So, how could this country, that was also struggling against white rule (alongside rhodesia and SA), manage to generally steer away from all those economic/social shitstorm that happened in zimbabwe (and to lesser effect, SA) when the blacks finally got to rule the country?
It's not that Zambia became Botswana 2.0 it's just that their neighbors are much more worse in every avenue possible.
They just didn't self-destruct themselves and the others around them did so they look like a really good country when it's just a normal state with competent leadership.
Worked in Zambia in 2013-2015.
Anyway, quite genuinely, Zambia has managed to mostly avoid the racial tensions of the rest of Africa that occurred post colonisation, some ascribe this to never throwing out the whites.
It's a remarkably interesting country.
what did you do in zambia? How does it compare to its neighbors?
Is there a lot of polution there? I read they get all their money from copper mines.
I worked for a large company that took things out of the ground.
I was mostly based in Lusaka and Livingstone but saw plenty of Kafue, the countryside, and Ndola a good few times.
Zambia generally isn't developed enough for pollution. Think of all those pics you've seen of china, but imagine instead of being ten people per square foot, it's more like (across the country) a large US red state.
Actually the place reminded me of the US a lot.
I am a bong.
The copper belt has been strip mined a fair bit, but the rest of the country not a lot has been done with.
Lusaka is a growing 3rd world city but aside from poor infrastructure is still pretty clean - labour is fairly cheap in Zambia and people collect trash to re-purpose.
I am slightly bias as I considered Zambia heaven, but I'm white and was pretty well paid.
>Zambia and her neighbours
Zambia never had a civil war and got off pretty lightly following post colonisation.
The locals said "We are just too lazy for that." Which I always found pretty funny. Not bad as there's 64 odd tribes recognised there.
It's not quite Botswana, but for a white guy Zambia felt safer than most of London.
It's doing a lot better than Zimbabwe but there's still issues with infrastructure and power for example (8 hours a day usually). There's massive problems being stored up with the Chinese influence though.
They've never had the circumstances that have created so many African dictators.
Wait so Zambia was just too lazy?
I love talking about Z so I'll try and check into this thread often if people are interested.
I really like Zambia's flag it ignores every established rule of vexillology besides the lack of text and still looks really nice
No you autist, he's saying the locals were jokingly declining to take the compliment for being a peaceful country by turning it back on themselves and saying they were too lazy for war
Well it's a bit of both really.
The locals would joke that they were simply too lazy (Zambians like beer, they're actually a lot like bongs in somewhere like Gloucester or a sleepy little village, except that's the entire country). They're just genuinely pretty decent folk, and none of the causes of war or strife have really happened there since '64 - so no famines, no massive oil reserves, and copper is stable and boring (though fluctuates in line with China so if China farts, Zambia shits a lung).
Gommunism and the other African issues never really kicked off there at all.
What else...
Well the local beer is fucking lovely stuff. Better than Windoek.
Coming from
>Mosi al tunya
>The Smoke That Thunders which is what Victoria falls is called.
Shut up. Namibia is the best African Country
Hi Namibia.
I've only visited Walvis bay really so can't comment.
There's a big Zambian flag in the OP though so you can shush and start your own thread.
Nizya kumenya mbama.
They didn't go full retard
Sa is notably better off then Zambia you retard.
Zambia never had a notable white Population at all
>and to lesser effect, SA
not the zamiba guy, but coincidentally enough my uber driver was some middle age white guy who told me he was from "northern rhodesia", which is what zambia was called pre-independence. he was born a few years before independence but i didn't get his whole story. was still strange as hell because it was unexpected
Interesting Zambia fact. Guy Scott was one of the few (only?) White leaders of an African country following it's independence.
Admittedly he was only PM following Sata dying and before Lungu but it's interesting.
Regardless Zambia had a large British colonial presence up to, during and after it's independence.
>Regardless Zambia had a large British colonial presence up to, during and after it's independence.
and it's declining heavily as more intentional players entered the scene post independence. Hell Portugal during it's colony years had more of an impact on Zambia then Britain arguably due to Zambia's need for it's east African ports and roads and rails and being one of the ways Rhodesia sanctioned dodged (there's like a fuckton of countries/notable companies that either ignored the sanctions or helped Rhodesia dodge it).
>every established rule of vexillology
this has to be bait
Its hyperbole you autist
no, redditor faggots actually believe there are settled rules of vexillology, they constantly cite them as unarguable fact in the shit vexillology subreddit
I think they took them from some dumbass graphic designer's TED talk originally
Yeah this is what I'm talking about, even though I frequent that subreddit myself.
Hopefully it's more along those lines But given how he named "lack of text" as a "rule"...
It's not that Zambia is particularly successful, it is more that Zimbabwe was exceptionally poorly run.
Man I really love to see the face of mugabe when they had a white dude being a prez elect couple years ago
Afaik when the copper mine companies underwent restructuring, they and the government had worked together to compensate the workers in form of land distribution (no not like the ones in Zim. That one was retarded).
I guess they had their heart at the right place (land is more tangible than cash and you can't really trust a poor black to be sensible with his sudden wealth), and it more or less had helped zambia being the region's breadbasket as of late, but the implementation leaves a lot to be desired.
The land is fragmented, there's no concerted effort to pool up resource and form cooperatives (or SACCOs as it is known in that part of the world) and these miners know shit about farming and there's no effort by the government to help them (except the newly built china-zambia agriculture research centre that the chink kind enough to provide)
t. white in SA with business interest with chink copper company
Reminder that GDP has increased and murder rate has decreased in South Africa since 1994
>We are just too lazy for that
That's exactly how my father describes it, he also described an attempted coup that only amounted to them controlling a radio station, broadcasting they're in charge and ended with everyone just ridiculing them.
>steer away from all those economic/social shitstorm
pardon me? Zambia has a lifetime membership card for the club of 3rd world shithole countries. With a demographic development like this you are destined to fail.
Apparently he and Guy were cordial and friendly.
He talked about Mugabe staying an Anglophile, seems like Mugabe was spurned by white society yet had a weird Stockholm syndrome relationship with Anglo society.