The Deluge
Swedish employment of Finnish troops who were allowed to make use of the infamous Finnish violence gene without constraint.
what happened to qt Polish village girls when the Finnish army came searching for food and valuables?
Unfortunately most were probably outright killed. But if it makes you feel any better, they probably weren't raped since the violence gene is mainly associated with violent crime rather than sex-related crimes. However, if the gene was more geared towards sexual urges, we can be sure that Poles would be speaking Finnish today.
They ran away to the nearest church. As for what happened later to the Finns looking for them...
There is no genetic evidence for any rape, unless they were raped and then killed. Then again, I doubt Polish women would feel any presence of the Asiatic penis as they're used to Big Slavic Dick.
>It's a failed siege battle
>muh kd, Polish Ubermensch xDDDD
From what I remember it was because
1) some electric bogaloo, when King of Sweden won election in commonwelth, and became King of Poland and lithuania
2) it was time of little ice age, forcing scandinavians to go south so they wouldnt die of freezing and starvation
this war is pretty out there as one of the most depraved ones 2bh, it was just plunder and pyromania
Mass-murdering Poles seems to be too great a temptation to pass up for any of their neighbours.
Shut the fuck up you self-hating brainlet.
Sweden had alot of soldiers but no gold so they plundered Poland
Protestants are savages and inherently anti-European and anti-christianity
The swedes under their so-called genius king were no better than their muslim allies who pillaged and ruined the Balkans. Absolute scum of the earth, yet faggots on paradox games still think they were some talented military force
Swedes did nothing wrong
t. redditbabby
The slavshits had it coming
Why don't Poles go full migrant and invade the Swedish demanding reparations so that the Swedish men will demand their women be impregnated by these superior men from across the sea?
We hear about slavery, the holocaust, its effects on the populations economic potential for eternity, how about the moment Sweden reduced a great nation to rubble where Germans and Russians considered them to be an artificial country?
Sweden will give up reparations in the form of white pussy, they will be bred by the Poles or taste the sword.
sweden was asked multiple times to return the shit they stole and every time they just went >roflmao
still, a fuckload more was simply destroyed rather than stolen
Poles had it coming for being dicks to everyone around them.
Sweden was a poor shithole back then so of course they had to steal from richer neighbours.
Now Polish plumbers get their revenge by wreaking havoc in Swedshitstan and impregnating their blonde whores with Sarmatian seed.
epic cuck m8
Poland is demanding plunder from the era back from Swedish museums actually.
The job market structure of Nordic countries dont make them that appealing for immigration from eastern Europe compared to UK where the demand and markets for such labor are better off. In Nordics, seasonal workers who live/register in their native country is a classic way to go about it as it has clear taxation benefits.
swedish kings were basically adventurers who went beyond the sea just for muh glory n shit, that, and riches of course
they didn't achieve much though and eventually got castrated into 200 years of neutrality by peter the chad
Wait, Russia was in the war before the war started?
Polish history is just a sequence of them being genocided, stepped on, partitioned and ruled over by superior nations
inb4 winged hussars
Moscow is rightful Polish clay :)
Russia is always in war.
They are so butthurt on this board and on /int/