What are the best places to learn about the Hitler Youth that isn't just pure propaganda against it?
Hitler Youth
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Why not read their own published material you fucking brainlet? What a dumb fucking question
You see the problem is that you will probably consider the objective truth to be """pure propaganda""" against it. So what you are really looking for is bullshit tat confirms your pre-held beliefs. So probably stormfront. sage
>tfw ywn be a Hitler Youth member slaying BDM pussy on the reg because your creepy leaders want you to make Aryan kids
Are there English translations?
No, I just want unbiased facts. Not "they taught them this which is bad so they're bad" bullshit.
No wonder they were so willing to die in 1945.
You've probably peaked already if your teens were made of fucking teenaged german girls who thought the fornication was a patriotic act in itself.
You wanna try that again, sweetie?
I've got dozens of these things
Osprey - Warrior 102 - The Hitler Youth 1933-45
>recommended reading is fucking George Orwell
>A guy who never disavowed Socialism and unironically fought for a Trotskyite paramilitary
Sometimes /pol/ really makes you wonder
>a guy that gave birth a numerous concepts and terms in use in political speak today
Just because someone might have done some wrong in his life doesn't mean his works are worthless.
That would require them to have read and researched the books they are recommending and not just post it to intellectually wank themselves off.
>you can't accept that 1984 and Animal Farm are valid critiques of totalitarianism and Stalin without being a Trotskyite
Oh you can accept them as critiques of Stalinism, just don't pretend it's not literally espousing socialist thought
>Shit on anything remotely left of center
>Support George Orwell because he called Stalinism fucked
That sounds like cherry picking to me
and? The picture you're referring to also tells people to read Capital.
You don't understand how history and philosophy actually works, do you?
I'm just wondering why Marx gets a * and Orwell dosen't when he's basically the anti-/pol/
I don't understand how that guy's bizarre delusions of Orwell's books mind controlling people works
Nietzsche went fucking crazy. You're point? Even the "wrong" people can make the "right" work.
Find first hand accounts of people who were in hitler jugend.
Nietzsche comes after the disclaimer about Marxism, which Orwell supported even after his disillusionment in Spain over the direction Stalin took, it seems like a pretty important thing to overlook in the context of his works
Fuck off neckbeard
>Are there English translations?
learn German
Thanks for these
Stop crying
>a chart based on one compiled by Veeky Forums
>implying everyone (or even a majority of /pol/ has read any of these
>No Milo, Lauren Southern, Molyneux or Styx
>direction Stalin took
In general or in Spain? No difference to Uljanov (there is no 'stalinism' since it's identical to marxism-leninism).
Just because Uljanov retreated to NEP after destroying Great Russian agriculture and young industry doesn't mean he wasn't going to 'turn Russia upside down' eventually, as he wrote. Dzugasvili continued and did just that.
For Orwell the POUM getting BTFO and having to escape was a pretty big deal that all his works draw from, he wasn't an Emma Goldberg who actually saw exactly how shit the Soviet Union was in person
In the international brigades and in the activity of Soviet personnel in Spain (i.e. Chekist's), there was enough to see what the system was about.
That's pretty much exactly what Homage To Catalonia is about (the turning point for Orwell from gommie to lib com), that and the superiority of anarchist military command structures