>study history
>becomes ethiopian nationalist
Anyone else?
>study history
>becomes ethiopian nationalist
Anyone else?
Other urls found in this thread:
>a bunch of tribes banging sticks together and destroying whatever the italians built them
What kind of "history" do these nogs have? Haha
t. mario mazetti
Literally one of the oldest countries in the world
Stupid fucking Italian
Usually funposts have no effect on me but muh sides, etc.
The Ethiopian monarchy should rule all of Africa imo
Also Yemen plus Holy Land
At least you have Broken Crescent to act out your fantasies of a African Crusader state in Egypt.
>The Kingdom of Aksum (also known as the Kingdom of Axum, or the Aksumite Empire) was an ancient kingdom located in present-day Eritrea and the Tigray Region of Ethiopia.[2] Ruled by the Aksumites, it existed from approximately 100 AD to 940 AD. The polity was centered in the city of Axum. It grew from the proto-Aksumite Iron Age period around the 4th century BC to achieve prominence by the 1st century AD, and became a major player on the commercial route between the Roman Empire and Ancient India. The Aksumite rulers facilitated trade by minting their own Aksumite currency, with the state establishing its hegemony over the declining Kingdom of Kush. It also regularly entered the politics of the kingdoms on the Arabian Peninsula, and eventually extended its rule over the region with the conquest of the Himyarite Kingdom. The Persian Prophet Mani (died 274 AD) regarded Axum as one of the four great powers of his time, alongside Persia, Rome, and China.[3][4]
Aksum best African Kingdom
btfo jews
>does not study history
>becomes meme nationalist
Stop making this thread
I unironically agree
they were semites and not black
Why are you here?
>study Ethiopian history
>realise that Ethiopia is only 'African' in the same sense as Egypt or Tunisia, but people, including Ethiopians themselves, will always lump them in with the rest of Africa because they're black
>realise that Ethiopians were worse than most European empires
>realise that in many ways post-Aksumite Ethiopians were less advanced than West Africans
>realise that the Aksumites weren't really a very impressive empire and could barely hold onto anything outside of their own homeland for more than a few years, but they were still pretty cool as a civilization
>realise that Ethioboos are fucking awful
>realise that the endless bickering between modern Amharas, Tigrayans and Oromos is completely ahistorical and ultimately the result of the poisoning of Ethiopian society with Western concepts of ethnic nationalism
>fuck Ahmad Gragn
I'm not a Rastafarian or even black but I think the Solomon dynasty was pretty cool
t.Mario Mario
>study history
>become suicidal
who else
>Study Hapsburg History
>Become Charlesboo
Who Else?
Forgot pic
Nah, Italians actually like Ethiopians
>The hymn is said to have been inspired by a beautiful young Abyssinian girl, who was found by the Italian troops at the beginning of the Italian invasion of Ethiopia.
>Faccetta Nera talks about how the black girl will be taken back to Rome and offered a new life, free from the bonds of slavery. There, the song's narrator explain that she will be introduced to new laws and rulers.
>Ethiopia is only 'African' in the same sense as Egypt or Tunisia, but people, including Ethiopians themselves, will always lump them in with the rest of Africa because they're black
i don't get this way of thinking. your definition of what constitutes africa becomes smaller and smaller the more aspects you look at and in the end you use whatever demarkation lets you say "africans" are backward savages.
>ancient egypt was african
"but they weren't black!"
>the tuareg are african
"but they're mostly not black and also and anyway real africa(tm) is only subsaharan africa!"
>the Mali empire was african
"but they were muslims so it doesn't count! everything they did was actually just arabs!"
>the traders of the swahili coast are african
"they were muslims and they had contact with other cultures so what they did, didn't magically arise out of a cultural vacuum, so it doesn't count!"
>Ethiopia is African
"they're black but they're christians and they speak a semitic language so it doesn't count, they are only fake africans and ethiopians are wrong to consider themselves african!"
>be so backwards that invading fascists free your slaves
I think it's pretty obvious from my post that I'm not calling Africans savages, I mean I specifically said they were more advanced in some ways. Mali was obviously African and only /pol/shits who know nothing about the region would argue otherwise. Ethiopia is a completely different case because their historical development is totally unrelated to the rest of sub-Saharan Africa, with a different plough-based agricultural system derived from the Middle East rather than the ploughless tropical agricultural systems which characterize most of Africa. Their technological, ideological, political and economic development has nothing to do with most of sub-Saharan Africa, but everything to do with Arabia and the Mediterranean for the past three thousand years. But because they're black people assume they have some inherent 'Africanness' which they share with all other black people and which distinguishes them from non-Atricans. People don't do this shit with Yemen and China just because they're on the same arbitrarily defined landmass, but for some reason it's fine when it comes to Guinea and Ethiopia. It's oddly reminiscent of Aryanism really, where 'inherent' similarities based on a vaguely defined pseudo-race are held to be more important than thousands of years of divergent cultural development.