>he just lets his BTC/ETH/LTC sit in his wallet
pic is only after a few days and I can withdraw hourly
>he just lets his BTC/ETH/LTC sit in his wallet
pic is only after a few days and I can withdraw hourly
Other urls found in this thread:
Veeky Forums.org/rules#global11
not clicking your virus link ty
Get a grip, look at every thread. This entire board is shills shilling shills, on coins, tokens, schemes, programs
shamelessly putting my link here, poorfag
woop woop
Was skeptical, did some reading on it, as I suggest anyone should do when investing, and I like it.
Used your link, thanks OP
Please no one use these referral links. Use the service but don't enable the ponzi scheme bullshit of referral links.
if you think people should use the service then what's wrong with helping people on Veeky Forums
i remember when being a Veeky Forumsraeli meant something, and now is infested with /r/ethtrader and /r/crypto people
Because only you benefit and the more people who use affiliate links the worse the return will be for everyone else. if bitpetite is paying all this money out to referrals you think they'll be able to keep up a 4.6% daily interest rate?
Just going to put this here...
Help a poor fag! Will share proceeds
first off if you actually spend the time and do the math, you only make a little more than 1% of real interest per day,
2nd, they're making a shitload of money from the "community who wants to stay private" and have very little overhead. Their entire business is ran by some algorithm that can move coins around wallets
and thats a big thing with marketing and companies who want to make a name, they introduce ridiculously juicy deals in the beginning, and as anyone who's been on Veeky Forums for a while knows, we love to exploit that, together.
what I was trying to say is, they're not gonna run dry out of money because of referral bonuses, and if you really think that it's that easy for them to go in-solvent, then you shouldn't be investing or recommending it
That's in USD
I have no idea what you're talking about sir
You have the option to invest in BTC/USD or BTC/BTC Pairs
No one is gona risk that much BTC on a laundering service.
Hi fampais,if you like my image then click my link!
How are you planning on reporting income from money laundering?
the company provides privacy and that's not exclusive to the government... I mean thousands of people use Kocalbitcoins and buy and sell crypto with Western Union, Bank transfers, bank deposits, cash trades, god damn itunes gift cards... anyone could consider that that money is being laundered but no one knows, maybe except the launderer and maybe some new division at the IRS
what im sayin is its a grey area, all of BTC if you're gonna label just one company as money launderers
its kinda like how in the 80's, most of money had traces of cocaine on it, you didn't have to be in the drug game, or in this case what you think is a money launderer. I think eventually most if not all BTC will have, somewhere in the blockchain some shadyness in its past
so it's an investment, capital gains tax
Just pulling your leg. BTC isn't money to the IRS it's property. There aren't laws yet in regards to BTC laundering. You will just incur the Basic income tax of 10%.
yeah its gonna be tricky for them to figure out these laws.
I mean hell, there was that report that NK was mining bitcoin, so somewhere out there some goober in sweden unknowingly bought a Big Mac, or nana's monthly btc deposit into her IRA was from north korean energy
i think when those laws or rules come out, that's one of the only things that could bring btc down. at its heart its decentralized but clearly even with the basic KYC/AML laws affecting it anywhere you go, you can see that it is not
I think the laundering service may qualify has a payment processor. Basically mining.
you just pay the basic income tax from the time you get payed out Minus your initial investment.
you pay tax on the 47% Return. If you fall into the lower tax bracket, your taxable amount is almost 0% after standard deduction.
yep. so are you invested in it?
>he leaves his coins in a ponzi scheme
goodjob buddy
been dripping some BTC I get from my mining contracts.
Passive income is best way to go. Trading sucks.
It's a tumbling service. Some Alt coins to it automatically. since BTC doesn't This service fills the gap. I Imagine they charge the North Korans/Chinese/Iranians a hefty fee to clean their bitcoin. There is a huge demand for this service.
Google bitcoin tumbler and you will see it in the top results.
Ze germans coming in clutch with using my link, wonder what that's all about (it shows countries only)
anyway thanks guys, I'm glad I introduced some new investors to this site and I wish you all bountiful returns and gainz
gonna get some sleep now
This is an HYIP like literally every other one out there you dumbass.
See: gladiacoin
Literally ALL of these have some excuse to say that their returns are legitimate and they ALL disappear within about 15 months.
even if it is, which im not agreeing that it is,
its been a company, LTD registered in the UK since February, that means 8 months down, another roughly ~7 months to go
and why are you not getting your free money in the meantime? 1 cycle is 6 weeks and is 47% pure profit
I can tell you're fucking new to HYIPs.
Here's what you're supposed to do. Find about 5 new HYIPs with low buy-in amounts and "diversify" into those 5 and pull out 2 months later. Then do it again. These things disappear after a day and you have nothing.
Here's a list of 100 other sites exactly like bitpetite with better rates:
Go crazy.