Why do we never see any Australian history threads?

Why do we never see any Australian history threads?

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emu memes, I know quite a bit though if you want to ask me anything.

Commonwealth History is boring af despite being great places to live.

People can't handle the banter about how the Sentinel is the best tank of WW2

they were literally trolling with that machine gun cover lmao

Australia has a history?


beat the shit out of boongs for around 200 years, had a rebellion about where the rum went, some big buy felt extreme pain when his legs got shot, put Boers in their place, got btfo by kara boga, killed some germans, fought the nips in New Guinea and Borneo, told America to get fucked because flying Spitfires as dive bombers is a shit idea, did some Korean stuff no one cares about, fucked up gommies in Malaya, convinced America to go to Vietnam so Indonesia couldn't bully us (that's a long story), did fuck all for a while until Gulf War Part One, supported Timor then stole their oil like the Anglo fucks we are, did Afghanistan and Gulf War Part 2, sent advisors to the Iraqi army for the ISIS situation. That's basically it really

I really wonder what is the most valuable piece of Australian art?

blue poles maybe, its australian owned.

New Zealand history (especially early colonial era) was interesting to me.
Also Moriori did nothing wrong

Ken Done > some gay depressed cunt

Sounds wild, wtf I love Australia now

This must be so depressing, it's shit and about 1/20th of the price of a shit Picasso and it is the paramount of Australian art.

I wonder why Australia always being a supporting character lmaooo
Nah, your history was boring as your country

Also middle east and Turkey and shit but we ain't talking about that

We have the best war criminals though

the second most expensive piece of Australian arts is a troll painting of rocks looking like balls and dicks. What a surprise.

This guy literally convinced the American government to send combat troops to Vietnam, he is responsible for basically all the American dead lol, not since Billy Hughes have we seen such mastery of international shitposting


The man should have been given a VC for his tireless actions of eliminating the Boer scum of the fucking earth

/int/ memes have ruined Australians.

How so?

>Proud for being participated in useless african war that their anglo master take part while just being a supporting character

Pathetic.Your country are a fully dead meme

>One of the only countries to outright tell Churchill to fuck himself
Don't you have to fluff Stalin or something?

We're talk about country context. Not personal people
Dumb bogan

Fuck off cunt, your argument is fucking shit

why are you so mad lol.

It's encouraged people to use their nationality as a punchline. The kind of Australians who use cunt in every post because they want to be everyone's favorite funny internet monkeys are pathetic.


That's mostly a meme you silly fuck, some people just take it way too far

what are Abos like ?
I hear they want to stop Australia day

Most of them look white as fuck and just LARP because they're 1/64th boong and get gibs for it

this guy is wrong they look pretty abo

they are like lazy american blacks but less violent, if they do crime its kinda harmless stuff like shoplifting or yelling abuse at people, they font really have criminal gangs like in america

maybe in fuckin darwin they're black but outside of the desert they're always white as snow 1/126th

>they look pretty abo
Maybe in North Queensland and the NT, the majority of the ones pushing the meme about muh treaty are barely fucking boong, hell I'm darker than some of them and I'm fucking Anglo-Irish

WA, I'm not talking about some uni scholoship people but the actual abos living in armadale and midland and stuff

>I'm not talking about some uni scholoship people but the actual abos living in armadale and midland and stuff
They literally don't matter, being from WA I'd think you'd more concerned with your totally fucked car nicking culture among boongs tbqh


>Be Australia
>lose to emus so you disguise atomic bomb attacks on their territory as tests
Even to this day this illegal act of violence hasn`t been talked about in the UN cause EMU land is still not recognized as a country


Pretty much anybody who goes there will tell you it's the most vibrant and enjoyable planet on the country.

what's an australia

A commonwealth of white settler culture overseeing a failing manufacturing economy partly neoliberally restructured (1991). Fundamentally integrated with U.K. and US capital and military industrial complexes. Has a unique labour law that has just been dismantled. This and changes to demanded rate of profit and inflation, combined with structural change in production to services and mass university education are about to proper fuck the settler working class in ways not seen since the 1930s.

Australian history is military history (including the settlement wars) and labour history.

Australia isn't a real country. It's a film set created in Burbank, California back in 1986 for the movie Crocodile Dundee. Other films have been made their like Australia (2008).
The people who speak with the so-called "Australian accent" are actually just English people with speech impediments.

I get weak from laughter thinking about Abos sniffing petrol

>most vibrant and enjoyable planet on the country

we had a shit tier centralist uprising

Anglosphere proper. Lots of immigrants on the continent like a 1:1 to australians.

A million aboriginals were genocided, literally end of the world unevolved subspecies.


Nigga that’s a New Guard (Australia’s only fascist paramilitary) meme

They were just the Stockade Rebels

>most vibrant and enjoyable.

We literally have the highest usage of anti-depressants on the planet.


In Melbourne or Sydney maybe. Go to any slightly rural town and 99% will be white.

Legalise pot/psychedelics/soft drugs. Its all this country needs.

>barbaric uncivilised wasteland

Drugs are mainly illegal so that crims can feel as though they're being illicit when they take them. Make drugs illegal, and they're going to need to kill to get their fix.

>implying those tests didn't result in the creation of Giga Emu who plumbers under the earth waiting for the right moment

>Australian government wasn't even informed of its inclusion in the Five Eyes until 1973

Australian history is one that Europeans and Americans find it hard to understand. It's full pretty much centred on local history and little stories of extra-ordinary acts in everyday life from everyday people and unless you're not obsessed with monuments, old buildings or battles, you're not gonna get into it.

We have one every couple of months anything in particular you are interested in?

Some examples and this is all up to 1914
-Entire colony almost taken over by Irish Rebels
-Bad weather forcing them to move the entire population to another island so they wouldnt starve to death
-Abos thinking Anglos were a race of women because they didnt have beards
-Having a big show down between the Navy and the Army over who would run the country
-Stealing sheep from Spain
-A conspiracy to turn the country into a feudal society complete with noble titles
-Bunch of Americans trying to get Australians to have a republican revolution
-First ever government controlled by a Labor/social democratic party.
-All kinds of shenanigans between the wealthy and the poor including ultra powerful squatters
-Conquering PNG without the UKs permission

Please, please send links for all or most of these.

Found this: independent.co.uk/news/science/modern-man-a-wimp-says-anthropologist-1802501.html

Are there any recorded aboriginal history anywhere?

please get off my island

quite a bit of politcal history desu

some oral history and histroy of white people talking about them.

Most of these I read in books and the wikis are a tadd iffy but










i got taught all this in primary school

Your primary school was weirdly gum leaf nationalist.


>convinced America to go to Vietnam so Indonesia couldn't bully us (that's a long story)

wait... what?!

care to elaborate

What years were you educated in ?

Australia also caused WW1 and 2

There was an Australian comic book artist with severe issues, he took a bunch of girls hostage, and killed one.

Is he still alive? Can we give him the Frank contract?

>Australia's diplomats in Washington told the Americans that the bombing of North Vietnam should be increased. In early January 1965 Hasluck was concerned that the Americans might opt for negotiations with the North Vietnamese. He cabled the Australian embassy in Washington to urge them to "take advantage of whatever opportunity may arise of helping to bring certainty to American policy and planning". The "certainty" that Hasluck wanted was escalation. In February the State Department said it was under "some pressure" from the Australian government to make a request for troops.
>This was a particularly cynical exercise by the Australian government because it is clear that it was quite indifferent to the survival of South Vietnam or its people but simply wanted to lock the Americans into the ANZUS treaty in case of trouble with Indonesia. The first American combat troops landed in Vietnam in March 1965. On April 29, 1965, Menzies announced in Parliament that an Australian battalion would be joining them
If you want to know more read War For The Asking

junkyard by the birthday party

legit thought this was a frame from a South Park episode

this is a whole other level of woke. thanks guy


checked. Australia and America number one allies

Moriori had it coming. Taranaki maori did nothing wrong.

Most people think Australia is cultureless and has no history but that couldn't be further from the truth. If you dig you will find Australia does in fact have a rich history. For example the VOC ship Batavia went through a mutiny which resulted in the first European building built in Australia in 1629.

This story terrified me when I was a kid.
>after a wrecking (dozens dead) on an isolated island, some mental officers decide to go full serial killer on the survivors
Need a movie.

same reason we don't see many Canadian history threads

most of their history was as a dominion and killing abos

I remember having my heart in my throat when it came to the race to the ship

kek there's literally a fucking swimming pool named after him.

Ned Kelly is the Bonny and Clyde of Australia

Australians also started ww1


Because all the Australian historians got eaten by giant snakes, birds, sharks, spiders, naked tribal bois, dogs, teddy bears, and possibly other Australians.

Thanks for this

>Australian history


my fuckign man youtube.com/watch?v=51sA2JIRvTo

creamy meme dude

Top kek

Yeah Billy Hughes and John Curtin were both based af.

Australian history can actually be really interesting, particularly the period leading up to federation and the pacific period of WW2.

Also daily reminder that the White Australia Policy did nothing wrong.

Christ, I know Veeky Forums gets triggered by bantz, but to this extent?

One day I hope to achieve such levels of shitposting

It would have been interesting had you not massacred all them Irish and North American boys in Ballarat