Post your maps, and discuss it
Post your maps, and discuss it
>Masuarians and Kashubians aren't Poles
Gotta love the shady German brain gymnastics to fit their agendas.
Literally perfection.
Leave Greater Poland alone, you smelly kraut
Reminds me of that multiplayer scenario in HoI 2
especially since germs are slavs LARPing as nazis. r1a1a1b1a do boju!
French victory in the Spanish war of succession in which a compromise is reached for Britain owning Hannover and the Austrian empire being betrayed and weakened by its allies?
War of Spanish Succession won by the French sounds about right, sadly I don't have the descriptions for each nation.
Just their names
>Axis - Nationalist Socialist
Empire of Russia
Indian Republic
Indo China
The Ottomans
>Allies - Market Liberal
Republic of China
>Comintern - Stalinist
APR (African People's Republic)
European Soviets
PRRS (People's Republic of the Rising Sun)
Republic of Persia
Libertadores (South America)
I can't imagine the scenario that divided france into quadrants. Does napoleon come back from the grave, start ww3, and get shut down hilter style?
interesting - brazil is a bit iffy tho
Hell yeah
You blew it
Split Belgium between the Netherlands and France, grant all minorities limited autonomy within all empires and you have the perfect Europe in terms of aesthetics. You can't prove me wrong.
Romania with pre-Trianon borders will always look like shit, it looks like a fucking tumour sticking out of Austria-Hungaries head
Alsace-Lorraine isn't part of France, so it is pretty terrible
How about now?
Much better
>People's Republic of the Rising Sun
Do it again, Yamaguchi Otoya
good map even if the italians have tunisia
The meme is BURY IT DEEP, not do it again
Divide Romania between Russia, A-H and Bulgaria, split Belgium, integrate Luxembourg into the German Empire
Other suggestions?
A-H won't give up the Black Sea coast and the mouth of the Danube now.
Bulgaria already received a part.
Revert AL back to Germany, looks gross this way
I've come to hate """alternate history""" maps because they are honestly just laden with delusion and fantasy. If your map was not made with a clear point(s) of diversion, and logical (or somewhat reasonable) justifications for why the map shifted the way it did over the time period since the point of diversion, then your map is fantasy and hence trash.
What a fucking mess
For :
>The Three Emperor's League remained and Germany supported Russia in the Russo-Japanese War, so there are no tension between A-H, Germany and Russia
>Franz-Ferdinand becomes emperor, reforms A-H into the USGA and makes a deal with Russia: Austria gets the whole of Romania as part of the new state and Serbia gets Montenegro for access to the sea. Austria and Serbia sign a non-aggression pact
>The world gets upset about the Belgian atrocities in the Congo and German, French, British, and Portuguese forces intervene in the Congo. Belgium declares war on everyone and is consequently split between the Netherlands and France
>Germany also wants a part of the cake and is given Luxembourg and a part of Belgian Congo
>the rest of Belgian Congo is split between the other powers
>Italy invades and annexes Albania and no
body cares
>through the joint intervention against Belgium, France and Germany reconcile with each other and sign a non-aggression treaty
>all the large empires become a bit more democratic and the life quality of the working class is improved, especially in Russia
>all minorities in large empires like Austria, Germany or Russia are given more or less autonomy, depending on the size (almost complete autonomy for Finns and Poles in the Russian Empire, limited autonomy for Sorbs in the German Empire)
>the empires remain as such over the next decades, there are no world wars and the colonial empires remain as well
Soudns awfully convenient
Wasn't directed at you lol. One of the few maps that actually is reasonable in this thread.
Are Ireland and Brittany one country or just both green?
t. kraut
>Germany have borders with Africa
Nice one Hans.
Finally they can be with their own kind
Epic GroBgermanium Reichs /b/ros
>gets triggered about a big Germany but not about ebin greater Poland like in
How do I know you're a Pole?
I'm not.
Gotta love the incompetency of all these maps. "Let's give Greece Constantinople despite the fact it would make Greece have more Turkish citizens than Greek ones!" "Let's put Ireland back in the UK despite the fact that they hated each other so much that they tried to kill each other is the reason they're separate in the first place!" "Let's reform Yugoslavia despite the fact the locals fought a war to reject the very concept!" "Give Ukraine back to Russia, It's not like the Ukrainians will detest being reduced to slave labor for people who speak a different language and have no interest in preserving their livelihoods!" Let’s deny Poland it’s freedom cause I wank to Nazi uniforms!
That's exactly what a Pole would say
These threads are essentially Veeky Forums fapping material anyway.
Slight differences
What's the point of Slovenia if Italy has Albania.
das rite
You want an autism map? I'll give ya an autism map
Fuck off, Luigi
This is a GOOD map but at least give Serbia to the rest of orthodox
the ideal german-polish border
greater poland
all of Prussia and Silesia were completely and utterly cleansed of any trace of Germans in a couple of years. is it really so unrealistic to believe that the Turks could be expelled from Thrace or that korenization could be reversed in Ukraine?
Ukraine just needs some hard love, like half of it is Russian speaking anyway
>all of Prussia and Silesia were completely and utterly cleansed of any trace of Germans in a couple of years
Those weren't Germans anyway, but slavshits larping as Germans.
Find a flaw
>Protip: You Can't.
Why is northern Ireland controlled by
Rightful Catalan clay
grey countries are not relevant for me
>Russian Prussia
>Muslim lands in Europe
This one is objectively worse.
Prussia should belong to their rightful owners
the Czechs
I meant Kralovec, not prussia
And I meant France, not the Czechs
who are you, go away
you should be claiming franconia
I'm actually content with this.
Good job.
>portuguese galicia
>united britain
>united """""""""""""""germanics""""""""""""""
>romaian transylvania
>south slavic northern greece(?????)
I could go on
Albania is secular and we need a containment zone to deport them all to
this isn't me stop pretending to be me I did men france not Czechs
Deport them to Turkey and rule them colonially alongside the roaches
Turkey is a colonial nation itself, which is why I've given them the Kurds to oppress and hopefully exterminate
Kurds and Turks should be ruled colonially much like the Hutu and Tutsi: divide and conquer. Take advantage of their conflict and put the Kurds in power over the Turks. You seem to be of the opinion that Turks are somehow superior to Kurds. Turks are not worthy of equal treatment with proper Europeans, they are just as bad as the Kurds and Arabs. Only a Turk would say otherwise.
cute white subhuman, i'd love to beat the shit out of you for saying that.
Any map other than this one is flawed
This is early 20th century world at its peak.
>independent Luxembourg
>Russian Levante
this you completely fucked up my Europe.
(Mine's this )
Rate my autism.
What is the original?
The original what? Map fractured in such a way? I literally picked this template off of this thread mate.