing of their enemies, they suck.
The carthaginians sold sub saharans as slaves anyways.
> literally who website
> WE WUZ historical revisionism
What a surprise…
Jokes on you, I actually think it would be the supreme humiliation for that most wretched and degenerate people. Attack Hellenes in the Western Med will you? Lock Hellenic civilization within the Pillars of Herakles, will you? Here are the wages of your sin!
They didnt
Alright, if Carthage was black (which it wasn't, and this is such a broad statement as to be pretty much meaningless anyway), I wouldn't really care, but I don't understand why those who consider themselves to be black want to claim it so badly.
Carthage wasn't some badass society of Roman killing warriors. It was the Great Britain of its day. A pack of snarky shopkeepers who relied upon the strength of their navy and paid others to do their fighting for them until they absolutely had to engage personally. Their vacillating and insistence on prioritizing their petty political squabbling over prosecuting the campaign against the Romans probably cost them victory in both the first and the second Punic wars.
Guys like Hamilcar and Hannibal were the exception, not the rule, and if it weren't for Hannibal's campaign, would the layperson even give a hoot about Carthage? All this shit about Carthage supposedly being black doubtless stems from a desire to claim Hannibal as one of their own, which doesn't make sense anyway when one considers that he followed his father from Africa to Iberia at the age of nine and spent nearly twenty years there. Regardless of whatever ethnicity his Carthaginian origins may have conferred upon him, his connection to the actual, physical Carthage were tenuous at best.
Ummmm, race is a social construct sweetie.
Nobody intelligent portrays him as white. Homeboy wasn't a Gaul.
Nobody has the foggiest fucking idea what ethnicity Hannibal was, not that it matters, but most portrayals I've seen of him have him looking very Berber-ish, which is probably as accurate as we're getting.
Rome was also black
>3d Reconstruction of Carthage
>Unknown Author
Only now i understand why /pol/ hates niggers so much.
O no facts, your greatest weakness.
>Falling for greek propaganda the post
Isn’t this shekel his dad?
t. Cato
His nose is far from being Negroid influenced.
Carthage isnt even white.
>but they were white!
No anything outside of pic related is not white.
Egyptomania still runs deep in euro's minds
Roughly fixed your map for you. You're welcome
Stop this stupidity, white is a genetic cluster of Caucasoids that originated in the Caucacus region then expanded outward. The simple fact that russians look like europeans is proof they are also white. Whites also have higher pitched voices compared to other Caucasoids so that also confirms that Iberians and Medis are white as well.
>Nobody has any idea what ethnicity Hannibal was
Well you have a grand total of two choices in North Africa: semitic phoenicians and caucasian berbers, so it really cuts the chase by quite a bit.
In any case he wasn't congoïd.
Lel btfo
The absolute madman just cant stop
Caucasoid groups
Basically right, I'd add Cyprus and Armenia, although they are borderline groups.
Armenian are not white but them and Turks are the closest genetically to white people.
Americans and their definition of "white" is the most cancerous bullshit on this planet and the fact that it's started seeping into Europe via SJW far left racialist movements is the worst thing that could happen to our societies.
Caucasian comes in different shades. Mountain Berber caucasians may be "whiter" than Southern Frenchmen or Mezzogiorno italians, while kabyles will be slightly darker. Some irishmen look like meds and some """"turks"""" are quite obviously slavic or greek in origin. Many Georgians are caucasian, and you'll find caucasian all the way accross persia down to Pakistan. A caucasian with a serious tan will appear darker than a semite without one. On the other hand some horn of africa blacks are perfectly caucasian and share no ancestry with the "muh hotep muh kush muh kangs" afrocentrists who are congoïd.
Keep your whiteness to your US census bureau, if you can't tell the difference between a semitic and a berber tunisian or algerian without putting a colour chart next to their face then I don't see how you can possibly determine who is """"white"""""
Define white user, go ahead.
East Africans are Negroids not Caucasoid they even have ancient DNA that proves they cant possibly be Caucasoid.
Also white is a subgroup of Caucasoids not all Caucasoids thats why they constantly say India or Iran isnt white because they are referring to that subgroup only.
Im the only white person in the world
And my ancestors are the only white people the ever existed
Same user. IMO, though, white supremacists and neopagans are just as cringy as black wewuzzers. Normies fuck everything up.
No, East Africans are not Negroid in their entirety. Many of the original tribes are caucasoid blacks, and their members can still be found today. Hell even the wiki page of the caucasian "race" lists them as such.
And if there is a "white" subgroup (which there is only in the anglo saxon worldview), please indicate why an Ethnic Farsi person is "less white" than a swarthy Grenadine gentleman.
>The Barcids printed their own coins.
It seems you're right, my apologies.
This is an Hannibal coin.
>almost destroyed the Roman empire
nigger, it was the republic
>3d Reconstruction of Native Americans fucking up some dirty colonizers
>Unknown author
>everone between Burma and Iceland is white
Nice try, Pajeet
>that chin
This so much.
pajeets don't claim to be white.
It's what the US census bureau considers to be white.
Everyone west of pakistan is considered white.
They have negroid level IQ and typical negro behavior they are negroids. The actual brown skinned Caucasoids are in India.
How did you get that from my picture?
The blue spot is the only white people.
>Reimagining of BLACK civilization before the whites invaded
>author unknown.
I'm American and I agree with you %100, but it's not just SJWs on the left, it's reactionary morons on the right too. Ultimately it's easier for the political apparatus to take refuge in identity politics than propose legislation which might piss off their mega-donors
Being American can mean anything as long as you're a citizen. Being Irish means genetics. There are no Chinese Irish, no black Irish, no Turk Irish, etc. Those are just people living in Ireland.
>People actually speaking in raciology terms like it was a legit thing
Simply sad
I always read posts like this and am surprised people seriously don't understand West African history.
The foundations of West African Civilization, language and culture came from Sao around Lake Chad and Kanem in Central North Africa along the Libyan/Chadian border.
The Hausa came from Aïr.
The Fula amongst other ethnic groups now dominating West Africa came down after further dessication of the desert to the Sahel.
The Roman records of the black population living from the Draa river down and inland.
This idea that "blacks/negroids" are from North Africa ignores Tunisian genetics anyone can confirm having it's oldest and unique marker be "L" and a supra-saharan branch of a sub-saharan family.
This ignores even the most racist era of Eurocentric revisionism that posits specific local peoples (particular types of Haratin) as the aboriginals of the Sahara so to speak that eventually mixed with Levantine herders and then later augmented by the agriculturalist Nilo-Saharan and Niger Congo A peoples some as slaves and some as migrants.
The idea of North Africa or North Africans as a uniform color or that the populations of Tunisia have always been on one side of a particular spectrum isn't necessarily reality.
That's not to say they were all dark with broad noses and kinky hair, I don't find those traits to be hallmarks of some untainted blackness but Carthage weren't completely cut off from the Sahara and by extension the Sahel. They were the result of what? 25k years of blending.
>ruled upon Spain
again, no arguments as to why Carthage couldn't have been black, stay classt Veeky Forums
>analyzed their skulls
I thought phrenology was over? Fucking backwards niggers. What's next, do black people have a better balance of the four humors?
Because it's NORTH Africa
Because the Carthaginians came from the Levant
Because the Natives were Berbers who are brown
Because black Africans live below the Sahara
>identifying someone's race based on their skull is now Phrenology
It's just as bullshit as phrenology.
It's literally not.
Because it would have been a very unusual migration.
Because contemporary writers would have inevitably noticed a black society challenging south Europe.
Definition of black isn't universal. Someone who looked like Colin Kaepernick wouldn't be called "Aethiopian" but no one who deny his blackness in the West.
You will never have a qt carthaginean princess
Fuck you Cato.
Yes, I'm sure the Carthagians all looked like something that'd come out of 400 years of interbreeding between sub-Saharan blacks and white Europeans
Haha ok
You should make more time to read Libyan and Tunisian Paleolithic and Neolithic history at the time of the Neolithic Subpluvial before you think your comment is mind blowing or new.
>Our objective is to highlight the age of sub-Saharan gene flows in North Africa and particularly in Tunisia. Therefore we analyzed in a broad phylogeographic context sub-Saharan mtDNA haplogroups of Tunisian Berber populations considered representative of ancient settlement.
>More than 2,000 sequences were collected from the literature, and networks were constructed. The results show that the most ancient haplogroup is L3*, which would have been introduced to North Africa from eastern sub-Saharan populations around 20,000 years ago. Our results also point to a less ancient western sub-Saharan gene flow to Tunisia, including haplogroups L2a and L3b.
>This conclusion points to an ancient African gene flow to Tunisia before 20,000 BP. These findings parallel the more recent findings of both archaeology and linguistics on the prehistory of Africa. The present work suggests that sub-Saharan contributions to North Africa have experienced several complex population processes after the occupation of the region by anatomically modern humans. Our results reveal that Berber speakers have a foundational biogeographic root in Africa and that deep African lineages have continued to evolve in supra-Saharan Africa.
He could pass anywhere in North Africa
not that guy, but it's a well sourced article, making you the asshole who dismisses evidence just because you don't like the people publishing it