Like many of you biztards, I'm all in on link. I think they have the best concept of any coin right now.
But I have one concern. Their team is tiny. Excluding advisers, they have a team of only two people. That isn't enough to market and develop a coin.
Brandon Howard
oh boy another link thread. how exciting! kys
Levi Jenkins
That's part of what an ICO is for
once they finish demo'ing the product they will move towards that sort of thing
Thomas Collins
Check their code base; tokens are not rocket science. The more people involved, the more messy and inconsistent the code will become. You don't need an army of retards. Plus, what they really have developed is an API for others to use.
>t. Software Engineer in Silicon Valley
Blake Sanchez
Lads I need some serious advice. I have 25k Link. I also have 1.1K Bancor, and 100K Digibyte.
Laugh if you want but no FUD. Should I sell the others amd GO ALL INTO LINK?
I could put myself at 35K LINK with currwnt prices.
Robert Powell
I just wish I was capitalizing on these triangles, but I just dont have the balls haha
Anthony Sanders
Josiah Cox
They have fucking Satoshi, even without the second scrub that would be enough developers. And marketing is unnecessary, we can do that for them
Hudson Perry
Its been in the work for three years. the product is finished
Jordan Clark
Listen very carefully to what I'm about to say.
Ambrosos wants to represent external data (food) on the blockchain.
Walton wants to represent external data (RFID tags) on the blockchain.
Ripple wants to represent external data (financial transactions) on the blockchain.
These use cases are ENTIRELY contained within ChainLink.
ChainLink is the skeleton key that makes all these projects obsolete. It gives every company the building blocks to use oracles that represent ANY data, not just single use cases like food/RFID/financial transactions, however they want.
Jason Turner
I have no LINK halp
Adrian Bell
How do I transfer my ETH from coinbase to binance so I can buy some link plz help :(
Aaron Adams
>we can do that
Powers of weaponized marketing autism?
Jordan Gonzalez
Good digits for a good post
Evan Myers
Do it, what are you still holding those shitcoins for?
Angel Diaz
Dont have to use ETH. I bought my LINK with BTC on binance
Parker Morales
I know.. but I only have ETH currently. Just unsure as to how to transfer my ETH from my coinbase account to binance so I can then buy LINK with my ETH
Jacob Kelly
too many cooks spoil the broth
Ayden Murphy
If you dont know, then you can't afford it
Jack Morales
isnt ico already gone?
Blake Martinez
Listen very carefully to what I'm about to say.
Bitcoin wants to be a decentralized payment system.
Litecoin wants to be a decentralized payment system.
Monero wants to be a decentralized payment system.
These use cases are ENTIRELY contained within ChainLink.
ChainLink is the skeleton key that makes all these projects obsolete. It gives every company the building blocks to use oracles that represent ANY data, not just single use cases like these, however they want.
Jeremiah Gutierrez
1-create an account on binance 2- go to funds, click deposit ethereum 3-theyll give u an adress, copy it 4-go on coinbase 5- go on the section where you can send ethereum to another address ( never used coinbase but all exchanges are the same) 6- paste the binance ethereum adress 7-make sure you didnt fuck up, make sure its an ethereum adress, make sure its the right address 8-send 9-your money should be on binance soon (10 mins or 20) 10- go on LINK/ETH 11-buy at the current price or set an order at a different price