Historically, what nation of white people were the most oppressed?
Historically, what nation of white people were the most oppressed?
Serbs under the Ottoman yolk.
The Jews, Irish and the Poor.
Probably some meme race no one gives a shit about anymore
Fuck Serbs
Settle down roach.
Jews are different. Their "whiteness" is interchangeable
>Only roaches hate Serbs
Serbs are universally reviled for their nigger tier behaviour
never met a Serb
t. cockroat
>inb4 >Irish >white
I envy you, I really do, they're insufferable larpers
who hurt you, roach?
Are you a moron? He's saying that you never met a Serb. Are all Turks this uneducated?
He's cockroat or probably analbanian tho
Aren't they of semetic origin and therefore more closely related to Arabs then whites?
I don't consider jews white but if you can provide a good argument I'll listen.
Everyone in Eastern Europe.
>what is an Albanian
well filth but also a creature that hates serbs
>Live in Australia
>have to deal with Serb LARPers never shutting the fuck up about SERBIA STRONK TUPAC MAKE FAST RAP shit every single fucking day for years
You'r right Serbs are the best race ever, totally not a delusional bunch of faggots at all
Most of the anti Irish political cartoons were made by the same illustrator who was pissed that yellow monkeys weren’t allowed to come and stay in droves but the Irish could.
Whiteness is a social construct. Whites have been accepted into mainstream Western society since the middle 19th Century, so they're white.
>most of the political cartoons in a weekly where done by the same person
What a surprise.
Your logic flawed.
australia ruins people, it is the most backwater, shit hole "western" nation.
>no one said Poland
Any non-muslim Balkan country under Ottoman yolk or the Poles.
Embarassing virgin posts
Estonians or Ukrainians.
Absolutely not. Catholics, such as Croats and Hungarains were much worsely treated.
>be croat
>migrate to modern day croatia and assimilate the populace
>establish own duchy, later kingdom in the 10th century
>cucked by christianity
>cucked by hungarians
>cucked by austrians
>cucked by ottomans and austrians
>cucked by serbs
>cucked by germans
>cucked by commies
>independence in 1991
>cucked by capitalism
truly our fate is the worst of all
That made no sense and you're definitely a jew. Race isn't a social construct and there is a definition of "white people" it's just as inclusive as people think and it doesn't just have to do with skin color. Also I can see how some might call slavic peoples or Mediterranean peoples white but jews really?
>roach poasters
How does it feel to be more hated than even the Jews?
are all serbs this butthurt about croats? this is sad