Was Weimar Republic the greatest place to live in late 20's?
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How late?
Before 1929, America definitely was.
And after 1929 Weimar republic definitely wasn't!
Only if you were gay or Jewish, or both.
Do you have your wagon of 2 billion mark to by a bread with you?
>late Weimar Republic
Please educate yourself before posting.
Homosexuality was illegal and right-wing organizations hated the Jews, so I doubt it.
>late 20s
>I'm gonna pay you some money to fuck off
For all this supposed degeneracy their films were really tame.
Honestly Babylon Berlin is a good TV series about the Weimar time, but I really doubt it was much fun at the time in Germany.
It wasn't bad but it had nothing on the 3rd reich in terms of technological and social development
It was a Jewish paradise
Well, people were eating better in late 1920s. There were shortages of certain products in Nazi Germany.
In what way was it a Jewish paradise?
>supposed degeneracy t
I think thats a thing with Nazi shitheads only, spurred from their hatred for Democracy. All in all the first German republic was pretty much normal, save for shitty economy and chaotic governments. Same today, inbreed trailertrash using "degenerate" in a inflationary manner.
>it had nothing on the 3rd reich in terms of technological and social development
Bitch you better be joking regarding the social development because no matter how you look at it, economically, bureaucratically or simply by statesmanship, the 3rd reich was a complete joke.
Compared to what we have now, yeah. Back in the day it was scandalous as hell though.
Yeah, but that had not much to do with Germany and a lot with the global social changes in the interwar period.
They replaced degenerate stuff like Opium with Aryan stuff like Pervitin
This scene wasn't that scandalous and it's the only "sexua" scene in the film. Morocco was released a year before that in the USA and it contains a scene of Marlene Dietrich dressed as a man kissing another woman.
Actually the replaced Opium with Heroine.
No. I know that since stormfags always shit on it you might be thinking "I guess it was cool after all!" but it really was an impoverished and decadent shithole. You would be a poor fag begging to get a 15 hour a day hard labor job just so you can buy food while you saw the rich fags jet off to their jazz parties over the mangled bodies of homeless great war veterans and ragamuffin street urching children littering the streets.
The third reich, at least in the earlier years, is objectively superior to weimar republic in all of those respects user. Theres a reason a wave of fascism or communism sweeped across europe at that time
why would you think that?
>but it really was an impoverished and decadent shithole
You should have watched a German documentary film called Berlin: Die Sinfonie der Großstadt. It really doesn't look like an impoverished shithole.
wew lad, you're just spewing 30's Nazi propaganda 1:1. Everybody is decadent, just us is so pure and "moral".
In fact it was hard times, world economic crisis, war damages and a generation of crippled and dead men, Versailles treaties, hyperinflation, forced political transition to democracy, weak political institutions, unregulated capitalism and all the social unrest that came with it. Neither the people nor the society was any more or less decadent than any before or after it, there was just many more people who had a rough time and were disgruntled. Agitprop from both commies and fascists used this in their narrative.
Yeah, I guess the early KZ and Gestapo were fun. FUN!
Living in totalitarian dictatorship with full suveillance is fun. FUN!
Having party big shots take whatever they want is fun. FUN!
You might want to talk to people who lived under totalitarian rule before you come up with your bullshit theories.
>baww nazis!
no you child, it was a really poor and really shitty country at the time, and all the monied elite were doing was getting drunk and partying while the rest of the country ate shit. It was, in the truest sense of the word, decadent. I dont really expect much from a max stirner posting child though
who said anything about fun you retard? You guys are being so contrarian that you are trying to pretend the weimar republic was great just because stormfags shit on it. Never mind the fact that the communist also fucking hated it, as well as almost every other group in Germany at the time
You know you're doign something right
, when both Commies and Fascists hate you.
>because I say so
>it was really poor
>higher GDP than France and Britain
Totalitarian ideologies hated a democracy? It cannot be!
>Nigger-gangs of vets roam the streets either for Commies or Fascists, engaging in shitty gang wars over their ideologies.
>Nazis proceed to throw Jewish veterans of WWI in camps anyway.
>just because stormfags shit on it
but user, you are a stormfag! why do you pretend not to be one?
If you were one of (((them))), yeah it was.
I invite anyone to read what 1920s jews actually thought and wrote about the Weimar republic. They thought it was the bee's knees, more progessive than anywhere today.
The average German had to sell their children into sex slavery, but that just played into (((their))) desires anyway.
>the national SOCIALIST party was right wing
Oh user...
would not travel back to shit hole republic with my sophisticated nazi bell
stormfag, face it, you don't have the mental capacity for a strawman thread about the Weimar republic. You are like IQ 85 white trash trying to impress college kids. Take the hint and go back to /pol/
Culturally yes. The Weimar period saw a huge rise consumer culture. Cabarets, Bars, nightclubs and opera theatres were soon opened up across the country, especially in Berlin. It acted as Germany's cultural heart. The film scene was also vibrant with movies such as Metropolis setting the bar for feature length films. Outside of that....times were tough especially when the Depression hit.
>Cabarets, Bars, nightclubs and opera theatres were soon opened up across the country,
Source for his claim please, because they had this all before. Most operas in Germany likely predate even the German empire.
>homosexuality was illegal
Yes, that’s why the Weimar Republic was rampant with gay art exhibititions, theaters, clubs, bars, and brothels.
>Nazis hated jews
And..? I suggest going back to rebdit if you expect a level of discourse more your pace.
>I suggest going back to rebdit if you expect a level of discourse more your pace.
You mean like with non stomfag white trash, like a real debate with real sources, something between intelligent adults who are actually knowledgeable on the subject? Why yes, that would be great indeed!
>be random German in Berlin
>watch my city get destroyed, watch my wife get raped by Soviet soldiers
>think a-at least the based Third Reich was better than the cucked Weimar Republic!
And then watch it become the worst place live in the 30ies? Dumbass.
Yes. Most likely.
>ywn get to hear Weill, Busch and Hindemith perform irl
Why is it that the Jews constantly have to bring moral/cultural degeneracy and overall subversion with them wherever they go? Do they seriously just hate non-Jews that much?
The morals at the time were different. The Prussians considered anything that didn't glorify war to be degenerate for example.
>The average German had to sell their children into sex slavery, but that just played into (((their))) desires anyway.
The best part is I bet you genuinely believe this.
Homosexuality was illegal at that time and the Nazis did hate Jews. Those are both verifiable facts. Are you seriously saying the Nazis didn't hate Jews?
Everyone hated the jews. And with good reason.
How to spot the jew, nice
Don't mind the stormfags, they're retarded. They actually deny that Jewish babies were made into soapbars and lampshades
I mean it was more decadent than in previous times due to the very reasons you listed not to mention the unemployment.
Yes this is true. Hating Jews was a normal and accepted thing before WW2. Hitler went and fucked that all up.
There were a handful of human lampshades made by Ilsa Koch. It's actually far more retarded to believe the majority of the nation had to sell their children to pedos than to believe that.
I see a lot of people on both sides making bold claims saying there is tons of evidence...
Why not post it?
Credible sources only
And there were a 'handful' of Germans that had to sell their children into a rampant sex trade just to make ends meet.
Only difference is that one of these things sounds totally ridiculous while the other doesn't.
The first guy said nothing about a "handful." He implied the average German was letting their kids get fucked by pedos.
The musical Cabaret isn't fictional, its straight up about that time period, although they portray the Weimar period as being idealistic rather than bad.
not an argument, desu
I bet both groups would hate the total destruction of the earth and its people by gangrenous plague followed by firestorm. Must be a good thing.
I know it is all cool to be contrarian but to claim that impoverished corrupt hellhole is the bees knees because people you don't like also do not like it is well just extremely stupid
Doesn't sound all that bad desu, Jewish paradise tends to be paradise for whites as well.
There is a difference between hating Jews for stealing your job and blaming them for everything bad happening in the world.
>Bands of German students had chanted from the outset of Rathenau's tenure as Foreign Minister, "Strike down Walther Rathenau/ The God-damned Jewish sow!"
That's in 1923
>using a ragtime tune to promote fake german military prowess
nice find
>is well just extremely stupid
You mean like a IQ 85 stormfag trying to make a thread about Weimar without a single sure or clue at all?
Good white trash goy
This thread is so sad, a stormfag trying to make a thread about the Weimar republic and its alleged decadency without having any background knowledge, sources or even enough brain to just read a book.